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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.
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Copying my chromium profile from my backup location(which i was running it on while i was restoring data) no longer works.It presents this error message.I checked for any lock files in the profile, and there are none.However if i point via command line to my backup profile, it works as expected.How do i restore my profile? There are no zombie or background chromium processes.
Failed to create a ProcessSinzgleton for your profile directory. This means that running multiple instances would start multiple browser processes rather than opening a new window in the existing process. Aborting now to avoid profile corruption.
Levi Sanders
I wanna deep throat Stallman's cock
Sebastian Stewart
You're not alone.
Liam Peterson
Try creating a new shortcut or menu item or whatever you're launching it with.
Mason Cook
Is there a book I should read if I want to learn the basics of networking in Linux?
Dylan Parker
Im launching it via the command line chromium --user-data-dir=/path/to/profile/
Ryder Kelly
ok so i just installed arch linux using anywhere arch or something because im retarded and cant figure out how to install it mannually.
If you read my post you would have seen the spot where i mention there are no temp files or lock files present in the profile. Furthermore it isnt a "chromium dosent start" issue, it is a "chromium dosent start when profile is copied verbatim to a new location and gives said issue". My profile works fine on my backup drive,but when i copy it to my /home it gives said error. The profiles are 1:1 identical,the difference being the copied folder does not launch from /home
Adam Bell
I made a program using the Qt framework. It's pretty small and simple, but I haven't had the chance to test it out on anything other than freshly installed ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 virtual machines. How compatible can it be with other distro families like Fedora, Arch, Gentoo, slackware? I know it mainly depends on the dynamic libraries it links against, that's why I ship it with Qt's .so's it links against. Only libs It should depend on then are ones that are found on the OS itself, right?
tl;dr: If framework related dependencies are taken care of, would something that works on ubuntu work on other GNU/Linux distributions?
Robert Cook
Either distribute it -as binary with the necessary libs -as an appimage or similar -or just the source code and let everyone compile it to his/her own qt version
Owen Flores
Why do fonts look so ugly?
Justin Russell
You're using shitty fonts
Bentley Turner
I'm using good fonts. That's monaco-ttf.
David Cox
Just put the source code on github senpai. Let other people take care of packaging.
Parker Sullivan
>Qt's .so's it links against. Arch wouldnt use these libs, they would use system libs.
Nicholas Morris
It's a riddle wrapped in an enigma. Create a new profile.
Isaac Young
I've used the same profile for over 10 years.Not an option
Juan Harris
I have decided to install Gentoo after a year of using various distributions. From my understanding, compilation is a CPU reliant task and I think I my processor is relatively modern. However, I am concerned about overheating my laptop and given that its small form factor, damaging it. So, will compiling Gentoo for an entire damage my laptop, or not?
Aaron King
*for an entire day
Christopher Cooper
arch > gentoo
>haha dude compile every update!
John Taylor
>mfw installed all my old C&C games in Linux under Wine and they work almost flawlessly
I know what I'm doing for the next few weekends.
Ryan Davis
If you're that concerned, just do a minimal gentoo installation. Add what you need gradually.
Caleb Peterson
Is there something similar to the AUR in Gentoo?
Kayden Brown
>tfw still can't install arch
Dylan Hernandez
Yes, they are called "portage overlays". Users can create ebuilds and put them in a portage-like tree then emerge the packages as normal. They can be managed by the layman utility. Layman can grab a list from the net with a bunch of ready-to-sync repos.
Bentley Brown
Carter Wright
Got it, thanks
Jose Jones
Whats so difficult about it?
Nicholas Miller
Following a guide and typing in 10 commands is too hard
Gabriel Jenkins
You can set Portage to use less CPU. The easiest way is to lower the --jobs count in make.conf's MAKEOPTS variable. eg. if you have 4 cores, don't set it to -j4 or -j5, set it to -j3 or even -j2. Compiling will be slower but there'll be less stress on the CPU. Other option is to use the --load-average variable but it's a bit more nuanced. CPUs don't really brake if you overheat them, they just throttle. You can install lm_sensors and use the `sensors` command to monitor temps. It depends on the motherboard and its' sensors if it shows accurate info.
There's isn't a central repository, but many overlays maintained by different people. Many of them are hosted in github and you can use the layman tool or manually add the git repo to repos.conf. There's for searching overlays but I don't know how complete it is. Google/startpage/duckduckgo/searx might be more useful
Matthew Lewis
is this the new meme?
Connor Reyes
>using chromium
Jordan Nelson
Honestly I get stuck around the partitioning step. My computure is a uefi boot so that makes it a bit more complicated. I followed an uefi guide and I get stuck around the that one step where you configure the thing in the text editor. Then I have to reboot my computur but that gives me an error
Jason Clark
Uhhh, kinda depends on how it's packaged
Brayden Baker
Thats not how arch works. It would dep on each library instead of using packaged libs,thats how arch packages
Brayden Davis
Why do Linux distros all handle software installation the same way they do ? is it required by the Kernel or something ? I much prefer the Windows and Android way where you can download and install software from anywhere or use a walled repository if you want.
Jackson Gray
Package management is a million times smart and more convenient than the windows way.
>where you can download and install software from anywhere But you can do this on linux too.
William Scott
>But you can do this on linux too.
This. Just search for "appimage". DL a big file, set it to executable and run it. No installation necessary.
Carson Price
>tfw finally found out about the secret official unofficial git sync mirror at no more need to sync from sjwhub
/dev/sda will be wiped in this example and the whole disk will be used for Arch with sda1 being the EFI partition and sda2 being the ext4 root filesystem: # parted /dev/sda (parted) mklabel gpt (parted) mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 513MiB (parted) set 1 boot on (parted) mkpart primary ext4 513MiB 100% (parted) quit # mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1 # mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2 # mount /dev/sda2 /mnt # mkdir /mnt/boot # mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot When wiki refers to $ESP, it is /boot in this case.
Josiah Davis
Lucas Rogers
>old C&C games in Linux
Winfags BTFO! Who says you can't play games in Linux?
Brayden Cook
Guess people who want "just dl and run it" (((apps))) for gnu+linux don't care about that.
Isaac Lopez
I mean in theory yes. But I like being able to browse the web or store pages to find software. A lot of Linux stuff is just word of mouth and you have to know what the exact name of the thing is you want to download.
Henry Fisher
What does this even mean? You can google linux software. You have to know the exact name of the thing you want to download Windows softare.
Nathan Ward
First of all, i dont use gnu. Second, if your distro package manager isnt 50 years old, you can easily do packagenamager
And thats it, it installs it and you can run it.
There is no reason to have all these "appimages" that have the entire root folder worth of bloat libraries(which oyu already have installed on your system). Not to mention the security aspect
Sebastian Hall
link the shit with the other shit.
You need to understand, at this point, what Fontconfig is and how it’s configured. Fontconfig is the font subsystem used by almost all recent Linux software, including all GTK2 and Qt applications. Its configuration is stored in /etc/fonts. One directory, /etc/fonts/conf.avail, stores available configuration files. Fontconfig does not read from conf.avail. Rather, the files there are symlinked into /etc/fonts/conf.d, which Fontconfig does read. After modifying any of those files, or a directory referenced by one of those files, you run fc-cache -f -v as root to refresh Fontconfig.
For example, symlinking /etc/fonts/conf.avail/10-autohint.conf into /etc/fonts/conf.d enables the autohinter. Removing that file from conf.d disables the autohinter. For another example, adding a font into a directory read by Fontconfig will make that font available. I recommend not enabling the autohinter; the bytecode interpreter that is used by default gives good results.
There’s a README file in /etc/fonts/conf.d with more.
Running krita appimage is a lot less bloat than installing it from you're repositories with all the kde dependencies. Unless your already using kde, of course
Eli Morris
like for example you cannot download Tor through their website. you have use a package manager to download it. you can download the source code yourself but then you have to build the program yourself.
Isaiah Evans
Whats your point?
Joshua Turner
>like for example you cannot download Tor through their website But you can. Do you have any idea what you're talking about?
Michael King
its weird and annoying and strange
like people sell their games through steam which you can think of as a repository. but they also just sell it standalone if they are so inclined. they don't sell *standalone* that you also have to use some 3rd party setup to install.
The only thing I can gather is that you seem to be buttblasted that someone might not distribute binaries through their website even though using a package manager is faster and quicker.
Thank you for confirming that you have no idea what you're talking about. Go ahead and tell me how to install the tor network in windows without the tor browser bundle.
Aaron Myers
you click the button that says expert bundle and download it from the website.
>You'll need to configure Tor and all of your applications manually. winfags everywhere
Meanwhile on linux I can just start tor as a daemon and pipe it through anything that accesses the internet with ease.
James Lee
since android (linux) is basically unix-like like macos (basically bsd), how is gnu (linux) not unix, but bsd and macos are unix/linux?
Brandon Robinson
why do you i don't know how to use tor on linux fucktard ? nice projection.
Justin Ramirez
>why do you i don't know Wat
Angel Ortiz
Because you obviously don't.
Jose Sanchez
Thats for the help but I got impatient and installed it with arch anywhere installer. I think I might have fucked something up
I was like I dont like how gnome was really looking so I was thinking about switching to another DE. I plug in my usb and go the bootloader (I was trying to reinstall arch) And the only thing that came up was boot
How do I get access to my usb?
Jace Parker
>How do I get access to my usb? Do you mean within arch? Boot from it?
David Collins
Is there any reason to choose LXDE or LXQt?
Gabriel Jackson
No no from the bios setting
Adam Cruz
Android is not Unix, Linux, GNU, BSD or MacOS. BSD is not Unix, Linux, GNU, Android or MacOS. GNU is not Unix, Linux, Android, BSD or MacOS. Unix is Unix. MacOS is malware. Linux is a kernel.
Sebastian Bennett
To do what with it? You're fucking vague as shit
Christopher Jackson
Not really. Just use openbox at that point.
Liam Martin
>Linux is a kernel. Referencing "Linux" has evolved to be more then just a kernel, it is an environment.
Henry Rodriguez
Im trying to reinstall my os. I plug in my usb and this comes up
Bentley Lee
now it all makes sense
Adam Butler
Your shit is fucked up to hell. Dont use a shitty installer script, arch isnt hard to install, its like 10 commands for a base install. Go to your bios and change your boot priority to include the usb above your hdd
Oliver Ward
I cant access my liveusb anymore from the bios
Zachary Lee
Linux is a kernel.
Kevin Hill
>sticker on mic Subtle kek
Sebastian Brooks
So what do you call a car?
Linux is the kernel + the working environment thats built around it, no not gnushit
Jaxon Roberts
does it help?
Angel Edwards
What do I do? windows used to just werk
Gavin Price
Do you think it helps?
Levi Williams
Linux is a kernel.
Noah Hernandez
>So what do you call a car? What?
Jaxon Myers
Linux is the linux kernel plus the user environment
Is the car just the engine? Do you reference a car by its engine name only? So a ford should be called a ford 550 big block ecoboost instead of a Ford ? What about all the other parts of the car? What do we use to call those?
Jaxson Martinez
Oh wait I got it Is there an easy tutorial for the comaands? Idk ill retry
Gavin Collins
Car is the name of the entire automobile. Linux is the name of the kernel. What's hard to understand?
Elijah Butler
It wouldn't surprise me if that Arch install script fucked up your thumb drive's contents or even your motherboard's EFIvars. Don't use scripts made by some random pajeets. A honest suggestion: boot up the install you currently have, download Manjaro/Antergos and dd one of them unto the thumb drive, boot that up and install it. Use them until you don't have to ask dumbo questions here
Joshua Lewis
>easy tutorial for the comands The mother fucking arch wiki, where you should look for info FIRST EVERYTHING it has everything you need plus a fuck ton of shit you probly cant even comprehend
Gavin Evans
So you disregard all the small parts that make up ther name?
Linux is a kernel + user environment. Words mean more then what they just are.
Adrian Evans
you mean like android?
Chase Moore
Android is the linux kernel + a user environment
Gabriel Garcia
'stupid nigger' means more than an 'unintelligent black person'
Brody Green
Joshua Clark
Epiphany has shortcuts for switching tabs now
Zachary Harris
Ubuntu has a trash icon on the desktop.
Hudson Morales
Thomas Powell
If I want to have a customized linux distro with my own preferred window manager, packages, utilities etc, do I start with a normal linux distro and adjust from there? Or do I "build" my own from the ground up, starting with a kernal? (Noob here so I may be asking wrong.) If I need to start with a kernal, is there a handy guide out there? Also, do most people here "build" their's?