What are the most biggest examples of someone sneaking malicious code into a FOSS program?
What are the most biggest examples of someone sneaking malicious code into a FOSS program?
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That would be systemd
Not sure how it holds when the program itself is malicious though
dumb mouthbreathing retards that have no idea what systemd even does. Ironically you praise C in other threads when systemd is criticized for being written in C.
The answer would be Heartbleed.
Canonical with their Amazon spyware in Unity DE.
>The answer would be Heartbleed.
>but I also want halt and catch fire point of failure
woah so this is the power
>What are the most biggest examples of someone sneaking malicious code into a FOSS program?
I am waiting for your examples.
Or am I right and all you have is conjecture?
I've been trying to sauce that semen demon for years.
I really hate the internet search suggestions in the dash on unity.
>be me, retarded programmer
>struggling through database course
>group project to change buffer manager in postgresql
>my partner is somehow an even bigger idiot than me
>we go to school ubuntu lab to work on it
>I write a function called mutate.c and save it somewhere
>can't remember where I saved it
>open dash and type in "mutate"
>partner is looking over my shoulder
>pictures of female genital mutilation show up as suggestions
>partner thinks I saved nasty stuff on my university lab account and doesn't speak to me for the rest of the semester
3/10 got a b+
Kill yourself, retard.
if you search random chinese shit on github you'll find a lot of it 2bh
So good that FOSS nerds still pretend it was merely a bug.
phpMyAdmin has a backdoor for some time in 2012
what, that's not foss
BSD is most definitely FOSS.
What, were you actually implying the hackjob GUI apple stapled on top of BSD is a real project?