Post your virtual keyboards
Post your virtual keyboards
This one is the fastest for me.
There you go
The one true patrician virtual keyboard coming through.
Didnt knew that windows phone can also take screeshots
Fuck forgot screenshot.
So far only ops keyboard is good
my phone only has hardware keys. The OSK is for symbols only
fuck off phoners
>Having virtual keyboards
It's a smartphone, user. It does smartphone things.
>Botnet keyboard
How do you input text my friend
It's a BB KEYone it has a physical keyboard
>Physical keyboard
>Can't swipe
Lel. Physical keyboards are retarded on devices as small as phones.
>using swipe
The keyboard can scroll at least
It can swipe you cumstain
But only faggot use that shit
With the keyboard
If It wasn't for the mandatory IE and bing, also the low apps on the store I would have kept mine.
Had a Lumia 800 loved it.
Oy cunt
Japanese Google Keyboard for true patricians
What's the best keyboard for android?
Hackers Keyboard or GBoard
correct choice
nextapp ()
I use SwiftKey, it may be botnet but it looks better than Hacker's Keyboard.