Is it true that Microsoft copies files from your hard drive?

Is it true that Microsoft copies files from your hard drive?

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I don't know.

Yes, Windows copy files when you issue a copy command

i doubt it, im sure they can though... but if they got caught really doing this i believe their stock would plummet. not sure if it's worth it for them.

Windows Defender can send random files for """analysis""" by default, other than that it's just speculation.


The only files it "copies" are the ones you purposefully upload to OneDrive to use as a cloud sync.

Is it true that you had your brain surgically replaced with a pile of dog shit?

tl;dr Yes. Yes, it does.

Fuck, does this mean that the OpenBSD project does the same thing with ssh?

>Is it true that Microsoft copies files from your hard drive?
If you bother to read the EULA you'll see that MS reserves the right to read and/or copy all and any files accessable on your PC.

oh no my operating system knows what's on my hard drive

my windows actually doesn't have any idea what's on the Linux partition, it's a retard

It can't even read!

>it's a retard

just like you

Just last night I tried to transfer my Windows 10 Pro product key to another computer. I signed into my account from the old computer, copied the key, and shut down. I then downloaded what I thought was the Windows 10 Pro ISO and installed it. After reboot I logged into my Windows account on the NEW computer only to find I had installed the Home edition and I couldn't transfer the key. "Fuck it. I'll see how it runs after I install some drivers." Install drivers, reboot. My wallpaper from the old Pro computer magically appears on the new computer. WTF?

They keylog your computer, the data breach is going to be fucking amazing when someone gets access to all those files.

this is now a botnet horror story thread
want to troll Sup Forums so I'm making an image
google image "Windows logo" copy paste
google image "macos logo" copy paste
google image "tux" and send before i realize tux is pretty vague... every image returned is the penguin. they knew i was making an image making fun of Linux users and didn't give me a single tuxedo picture

they are trying since 1995 tho

now they'll totally be blasted!

I don't know, just review the source code.

How is this legal...wouldn't that have thousands of copyrighted material files on their servers?

Microsoft are our piracy peers.
Major kudos to them.


wangblows can't read ext4, or luks containers

Not only that, but, can you imagine the cost for collecting, storage, and processing all of this crap?

>signed into my account
There's your problem, account have options of backing up your settings and personalization, dumbo. Just use offline account if you have no need for cloud and MS services.

>piracy peers.
I nearly shat when I decided to watch the traffic on my Windows 10 computer. I wasn't aware that updates are basically torrented from other users (unless you change the setting). I thought I was being hacked.

They're just getting us used to decentralized networks so we move away from NSA infiltration.

I don't see how the two are related. Why don't you read the BSD source code and find out?

Unlicensed Wangdows doesn't get personalizations, does it?

If Windows Defender is on it sends files to Ms but stuff like pics videos documents etc. e.g. personal data it does not. If you have another AV installed it does that in the place of defender. Stuff you put on your OneDrive gets also sent to Ms. That's it really. However, according to their EULA if threatened from entities like goverments they can send any personal file/info about you to them.

any of you know if a program such as Spybot anti-beacon (only one i know of) really works and can it prevent "keylogging" by MS?

Just don't type anything anymore. Problem solved

Keylogging can be disabled in settings. You'd also need to disable Cortana.

How do you know?



Still do, as long the email is entered and password is stored and used during sign in. Unlicenced or non legit wangblows doesn't matter. Offline account exists for a reason.

>I thought I was being hacked.
The line between Windows as a service, and being hacked by the botnet, is becoming very blurred indeed.

This, some friend even has its obs settings synchronized kek

All those pretty flat buttons in your closed source program will stop your closed source OS from spying on you.

Also, it sends files involved in a program crash. This was in their privacy policy.

I'm surprised Windows went so far down the drain. I took a look at Windows 10S. it's a locked down version of Windows that won't let you install program that aren't from the Microsoft app store. that is unless you pay 50 and upgrade to Windows 10 pro.

nothing really, you either need to whitelist shit on the router/hardware firewall or condom the os in linux

Other than Microsoft sending your files to the botnet, nah, it's fine.


My employer gave me a windows 10 laptop

So you know that it won't do it for the user. You have no idea if it can do it or not. Welcome to the world of proprietary software.

It doesn't work.

No, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were sending the hash of every file on your HD back to MS HQ.
