Why do I have to use deprecated filesystem if I want compatibility between android and windows?

Why do I have to use deprecated filesystem if I want compatibility between android and windows?

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windows works with it and Android is linux

Android should be able to read NTFS, otherwise install Gentoo and use a proper FS like ext4 or f2fs

Because windows IS deprecated, NTFS, the so-called "new" filesystem is 15+ years old, and they won't give default support to ext4 or pretty much most filesystems, because NIHS and incompetence.


Android don't support it.

My 3 year old Asus Zenfone 5 on Android 5.0 is using EXFAT, which is a modern filesystem.

Your phone is shit.


zfs is 15 years old as well and it's the top fs

APFS guy's thats all im sayin

Android allegedly supports it since KitKat, but as always you will only get it if your manufacturer feels like enabling it.


>using "it's old" as an argument in anything technology related
t. brainlet

Because fat32 is the only sane format for external hard drive.

Because is easy to implement, is documented everywhere, they are lots of open source implementations, and "proper" filesystems have permission issues sometimes.

>new filesystem
I dont remember any document of microsoft refering NTFS as New File System.
Anyways, you don't want bleeding edge filesystems, lad.

zfs is a meme and needs to die

u need to use that shit on a GPT disk in UEFI too :/

>"New Technology File System"

>he believes that NT stands for New Technology
VMS + 1 = WNT

>New Technology File System (NTFS): The native file system of Windows 2000 operating system, Windows XP operating system, Windows Vista operating system, Windows 7 operating system, and Windows 8 operating system. Within this document, this term is occasionally used to refer to the operating system subsystem that implements NTFS support. For more information, see [MSFT-NTFS].
You were only pretending to be retarded,

>believing official microsoft documents
>who is dave cutler?

What are you going on about? I'm talking about what the name, specifically what the acronym NTFS stands for. I linked you official MS documentation, it clearly states that that is indeed its name.

Well, considering that I'm talking with the retard that believes that filesystems should be bleeding edge, I thiunk this discussion is doomed.

incompetent devs afraid of changes

Microsoft should use APFS superior fs

>i know jack shit about filesystems