Adnauseam general

remainder to install google killer

run this script every day

>set clicking on ads to "sometimes" in adnau settings (important)
>disable other ad blockers and script blockers
>run script in separate browser
>do not use chrome
>spread the holy word

and watch them die

Other urls found in this thread:

>send your IP to trackers so that they can make money off you while you think you're fighting the system
OP is retarded.

proof of work here, costing google 5k in shekkels

>make money off of you?
and how exactly do they do that shrekleberg, by targeting me with ads?

By tracking what sites those ads were served from. Giving insight to trends and your browsing habits. That data can be sold to a wide variety of customers.
Mainly targeted content(where the content is the ad), and stock traders.

use the script in the main post,
> What does it do? This script opens 2 tabs in your browser and automatically searches the top 1000 keywords for Google Ad Sense on Google. Google Ad Sense is the Advertisement service google runs.

pic related is a section of my browsing history using the script.

Then your IP gets filtered, and you've wasted bandwidth for nought.
You're dealing with automated systems user.

oh no, if only there was some way I could reset my IP address....
Also, what do they do when I go to a public wifi and do this?
What happens when I go to a college university and have this running for 6 hours while I study/go to class?

Yes user, you're smarter than the whole of google. The service that was able to get me to aborted fetus porn in under a tenth of a second in 1998, because of their ability to make algorithms.

thank you for recognizing my genius.

Post screenshots of your banners

Please zoom them in so that I can watch them closely

I am a fetishist

jesus fuck! I'm still at $400.
do you have clickrate set to 50%+???

Post banners (graphic ones)

I do, helps lower the chance of detection. Sometimes clicks are worth a lot and sometimes they aren't. I suggest changing the keyword source on the script, or by clearing out your advault.

OK! Just checking. I also set my rate to below 50% so they can't filter me out easily.
I feel better when I browse all those shit sites that get linked on here. kek

Post banners, faggots


I've already seen this

ooh well fuck you've got em cornered now.

good job buddy.

>What happens when I go to a college university and have this running for 6 hours while I study/go to class?


Literally nothing.

This is pointless.

Post your vaults with the banners zoomed in

you guys use google to search? tim down to only using google for captcha and youtube, and any tips on how to curb those would be appreciated

How do I know if my IP is blacklisted? Is it permanently?

>you guys use google to search
Nope but I send random requests to them.

>Protects users against search data profiling by issuing randomized queries to popular search-engines. Please visit for a detailed description.

I still don't understand how this is supposed to work.
If I browse without an ad blocker, my browser loads adds, and I don't click on them. No advertiser gets any money from me.
If I browse with an ad blocker, my browser doesn't even load the adds. No advertiser gets any money from me.
If I use adnauseam, my browser loads the adds and also the pages they go to? No advertiser gets any money from me.
So adnauseam costs them a tiny bit more bandwidth than a normal ad blocker, at the expense of making my browsing slower (because it's loading all the ads in the background?). So I guess the target here is the deals site have with advertisers, but only the ones that pay per click. Since the total amount of money going into the site-advertiser system stays the same, the best something like adnauseam can hope to do is make them change a single number in their contracts to account for the new percentage of clicks that actually buy things.

Long time you're lowering the value of the ad which lowers profit and making the data worthless

>If I browse without an ad blocker, my browser loads adds, and I don't click on them. No advertiser gets any money from me.
Wrong, they track your migration from site to site to create a saleable product.
>If I browse with an ad blocker, my browser doesn't even load the adds. No advertiser gets any money from me.
Correct, a good adblocker block trackers from doing business.
>If I use adnauseam, my browser loads the adds and also the pages they go to? No advertiser gets any money from me.
Wrong, they get more money than is you solely used an adblocker.
They way OP and the other shills want you to use it is to get you to waste your time by being picked up and black listed.

But why do more clicks lower the add value?
Suppose there's 1000 visitors to a site. 500 of them don't have an ad blocker, and see an ad. 50 of those click the ad, and 5 buy something. The ad got 5 widgets per 1000 visits.
Now the 500 with ad blockers switch to adnauseam. 1000 people visit the site, 1000 see the ad, 550 click the ad, and 5 purchase a widget. The ad still had the same final performance.
Sure, it will confuse the guys looking at the metrics at first, but ads ultimately make money from people purchasing things (or by installing malware and then stealing credit cards or something like that, but the same analysis still applies). I guess the extra noise in the data will make it harder to judge which new ads are good or not, but like other people have pointed out, the ad networks will likely have ways of filtering out people like this.

Can I be put on a government watch list for running Ad Nauseum? What if it clicks on fucked up shit?

Relevant xkcd:

yes, yes you can.

hello jewgle

hello guy that claims this works without any evidence.

If anything this makes google stronger because google, unlike all the other advertisers, know how to spot and eradicate fake clicks.
They refund the money advertisers pay beforehand so they don't lose any money either.
Extra idiot points for those running this on bare metal and not on a VM; you are risking getting a virus or some nasty malware by clicking all that shit.
This has to be a google employee doing his work.

If I was Google, I would actually invest in AdNauseam. Not publicly, of course. This is an excellent way to dominate the market even harder and stomp out the competition. All you need is to fill the internet with more white noise which others will have trouble filtering. Google, with its machine learning, won't.

The only people who can really fuck over Google are so called blackhat marketers. They are real pros. To generate fake clicks, they have an arsenal of sophisticated botnets and they often use malware on normies' computers. They're not volunteers, they have a strong financial incentive to click-spam their competitors. AdNauseam is baby-tier. Google has seen it all before. It has fought click wars for more than a decade.

Those refunds you keep talking about do not even come from AdNauseam traffic. They come from professional blackhat botnets that imitate user behavior and are only detected post factum. AdNauseam doesn't even load the page. AdNauseam follows primitive, easily recognizable patterns. AdNauseam traffic is filtered immediately.

Do you think that amateur AdNauseam fanboys are smarter than blackhat gurus? I don't think so.

Here is some insight on how Google battles them. This is from 2015, before AdNauseam took off.

So, what do we have in the end? Google's competitors who use outsourced pajeet coders make heavy losses, advertisers just flock to Google because it's the one who can combat click fraud best. Google strengthens its monopoly. Wow, what a victory.

The only thing AdNauseam really does is playing into Google's hands. I am pretty sure the thread is full of Google shills who promote AdNauseam to kill competition and advance their "anti-hate speech" agenda. Every AdNauseam shill can be declared a Google shill at this point.

Oh yea, have fun passing your real IP address, location and ISP each time an ad is clicked. You are truly doing a good goy's job.

Some user wanted these. Opera 47.0, Manjaro 4.9.44-1-MANJARO

kek, look at this:

no data available?

>no data available?
Works fine for me.
Congratulations, google has already filtered you out of their services.

that means im not, an licked like $16k worth of ads :^)

Russia is behind this attack. Should've known.

>When Russians are less censored than US citizens

i didnt know google is from russia


Mhh, I like this... But it's probably non compatible with pi-hole. I'll have to pass, but I would love to see google scrambling to start the arms race.

LOL so your clicking ads?? all that does is give google money LMAO

>all that does is give google money LMAO

It make adds useless and takes away google's revenue in the long run.

Damn those Bulgarian tits

Is the logo supposed to be a dick?

Its a fingernail pressing a button.

Yeah you're making gooogle money, but eventually the prices will crash because more people are clicking making them worth less

and who will continue to pay for these ads when they dont work?

kys op, we don't need another general, especially not for this placebo pile of shit.

>not just subverting google by degoogling entirely
Shiggy. Please just use Brave and Qwant. I don't want you guys to be economic terrorists.

>please just ignore the problem, dont do anything about it.

Does google really blacklist an ip or do they just not count the clicks?

it isnt, I mean you could configure your mobile devices to be the only ones using the pihole as a dns server and allow whatever is running adnauseaum to bypass it.
or you could install adnauseaum on your pi

This adnauseum crap is unsustainable. Apparently Google already knows about it. They're either going to van your asses or develop algorithms to circumvent it. It's hopeless in the long term.

Neither, they just make you solve captchas

fucking how? This is just an addon you install and run in the background, how is that unsustainable?
What will google use to circumvent it? How can they differentiate ad traffic, and even then, how will they tell their customers "you got 10k clicks but all of them were fake sorry, please pay us 20,000 for those clicks :^)

If you set it to always click, they can tell if a bot is doing it, that's why you set it to sometimes so it will appear more human

Kill yourself stop posting this shit, no one wants to get infected thanks to this bullshit that all it does is make google even stronger

Fuck you jewcuck

The google shill is scared

I'm only making this post to spite you and people like you, I wouldn't have bumped the thread if not for you.

>Co-initiatior Helen Nissenbaum

Thanks but i'll pass

The "invented by Jew" meme is the most pathetic but surprisingly effective attempt to drive anons away. Jews, Sup Forums's biggest enemies

Either use an anti-google extension or keep dealing with even bigger jews. Pick one.


Sup Forums uses adnauseam, the ones who say it's a jew scam are google shills. Google is trying to get everyone to stop using this before the early 2018 chrome update that will come with an adblocker that will deprecate the need for all other adblockers. Google wants everyone to use their adblocker so they can ensure nobody will try to mess with their soon to be total monopoly on advertizing

more like made google 5k and they refunded $500

Still lowering the value for ads and that number of money lost can be much higher since adnauseam can't know the value of each ad

The company pays per click so rather than 50 clicks yielding 5 sales now they pay for 550 clicks which still yield 5 sales.

Then other companies use that to renegotiate terms and pay google less, or stop using it entirely.

good luck
maybe in 5-10 years you'll have made a dent in google's ad revenues

Anyone has a vault full of banners?

Post zoomed in screenshots, pls

stop using google services, use an ad blocker and get rid of the cookie

Two browsers already have removed it from their store

you sounds like a google shill asking for these things, just run your script and fuck off

is that supposed to be a sign of progress?

That's a sign they find it a genuine threat

Stop larping and show me your banners

I'm sure you haven't even launched AdNauseam and are just a larper

if you ran this script you would know you get only text ads you fucking google shill, kill yourself you fucking faggot

I need just banners


>clicking adds || stop using google

>ill click ads

Zoom in, please

They think they can own the internet
Google must die

>Google detective trying to locate your IP with the collection of ads

No thanks