what's the difference
What's the difference
Not sure but I think the license is the difference
Both are shit compared to microsoft office
one is dead
OpenOffice is cucked as it can't merge new features from LibreOffice, while LibreOffice can incorporate any features from OpenOffice. LibreOffice has thus more features is the go to office suite for freedom.
One is being developed actively the other is abandoned
>you have a job or you own a business
you use microsoft office
>you are a neet with too much time on your hands
>you care about muh free software
you use open office
I used libreoffice for uni work and had done just fine.
my work uses OpenOffice, it sucks shit
excel can't be replaced.
sure it can. excel does graphs better and is more polished, but that's secondary.
If you have a job that involves the use of Word processing software in any capacity, your job isn't worth shit. Power point is a different matter because people still think it's useful for video meetings, but nobody fucking writes jack shit in Word.
Communication takes place via email. Documentation takes place via internal wikis and git. Real work is done with code editors or hammers, depending on whether you're in software or hardware.
it can be but excel is the best piece of software microsoft has ever developed
>open datasheet provided by large company
>see pic related
OpenOffice == Apache Abandonware
LibreOffice == Good office suite
Microsoft office has been shit since they replaced 03 with 07.
The only reason that MS Office 03 is still better than Libre Office is because MS doesn't follow the standards they published.
One is outdated and full of security holes, the other one is LO. Basically Excel is a piece of junk, even for what it's made.
It's easily the worst piece of MS Office.
t. someone who used it regularily & abused it to create an application in it
The actual content of that datasheet was written by actual engineers somewhere else. All they did was hire an overpaid "technical writer" to gussy it up for publishing.
>Microsoft office has been shit since they replaced 03 with 07.
This. I started using OpenOffice in 2006, switched to LibreOffice later in 2011. Office 03 was excellent and perhaps the best office suite ever made, with proper UI, not symbols.
>MS doesn't follow the standards they published.
What standards are you referring to?
why oracle such a bunch of fuckers
You don't get money/sex/attention for being nice.
None, they have something in common though. WPS Office is superior to both of them.
>literal Chinese botnet infested with ads
What's the difference between these two?
One has more new features and crashes.
One is stable, but not plebian stable i.e. severe outdated.
Open office is dead.
>the worst piece of MS Office
That would be VBA by a few miles.
5.4 is a bit buggy, but has more functions
5.3 is stable
I use Office 2016 and Libre Office. They're basically the fucking same, except Office 2016 has better features, like when writing math equations you can actually use a pen tool and it uses OCR to turn your writing into the symbols. Also the Data Analysis tools in Excel.
>That would be VBA by a few miles.
Technically VBA is its own component, but I guess they don't ship the SDK anymore as people realized you can download better interpreters for free.
>when writing math equations
Who in his right mind would use anything but TeX for math?
Why would anyone both learning some new language when you can just write in the equation?
Loads of idiots still rely on excel though. That is the real killer.
This. Don't remind me how many morons manage their CSV GIS files in it and then complain about data losses due to Excels retarded assumptions.
In order to ensure that shit like in your pic does not happen.
It doesn't even correctly recognize what you have written.
OpenOffice is owned by Oracle. That's the first and only ill omen you need to run the other way.
In light of this, everything else is negligible.
Are you retarded? It recognizes it perfectly.
Technically the /n-1 bit is not inside the root in what you have written.
Yes it is... The entire equation is under the root symbol.
Technically, the "/" line should be at the level of "=" for it to make sense in the first place.
OpenOffice is niggerlicious
Oh your serious?
OpenOffice is abandoned and Libreoffice has a very good team.
MS office is laughable
Excel is better than calc. I admit it, even though I am a Libroffice user. Impress also has some basic problems that makes me butthurt but it can be saved. Otherwise, Calc is shitty.
Inside the programming area you're right. But other areas of science use it a lot.
I am quite inclined to believe so.
It's quite good. But needs has a long long long way to go before be able to compete with MS and Libreoffice.
This. But I use only Libreoffice.
Katie Jordan appears to also be an Numerical ecologist.
You are retarded. The formula is correct. Fuck off of here pajeet
A couple of years.
What's wrong with excel for non-coding tasks? Seems fine to me.
Costs money.
Install onlyoffice
>MS office is laughable
NEET detected
This is the power of proprietary software
>Both are shit compared to LaTeX