Has anyone used "learncodethehardway"? I want to pick up the python version but don't want to waste the money if it's trash. i also like the fact that I can use it offline since I don't always have access to internet.
Has anyone used "learncodethehardway"...
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Zed Shaw is a well known troll. Avoid.
>paying to learn while there is a free fucking tutorial right on their official site, with downloadable PDFs and all
what is it about this board that attracts the dumbest of humankind?
That's actually not the case anymore
Bah, just look up Lynda and other sites for a learning path and download them somewhere else.
This is pretty good if you're not a brainlet.
It used to be great, but it teaches a depreciated version of Python. It's basically like learning Cobol, you are only going to use it if you are touching legacy code.
Unless he updates the course to teach Python 3 (which he likely will never do) then it's a waste of time.
We used that book in university (I studied engineering)
I was working with Learn C the Hard Way and it's pretty good desu.
If you wanna master something you should get the fatass books always, but LCTHW isn't too bad at all for a $50 investment.
It encourages you to get more hands on and problem solve for yourself, and to use flash cards to memorize stuff more.
I have learn C and I have Learning Python and Programming Python from O'Reilly, and I'd say LCTHW is shorter and more compressed and teaches through practice and experimentation primarily, while the reference books teach more through explanation and take you through stuff a lot slower and more rigorously.
LCTHW helped me understand object programming a lot, and allowed me to push through "Learning Python" a lot faster.
If you're serious about Python get a real book. But as a complimentary work, LCTHW is pretty good for the self educator.
He only teaches Python 2.7??? Lmaoooooooooooo!
Forget everything I said here. Zed is gay
>He only teaches Python 2.7??? Lmaoooooooooooo!
Yes, and he (ON PURPOSE) tries to hide differences between Python 2 and 3 because he don't want to teach people Python 3 and don't want people to use Python 3. He is like one of those guys who still run Windows 95, but only because he can't access internet on Windows 3.11
The worst thing is that Learn Python the Hard way is pretty good. It's just teaching ancient technology
haha fuck me I started trying to learn python a few months ago. I always thought programming would be more about learning logic than memorizing all kinds of little symbols and phrases to help write the code. I'll never be able to memorize all the random letters and symbols, this is insane to me. I think my life dream just died.
I went through it up to the end where you had to build that text video game. I didn't really get much out of it.
>have played video games my whole life
>got to a point where I can deconstruct how game mechanics work as I'm playing any sort of game.
>how everything is really just scripted sets of instructions based on inputs and variables, I learned this intuitively without knowing how to write a single line of code.
>finally get into video game programming and worked through the hurdle of just learning the format of how you write code and all of a sudden I could do anything
it's easy.
if you've never coded before and need an entry point its pretty ok.
I personally would go check out some of the higher rated Udemy courses if you want more than a basic intro to programing
Python 3 is AIDS, it is littealy a Mac / Applefied version of Python.
Same shills who do Apple's swift work on the Python 3 design.
What book did you start from? The giant ass o'reilly book? There isn't much symbol memorization needed to write programs.
I just wanted to learn a language that would aid me being a sysadmin which is why I was looking into python. Think I'll just look into powershell since that seems to have a higher recommendation over python.
That's pretty cool. I didn't know it was used outside of the university of Oslo.
>the experts of Sup Forums weigh in without knowing what the fuck they talk about or taking 5 seconds to search
>That's pretty cool. I didn't know it was used outside of the university of Oslo.
Haha... I studied at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) so it might be a Norwegian thing.
I'll probably buy a few of the books as well as something on powershell that way I can learn all this shit while on deployment and am without internet access.
Wow... He made a Python 3 version? I guess even Zed had to come around and use current tech. But he used to be very adamant that he would avoid making a Python 3 version. So it's not strange that the idea persisted.
I prefer learning from a book myself, I just wanted to prove that there is indeed a Python 3 version.
I don't know anything about what Zed Shaw believes or has said in the past, however a lot of people were advocating that you start on Python 2 since it's still widely used. Now that Python 3 has been around for a while it would seem antiquated to still start on 2, so maybe that was his thinking.
Well... in that case... If there is an updated Learn Python the Hard Way then I assume it's good.
Good Python books: Composing Programs, Think Python
Bad Python books: LPTHW
Zed Shaw is a hack.
I suppose his Python3 book should be alright. Just keep in mind the author has some "contreversial opinions" about Python and a lot of people aren't exactly fond of him.
Other good resources are "Learn to Automate the Boring Stuff" and "Think Python". Really, it's whatever you're learning best from.
>wasting 50$ on Zed's rantbook that teaches terrible C practices instead of getting THE C BOOK or King's book
neo-Sup Forums never disappoint
>>wasting 50$
>Not just pirating books for free
>not giving Springer, Elsveir and Addison-Wesley your whole salary
Filthy paperlet. Though yes, in case of programming books, paper makes no sense.
Do not read any LCTHW books. Here's why:
>Zed writes in a condescending tone
>Zed assumes the reader is too dumb to learn certain concepts
>Most of the exercises are typing exercises (this is the cardinal sin). Any other textbook would have you writing your own code to solve problems. In LCTHW, you just copy what Zed wrote.
Get a real textbook. Fick zed.
Use automate the boring stuff with python
>MIT OCW 6.001 teaches basic CS using python
>infinite python books on torrent
>infinite python guides/tutorials online
>python being very easy to pick up
and yet you choose zed shaw