Will sex bots have aids?
Will sex bots have aids?
> iBot
Yes, I'm pretty sure there will be a manual aiding you on how to fuck it.
I love Aziz
gib me that sensualbot senpai
I can't wait until they make these. Does anyone know when we can expect them?
Laws will require sexbots to have the ability to consent. Sup Forumsentoomen will have to hack their waifubots or else they'll be cucked by chads
>says software
>uses fictional hardware to compare
spotted the linux user
will sexbots have some sort of ai and a similar rules of social interaction as humans do? If that's the case, will gentoomen ever even get to fuck a qt 3.14 robo gf? Or is it a matter of sticking an usb stick to the bot and somehow altering its social interaction system with malware?
Mechanophilia protip:
>Camera eyes
>human replica face.
Nah femnazis will bitch that sexbots are inherently sexist and need to be banned because more and more guys will stop giving them attention and would rather fuck Cortana instead
link to song?
Holy shit.. iBot is transvestite, while MS is old (like 40+ years).
Your penis has been locked.
We "russian haxxxrs" demand 1BTC sent to gsWJNDEJKNMSDSF or the shredding routine will start in 1 hour. Sending pics of the scene to all your contacts and stream online.
I'd say soon after the roll out of a robot workforce
Then we will get consumer grade robots to do all our chores and sexbots
Currently loli dolls are illegal because they supposedly encourage pedo's to have MORE sex with children.
So I wonder how they will pretend both are true.
Meanwhile this is allowed in Nintendo games and no one bats an eye
A better analogy to Linus' saying would be apple being an expensive escort, microsoft a back alley crackhead and Linux a girlfriend.
Azis - Mrazish
That doesn't really make any sense. Anyone can download and install Linux, but most people can't get a girlfriend. Linux is for everyone, girlfriends aren't. Honestly escorts would be closer to Linux in terms of availability/access, but they cost money...
>but most people can't get a girlfriend
The absolute state of society. If you spent half the time you do with Linux you can get a girlfriend, that's the base of the analogy. Time invested is proportional to quality.
We'll you don't have to spend money but you have to spend time.
Wouldn't Linux be closer to a slut that will let anyone have her for free, and even let people do all kinds of freaky shit with her?
here you go
I'm 33. Will I still be alive when sexbots are available ?
no, but they'll have ads.
> tired of that unwashed crotch smell?
> try improved anti-fungal Amiprozole cream
meanwhile this is allowed in MMPORGS and no one bats an eye.
>I'd say soon after the roll out of a robot workforce
we already have a robot workforce.
meet mai waifu.
Me too
You kill me and i kill you . ok?
>I bot has a dick
>you catch a virus from the Microsoft one
>you forget your password so you can't use sudo to have sex