What is the Sup Forums opinion on Jobs?

what is the Sup Forums opinion on Jobs?

underrated genius




prefer neet

>what is the Sup Forums opinion on Jobs?

Fuck no

Greatest salesman of our time.

Overrated narcissist.
Seriously. He actually threw a tantrum when Apple was assigning numbers to all their employees, and Wozniak got #1 instead of Jobs. He sperged out and screamed and said he was "SECOND TO NO ONE" and forced them to let him take #0 instead of 2.

sounds like stallman memeing the Ganoo in GNU plus linux

He did jobbed here and there, but nothing on the scale of vegeta.

people say he was an asshole but he was pretty cool to let Woz ride his coattails

Yeah he also started crying after he was told that the fan they had in one of their computer designs would make some noise

Did he made Apple great? Why is it so comfy?

>tfw it will never be 2010 again with Jobs BTFOing the entire stagnant smartphone industry with god-tier industrial design

>implying yamcha wasnt the biggest jobber

a very successful computer salesman that didn't trust modern medicine

The work of a jobber is to paint a villain as something powerful and fearsome.
And well, defeating yamcha is not exactly that much of an accomplishment.

Basically he was the only one willing to risk constant lawsuits and HR issues by raging and yelling at people when things didn't meet his high standards. Apple has lost that and compromised over the years but I'm sure it's much better to work there now

Post-Jobs Apple

The most character an Apple device has had in a long time.

>tfw you’ll never get to experience 1997-2004 Apple again

His successful leadership will echo through the Apple campus for the following decade. He was the most innovative man who could take risks, not some Chinamen who sells phones for non-profit so they can seize some marketshare.

A dude who was smart at marketing, but literally retarded when it comes to being a decent human being or when regarding medicine.

You misspelled "exploit the fuck out of Wozniak's talent while fucking him on the money".
>obligatory Atari/Breakout story

Don't have one.