Python confirmed for archetypal firstworld language

At long last, conclusive proof that literally everyone who hates Python is a dirt-poor pleb living in a mud hut.

why is Java so fucking high? You make CRUD software with it. Also, you make games with C++, why is it too low?



>be python programmer
>import everything
>never really learn basic concepts
>use stackoverflow for everything
Really.. makes me

python would be ruling the internet if not for javascript that came first

>muh gaaaaaames
Grow up.

>spend less time reinventing the wheel
>spend more time creating new shit instead

Feels good man.

C++ getting BTFO

>Create new shit faster than it runs

You've never been employed, have you?

C/C++ and Java are both nightmares when it comes to dependencies. This is precisely why new businesses avoid using them for anything unless they absolutely have to.

It's probably an effect caused by high schools and universities teaching Python, where dumb students go and search everything on SO rather than solving a problem themselves. An increase in question views means that the language audience is getting dumber.

>why is Java so fucking high?
1. Android development
2. mountains upon mountains of existing enterprise code
3. universities that use it for teaching - note the shape of the Java wave; it drops off midway through spring (i.e. end of semester), then rapidly picks up right before autumn (start of a new academic year)

>actually get work done.
i did my programming labs i know the basic concepts fuck off some of us have real jobs.

>3. universities that use it for teaching - note the shape of the Java wave; it drops off midway through spring (i.e. end of semester), then rapidly picks up right before autumn (start of a new academic year)
They need to knock it off with this shit.

People push it for political reasons.

We all know Python is the fucking cat's titties m80. Anyone who says otherwise is either baiting, memeing, or an assblasted Javacuck

Repeat after me

So it helps that Python is taught at coding bootcamps and recommended by others to start with?

Until Android Oreo.

i guess ppl are happy to maintain your stuff.. i imagine you like it yourself alot

My uni changed from teaching Java to teaching Python as the first programming language

Makes sense. It's a lot easier to start off teaching people about functions and variables instead of starting with objects and working down. Also it's a lot easier to set python up.

>either java or python must be taught first, there are no other conceivable options
Please try not to be so aggressively dumb.

You just described all high level languages.

C# doesnt force you to use classes, you can just code into your main function and ignore them till you understand the basics

My code is fucking perfect the very second of conception, dude.

Your opinion on any matter is worth less than dogshit.

C# can be a pain to set up for your average CS 101 student. Also you can basically do that in Java too. C# is also microshit and therefore bad.

Check what Karlie Kloss promotes, it's a Python and Ruby bootcamp. I wouldn't doubt most use Python as a first language as it's easy to learn.

Python is used for research. That covers more people besides programmers. Also, Python is almost pseudo-code

>implying you maintain any of libc, glib, or boost
>implying bikeshedding over low-level implementation details in FizzBuzz is the same as maintaining a high-level language

>Number of question views graph
>Java on top

Seems about right for that bloated pos. But yeah, people should just let it die already.

There are plenty of games made with Java, just look at Google Play Store.

Oh well if Karlie Kloss endorses it, that must be a great idea.

Do universities not start with C and functional programming first anymore?

>it's popular among first year CS students so it's good

yeah, great line of logic there, real swell, convinced me

I don't do CS, so I don't know about them but at my major (biomedical engineering) they changed from java to python

because the code monkey army has to be segregated


>She needs to join our startup

>why is Java so fucking high? You make CRUD software with it.
Some people still can't comprehend that 90% of the internet that people actually use is CRUD apps
Everything is a basically CRUD app if you let Javascript (oh look it's way up there with Java) or some mobile app handle data processing on the frontend as is the current popular method.

It just have the reputation of 'stable, secure' web services, migrates easily and is platform independent. Modern stuff like Rails and Django may look interesting at first, but it doesn't build what most bigger enterprises really need: an abstract, robust machine that handles data flow and record-keeping, and on top of which web services and frontends are built

a lot of people like python's syntax, and i never understood why.
to me it feels like a step in the wrong direction, like, "hey, let's make c-style but less verbose because it'll be easier" even though most of c's syntax was pulled out of some guy's ass and barely makes any sense, it just happened to be verbose and simple enough to work.
for example, the 'for' keyword needs to have it's "arguments" surrounded by patenthesis as if it were an expression that you could evaluate, but you put multiple expressions that will be evaluated multiple times in them. what the fuck?
i mean, they make you use semicolons anyways, because you need to seperate them, but what a stupid idea! on the other hand, go (which i'm really only using as a 'syntax better than c' example, it doesn't matter if you like it or not) has 'for' without parenthesis and with optional arguments, in a fairly sane way.
go's for statement gave up not very much verbosity, and it gained simplicity AND ease of use, from optional arguments and the lack of parenthesis respectively.
i personally don't really agree with the way they did the optional arguments but the idea matters more than the implementation here.
you could even call them removing 'while' good for simplicity, i don't agree with that either, though.
all the while, python basically made traditional for loops second-class and made theirs into a ghetto 'map', which i'm sure most people can appreciate as a stupid decision.

..all that said, i think lisps and stack-based languages are fucking beautiful, so most people take my opinion as a shitpost by default.

Why can't dumb hipsters just leave python and ruby alone? Stop ruining my comfy languages


almost spot-on parody of a typical Sup Forums "expert". it lacks poo in loo

fuck off frogposter

>study python
>only cause I want to learn C after that
>start in codeacademy
>i don't remember anything

great so now you can graduate AND not know how to do anything useful

Codeacademy is shit, use a book instead.

enumerating everything wrong with python is a masochistic endeavour

It likely is because they're not trying to do the same thing over again themselves in a bizarre new way, but instead use only the recommended proven good methods of doing it.

Only on Windows with MSVC. NuGet help a lot though.

it's made for people completely new

I find it very pedagogical, but I digress.

how do you figure?

it will probably kill php eventually as it's more powerful and can be used in more ways.