Tfw you fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme

>tfw you fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme

I didn't, but that's what I recommend for anyone using Windows 10. If it's Windows 7 or a heavy version of Linux (like Mint), I recommend 8gb. If it's lightweight, than 4gb should be fine.


>be me
>have 4gb ram
>its 95% in use by chrome
>fuck i need to buy more ram
>get 8gb ram
>its 95% in use by chrome
>contemplating to buy 16gb now

I had 16GB when 8GB was the meme.
get gud

This >use archlinux + openbox
>its usally at 1gb ram
>never goes higher than 2gb ram
>mfw even 4gb was a meme


>tfw too far into the meme to back out

>tfw fell for the 32GB of RAM meme in 2011
>tfw people always complaining about browser memory usage and i'm like "whatever man, as long as its under 20GB"

I got 4gb of ram on my laptop. Waterfox is only using 623.7 mb, and I have 7 tabs open. Meanwhile, Chromium pushes my resources to the max.

unused ram is wasted ram, enjoy your performance issues

True, but when Chromium is causing my system to hang, sometimes to the point that I need to hard kill the laptop, despite replacing the sound card, the motherboard, and the CPU within the past 2 months, then that's a problem.

that sounds like an isolated issue. I've had to run Chromium on a mid-2000s netbook with 2GB RAM and it ran youtube and similar sites fine with 5-6 tabs open

Lightweight linux runs fast on 1Gb RAM.

8gb @gamerig i5.
Never more than 3gb usage (5gb maybe on games). Never more than 5-6 tabs on Chrome cuz miuh autism.
Fell for the meme.
Ram usage still the same: Only light improvement on BF1.
Now what?

>tfw someone told me you'll never need more than 4gb but i shoot for 16gb anyway

I would never claim that it isn't an isolated issue. It also might be the extensions I have on, because Brave doesn't seem as resource-heavy, despite being chromium based.

Is 8 GiB the comfy zone? It's not too much like 16 GiB but it doesn't make you a RAMlet like 4 GiB

>not having 512mb ram + 32gb swap

Unless you are gaymen or VMs Rodeo I don't think you will never (citation needed) need more.

It is, I'd say we wait til next build to get 16gb

how do we have this many posters on Sup Forums who don't understand ram

>tfw you fell for the 92 GiB RAM meme
Should of gotten 144 GiB desu

>not using ram disk for swap

>tfw fell for the 16 GB is enough meme
>it isn't

That seems counter intuitive

I didn't know ram sticks were measured in gigabits

>tfw 4GB RAM club.


gib = gibibyte, gbit = gigabit

you fucking inbred

just like you're moms pussy xD

l2metricprefixes, nigger

Fucking Chrome. My PC actually froze up last night.

So does chrome use as much ram as will help it run faster, but never goes so high as to cause the system to have less than 5% ram, or will it continue to use up to 100%?

I know what you mean, I made that mistake too.

>poorfag cares about shit like this

16GB is still gayman pleb teir (which is 90% of Sup Forums). If you do any kind of workloads then 16GB is the absolute minimum you want. Even the 32GB I have isn't enough when I'm rendering and I can do with upgrading to 64GB. Been using a RAM drive too as it's useful for writing large temp files frequently.

>Implying /g does any actual work

I have 64 GB.

fuck off

>tfw 2gb of ram
Haha faggots

I once had 10 gb of RAM.

>Using GiB

>tfw never worry about memory about chrome using too much memory

>I have 6GB
I don't know what is going on.

>not just using your phone with 3 gibs of ram

lol? nerd much?

>keeps using chrome
>on Sup Forums
I want reddit to leave

> Having enough money to afford 16GB
> Actually fucking using 16GB because doing actual work with a couple of virtual machines instead of only using a browser to ((browse)) the interwebs with my Sup Forums fagottry

Who the fuck cares anyway how much ram you have or need, imbeciles