Mac vs PC
Mac vs PC
Other urls found in this thread:
vs linux vs bsd
>Where's my loonix
Besides that,
Two different tools for different things.
>massive faggot that can't stop sucking dicks vs leader of the free world
rly maeks u think
wtf i like windows now
Not my ceo vs. not my president.
Guess who's the Mac
Does this mean Tim Cook is PC?
>PC running MacOS vs PC running Windows
They're both PCs, OP.
Apple head vs. shithead.
>producer vs consumer
Quiet, well dressed, intelligent
loud, blows hot air, and is prone to fuckups?
Apple botnet vs NSA botnet.
faggot vs retard
Was like the Sup Forums on good old day?
a 160 iq guy minding his business versus a whiny zionist buffoon obsessed with social media
seems about right
Made up by neckbeards for neckbeards?
At least Cook can place a glass of water on a flat surface without fucking up.
oh my god i just saw that, lmao
*cue epic laugh track*
Didn't this idiot just dig his own grave by shutting down DACA? You know the thing that's going to cause like 1 million people to lose their jobs and destabilize the economy more than it already is?
The president doesn't place his glasses himself.