Fine. I give up. Windows 7 on Ryzen is insanely unstable. How do I pirate Windows 10 Enterprise?

Fine. I give up. Windows 7 on Ryzen is insanely unstable. How do I pirate Windows 10 Enterprise?

Other urls found in this thread:

>she fell for the amd meme

It baffles me that you people don't know how to pirate proprietary software. I blame Loonix for this.

You can still upgrade Win7 to Win10 for free

werks fer me

Either generation2 or Murphy78 releases.
Preferably generation2 since Murphy78's a little out of date on the releases.
Normally I'd say go for LTSB but it doesn't have the latest Creators' Update. Just get regular Enterprise and use Destroy Windows Spying to eliminate all the botnet and bloat (Windows Store, Cortana, etc...) and then you'll have the greatest version of Windows to ever grace computers.


Not to Enterprise.

Don't try to tell me you can eliminate the botnet from any version, we both know it isn't true. Thanks for the names though, time to hate myself.

dumb neneposter

Why would you bother with this? You don't actually believe you can debotnet win 10, do you?

No, but you can make a token effort with Enterprise. Any tiny bit of botnet you manage to kill is system resources spared.

Of course you cannot completely debotnet a Windows release. That's like saying you want to "debotnet" your access to the internet. You simply can't.
But DWS can help a LOT in reducing it. No ads, no "Apps", no Store, no Cortana, no Windows Update, and it blocks most pings to Microsoft.

How do I activate it?

Go to this link:

download this windows 10 .iso to your desktop (it is called linux mint 18.2, just ignore that it's actually win10)

download rufus to your desktop

Plug a USB into your computer

Run rufus, mount the .iso to the usb

reboot your computer and enter the bios options, ensure you can boot from your usb

boot from your usb with the windows 10 .iso on it

install win10 (it will be called linux mint for some reason, ask microsoft why they do this)

voila, you have now escaped win7 and can use win10 comfortably

Grab it from Microsofts official site. DO NOT activate it using KMS. You are trying to escape the American botnet by... joining the Russian botnet? Yeah, nah.
Go to eBay and search Windows LTSB key, price is like 15 dollars but if you are like you can get it for 12.
Do not use any anti-win10 saying tools, that shit breaks the OS. 99% of people complaining they have issues with windows 10 is because they install that crap. If needed, install a Ubuntu on a secondary partition for "muh privacy" stuff like checking your bank account and leave w10 for games.

Smart awooposter

You use either KMS Pico or Microsoft Toolkit.
Unless you wanna follow this retard and give Microsoft sheckels AND stay marketed to in your face for not using DWS because muh boogeyman Zangief.

So I can activate Enterprise with Toolkit? I remember you couldn't in 7.

>Russian botnet

You are now a mod of /r/linux


That is the windows 10 of the linux distros you mustard fart

W10 enterprise key is 9 dollars don't be a nigger desu senpai

You don't.

It's for my proprietary software PC, I don't really care. I have ThinkPads for private shit with FOSS.

>No ads
There are adds in pro?
>no "Apps"
That's actually only good point
>no Store
How is having Store particularly bad? You don't have to use it and microsoft is strongly pushing to have their software store exclusive. You might be forced to use it at some point whether you like it or not.
>no Cortana
Can be disabled in pro
>no Windows Update
Great, now you can have your OS be vulnerable, just like you did on 7.
>and it blocks most pings to Microsoft.
I doubt that.

At the end of the day the safest way to actually block microsoft botnet is router side IP blocking, and even that is not perfect. And more importantly, this OS literally falls apart without ability to phone home. It was designed to be intrusive.

Just use the pre-activated ISO user.

Is this ISO okay?

Nothing to hide nothing to fear.
Where can I grab the ISO of this baby?

Use Tinywall. That blocks everything and you can then open up the aspects and services you do want to give access to the net.

It blocks everything!

It breaks the OS, stop with that bullshit.

>Nothing to hide nothing to fear.
Literally kill yourself.

No, grab it from Microsoft retard. Ffs.

Replace your house's walls with glass

The easiest option if you're in the EU is to just buy a key, reselling OEM keys is legal in the EU and you can pick one up for basically nothing. Not sure what the easiest/safest option is when it comes to pirating if you can't do that.

Can't get Enterprise from M$.

Can I get an Enterprise key? How much will it cost?

you first CIAnigger


Just buy a Win10 Home edition key from Microsoft's website for $110 USD then you can download the ISO there as well. Unless you think $110 is a lot of money or something, but you're an IT professional so I'm sure you gross over six figures a year right

Seems fine

>implying Windows Defender won't kill any botnet


Can't you just run linux host, and windows 7 guest in vm?

I got mine for £5 off ebay from some German seller, they're generally in the £5-£10 range.

That's more than I'm willing to spend on something that I can pirate.

Torrent it? I've downloaded it 3 times now and never had a problem finding it

Got a link to a good one?

Fair enough, but personally the £5 to save myself the hassle of setting up a KMS server and shit was an easy sell.

I never see ads in pro and Cortana is completely fucking optional in the first place. No store and no windows updates are big downsides. Why would I want to run a less secure OS that has less application options? If I wanted that I'd just run Windows 7.

You still have to set up a KMS server? KMSpico said it could do Enterprise.

It's become more unstable recently. Strangely ask at once windows 7 fucked ryzen users and Linux gained 0.5% market share that very month. Not that Linux ryzen is much better.

Yeah, that makes sense. Feels bad man

Download clean LTSB iso. Activate with vlmcsd running in virtualbox or on a RPi.

Is there a guide to doing this?

Is there any way to put the minimize button on windows on the bottom where it belongs instead of the middle?

*the horizontal line on the button

How is that where it belongs? It'd make the GUI less consistent. Switch to Linux if you want shit like that

It belongs on the bottom because it represents minimizing to the taskbar. Besides, if you really cared about consistency you'd be sperging that it's 8px from the top and 7px from the bottom.

Can I turn off those stupid info points on the lock screen?

If you value your privacy more than 8 dollars then get they key and avoid the botnet.

Just run windows 7 in qemu/kvm.

If I valued my privacy I wouldn't be using Windows 10 m8

Ehh hope you are trolling. Anyways

holy shit thanks m8

>registration required

Just fill it with gibberish

Is there any reason to take LTSB over Enterprise? They both have spyware iirc. I can control updates in both, right?

don't install that meme os

This shit won't activate.

Windows toolkit will do it. Also if you're okay with the nagging you never have to.

Use ntLite to debloat an Enterprise LTSB iso and then use whatever spyware removal of your choice on top of that after installing it.

LTSB is already debloated.

>can't choose a .ISO file as the source despite saying you can

Werks on my machine.

Will I get in trouble for watching porn on Win10?

Shit keeps freezing randomly and I get the occasional bluescreen, I'm done.

I feel like I'm giving my PC AIDS.

No if you watch good porn

Werks on my machine. Good job at fucking something up.

What are your specs?

1. Linux with WINE VM
2. ReactOS
3. Linux with w7 VM
4. Give up

There is 0 support for any 2017 cpu in win7

LTSB always receives security updates.

With kvm enabked ofc and get nearly 100% h/w acceleration

How can I activate LTSB?

Same. Oc'ed 1800x to 3.9 with 1.38v and 3200 ram Trident b die. Activated w7 pro with toolkit and using git patch to allow windows updates. Also using de telemetry userscripts. Most stable system I've ever had. Also an r9 fury nitro oc'ed to 1100 at stock volt.
How did you fuck up this bad? Try a fresh reinstall and make sure your bios is up to date.

It seems as though it may be a problem with my RAM, if I have to RMA them I'll try again with the new set.

With command prompt just like all other versions

And you guys haven't had any issues with not having updates from 2015 onwards?

U fucking wot m8? Been running this win7 ryzen build for like almost three weeks now and it werks like a fookin charm, soon as i finally get dat ssd it's going to be even smoother

Literally the only applications crashing every now and then are piece of shit nu-fox and the shittyass (((crimson))) drivers but that's it, also vlc sounds like ass but i'm making the switch to mpv anyways

Only thing i haven't figured out yet is the turbo boost thing on my r5 1600 but that didn't seem to work in win10 either

It turned out to be a RAM problem anyway, I'll try 7 again after fixing it but 10 is kind of comfy. Maybe I'll use 8.1.

Don't be a telemetrylet,
ditch 10. Fix your ram. Also I'm using all current updates.

>using all current updates
>calling other people telemetrylets
Like pottery.

>expecting someone who cant pirate win 10 to follow this instructions without brick / setting on fire something
OH the naivite

you weak cunt.

i've got fucking threadripper and an nvme drive working on windows 7..

get tha fk outa heeere with that shit, threadripper on win 7 pro is FUUUUCKING GLORIOUS

>only pro
>not ultimate
Anyway, apparently OP actually had RAM issues that he thought were compatibility issues.

>all current updates
Enjoy your spyware tardo

LTSB is subscription based

Daily reminder that if you use 7 or 8.1 to escape the botnet but have any 2015 or later updates installed you may as well just use 10 now.

Wait, whats wrong with Windows 7 and Ryzen?