>invent linux computer
>still have to make youtube channel to feed kids
why is the closed source community so greedy? Can't they give him a few bucks for his work?
Invent linux computer
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i cry every day becaus of this
i can't fathom the injustice
how how how how
No one fucks with the Beardman. It's a shame...
Stale meme, kill it.
Richard Stallman invented Linux you turd.
Are you dumb? It is called Linux, because Linux Tanenbaum aka OP pic related invented Linux.
Get out you looser
I'd like to interject for a moment.
A quick Google search shoes that Linus Torvalds is the founder of Linux you stupid bitch. OP pic (Linus Sebastian) just owns a gay YouTube channel. Kill yourself.
and nice bait OP
Google is wrong on this one
someone should set up a gofundme
The truth is, every single Hideo Kojima game is real, including penguin adventure.
Linux was invented by the grand-grand son of penta (the penguin that emerged from pen pen and the princess penguin on the timeline where he saved her by pausing the game once), that was captured by the patriots and remodeled into a mecha-penguin, able to access and modify the internet at will.
The final goal of metal gear bird is to turn all computers into linux computers, but he's been constantly stalled.
I knew the illuminati were behind this
>being this new
we should fund him a drumset tbqh senpai
Linus Sebastian couldn't even install linux mint.....
but he already has a wife :^)
god is perfectly just
That's because Louis Rossman keeps beating the shit out of him after lunch
Go away newfag
>inventor of the linux computer
Excuse me that's not Ralph Baer
>he still trusts google
Really? Source plox I want to see