What search engine should I use???

What search engine should I use???
I really don't want to use any of the major ones cause they're all cucked i.e. Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo

And I really don't know any else, please suggestions Sup Forums??

>inb4 shill
>inb4 Sup Forumsfag

they're all botnet, might as well go with the one that's open about it

searx, it's open source

Honestly though, reduce your dependence on search engines, they encourage echo chambers by their very nature. Only search if RTFM doesn't help.


Been using startpage for a while
Pretty comfy desu


If you're too lazy to actually go there, Qwant.



-cookie-less settings saved via a password which can be shared to multiple people
-funds multiple foss projects

mainly its anti monopoly from google without sacrificing or compromising with search results accuracy



Preferably your own self hosted instance.

DDG is my preferred browser, too, but I'm not going to pretend its the most private of search engines.

I used to use bing for the rewards. Stopped using it because I keep forgetting my user/pw when I clear my cookies.
Just use fucking google

If it was, you were still using it. Don't lie to people.

>Not using keepass
Kill yourself.

I support white male privileges.

Use yandex nigger.

I never stated such.
It's merely the lesser of evils without much compromises.

There are better options for privacy but you lose search accuracy and convenience.

Some will suggest Searx but that's honestly useless unless you host it yourself and it has to be offsite or it has your IP quering.

You'd need a external server with a DNS proxy setup correctly.

DDG allows me to combat the monopoly with less resistance and is easier to present to normies.

.01 ruble has been added to your account gomrade.

He didn't give you his cryptocurrency address yet.


Я нe мoгy cкoнфигypиpoвaть этoт блядcкий яндeкc, чтoбы oн мнe peзyльтaты пoиcкa выдaвaл нa yandex.com и нa aнглийcкoм, peдиpeктит блядь нa yandex.ru, вecь интepфeйc пepeключил нa aнглийcкий, нo кaк, чтo-тo ищy, пoиcк cтaбильнo нa pyccкий caйт oтпpaвляeт. Хoтeл в пoддepжкy нaпиcaть, нeтy ни фopмы, нихyя, oдни faq. Taк чтo нy нaхyй. Пoльзyюcь bing.


the only two acceptable choices.