What's your excuse for still using Android?
What's your excuse for still using Android?
Because I want to.
because im not poor
>wanting to appease disgusting consumerist pig sluts
wew lad
Yet another display of American """culture"""
kind of indoctrinated into the Google ecosystem as it is, and I'm kinda autistic so I like the ability to customize shit to my liking. Plus I like the back button.
iMessage is retarded. Instead of using your unlimited SMS plan by your carrier, I will use mobile data which is most likely limited.
because I can make custom ROMs
Android? It came installed with my 'smart' phone, and I'm couldn't care less to invest anytime on replacing the OS on something I use maybe once or twice a day.
The only acceptable custom rom is CopperheadOS.
A character is only a byte tho
I don't live in burgerland and I like having a file manager on my phone
The whole green bubbles thing is almost exclusively an American thing, why?
I'm a pajeet
that's literally why byte has 8 bits
>texting in 2017
No. It's a paid campaign by a marketing company. It's not real.
because europeans use messenger-apps like WhatsApp, telegram and signal. Germany is really set on WhatsApp, it is almost unsettling how many people in my contact book use WhatsApp as a sole messenger.
Dumb question, but what do millenials use in place of SMS?
Are you really thay retarded to think a messaging platform sends data in plain text without any handshakes or packet header data?
>nu-Sup Forums
In Europe? Primarily Facebook and WhatsApp.
This, I just use whatsapp and messenger.
Can't even remember the last time I worte an SMS.
Facebook Messenger
"Instant" messaging
Whatsapp is a good example
Nothing better for the moment.
Because they're no such thing as iOS OSP
I actually use sms mostly, also WhatsApp because that's what literally everyone else has.
it's exclusively a preteen american thing
also: whatsapp and shit being the "default"messenger in other places
In China it's ... uh, was it WeChat / QQ / Weibo?
USA also has facebook but I think it's more Snapchat or Instagram than WhatsApp.
>What's your excuse for still using Android?
poorfag & brown. life sucks.
Those are also text or an even tinier amount
Not being a millenial. Also because I'm white.
Same in netherlands. Literally everyone uses it.
I use Windows Phone.
Imessaging must be very insecure to allow their data to be sent in plain text like that!
Hint: It's not. And that data is hundreds of thousands of bytes in many cases, especially factoring in multimedia messaging.
>nu-Sup Forums
i use both iOS and Android
both have their pros and cons
What are the pros of iOS?
What are you going to do when Microshit phases out W10 Mobile?
I literally never see an ad
Pure black theme on amoled
Install and play anything I want
*if you use it as a dumbphone and don't update
Because I'm not of the homosex
Pick up a surface phone.
>Oh, your one of *those* types
>assuming MS won't abandon its mobile line of products entirely
This is why you buy an iPhone instead, it's the most widely supported device on the entire planet.
>It's not real.
>hur hur how does marketing work in the 21st century
>unironically believing these are all paid shills
it keeps shallow skanks away
yes they are.
that's marketing 101
get out newfag NEET
Lineageos is good too.
Redpill me on it please
>year of our lord 2017
>still using SMS
>current year fallacy
It's a viral marketing campaign targeting thirstskins and it's extremely effective for younger men.
>Instead of using your unlimited SMS plan by your carrier, I will use mobile data which is most likely limited.
You do realize iMessage is the only reason we have unlimited texts in plans nowadays right?
If it went away, so would your free texts.
I'm not an autist unlike pic related in OP.
Because majority of normies working 9 to 5 jobs use texts and phonecalls as main way of communicating. Honestly if you DON'T use sms or emails in 2017 it simply means you're some nu-male unemployed faggot.
Bullshit. I live in southern europe and for years iPhones weren't even on sale here, yet we did have unlimited text plans.
and replicant
Shut the fuck up centrist, pick up a site or GTFO
I'm getting the new iPhone soon. Can't wait to be rid of my LG G4. Even flashed iOS emojis to it.
It will pair nicely with my MacBook Pro that I bought for college as well as the Apple Watch I plan to buy for Christmas.
>fagOS emojis
please no
How old is that
Plus, my i Mac i plan to buy and Apple TV
This literally doesn't happen anymore.
I like them. They really grew on me with my MacBook Pro.
I have a ChromeCast (first gen), and I hate having to reinstall Chrome every time I want to cast something (can only cast tab if I want sound), but airdrop and Apple TV seem really neat.
I call bs on that.
In France, we've had unlimited text plan years before iMessage was a thing.
American women are the scum of the world.
I get more pussy with my Kitkat phone than any of those people get dick with their iPhails.
ipads are shit.
Why would they though? You do realize they've been in the mobile game longer than Apple?
>implying the lad didn't text himself to make this shitty thread
Do you honestly hate women so much that it stops you from thinking? Then again, if you hate women, chances are you don't think at all. It must suck being a low life loser.
>You do realize they've been in the mobile game longer than Apple?
Which means absolutely nothing without any profit and a dozen of blunders
Lol no you don't. Why lie on an anonymous Canadian textile board?
Many reasons why one would still use Android. But for me I switched to iOS and I like it
Well, I figure if you can do it, why not myself as well? :^)
Why should I need an excuse? Apple is a disgusting piece of shit!
>cave in after refusing facebook, whatsapp, etc. for years
>install whatsapp
>whatsapp wants full access to your contact book
>refuse to work if you don't accept, can't input manually an username or phone number
it looked like malware so I uninstalled it
>less than 1% share in the phone market
>has been neglecting its mobile users since last year
Are you retarded or something?
>he messages people
please go/staygo
Shut your mouth negro
It signifies it's an important market for them to be in.
Not everything is purely about profits babe.
what's your excuse for fueling the surveillance state by walking around with a tracking device like dumb cattle?
fuck smartphones
Fair enough :^)
Security my dude
plus your os isn't made by a fucking ad agency
Because it doesn't offer me enough value to justify the much higher cost compared to an average mid-range Android phone. That doesn't happen for me with Macs, for example - I'm willing to pay extra for those because they're vastly superior to PCs.
Also iOS 11 is adding a cop mode, so you press the lock button 5 times and it won't let you unlock the phone without putting in your password, so cops can't force your finger print on it to unlock and search your phone.
Based Tim Cook.
Literally the best Android feature. IOS relies on sensible app design in order to allow you to return to the previous page.
Never rely on sensible app design.
>can't see past his own nose