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Schuckster and bilker keeps talking.

I'm guessing more of a space-race-esque scenario, but with more countries involved.

>oy vey don't cut off the tap to our H1B workers
WW3 comes once the west disintegrates into tribalism due to the fact it flooded itself with incompatible immigrant populations in unmanageable numbers thanks to people like Elon who have no appreciation of social cohesion. Utopian obsessions with singularity miss the fact that half the world's population and growing aren't online and won't ever be. They have no desire to progress socially or technologically. They want resources the old fashioned way and when they are numerous enough, they will have them.

My opinion is that Elon Musk is an idiot. He says stupid shit, and gets credit when it comes to pass, but its forgotten when its wrong. His companies have only succeeded, to the extent that they have, by virtue of him being able to throw lots of money at them, and his ability to persuade gullible investors to throw more money at them.

AI will not cause WW3. Worrying about Skynet dooming us all is just his latest obsession, like the man-on-mars multi-planet-species bullshit was six months ago.


Why can't I get 30k likes for saying stupid things

you can do that on Sup Forums. Like that guy on Sup Forums who got octs with the "plz be my ai gf" post, he got thousands of (You)s.

There is no such thing as "AI". "AI" is impossible. If you're talking about searching/filtering algorithms that rely on human goal-definition and input to work, why call it "intelligence"? If I create a sieve with openings large enough for sand to fall through, but too small for stones, is the sieve "intelligent" or the process one of "intelligence"?

that requires a lot of luck though

You can actually though. Just start a twitter account with a "personality".

nigger actor fraud is lying again.

Theoretically, a very sophisticated IA can improve it's intelligence exponentially over time until it becomes higher than human's.

No. He just wants you to meme a robot war for him.

No, it's not theoretically possible. It is theoretically impossible because it's based on a category error.

can you elaborate?

I'd trust China or Russia over the flood of third world niggers trying to infiltrate our county. Godspeed

That he's an idiot for buying the retired NUMMI plant instead of building a plant in a right to work state, all his bitching about unions could have been prevented if he actually looked at what he was getting himself into

Whatever we mean by intelligence in the various contexts we use it, it is never meant to mean sequential operations on discrete data, which is the only thing a computer is capable of. That's something that computers can do much better and faster than humans, but you wouldn't worry about automobiles surpassing human intelligence on the basis of their capacity to move through space faster than humans.

Can we please just ban Musk threads?

That retard dosent even know a single thing about technology let alone operating a business that dosent make massive loss on permanent basis.

>tips fedora

Ah, a fellow red pilled patrician, I see.

USA can't even agree on the number of genders while china is crushing AI and genetics

I, for one, welcome our new killer cyborg overlords.

someone post the picture of the spook chasing him

just bee urself

The people who can't agree on genders are currently empowered by this flood of slave immigrant voters who will eventually devour their political party and turn it into a tribal mess. Even Salon wants to back away from the identity system they helped to create, but it's too late and that's now how humans work. You can't just tell them to stop. It's all they know.

AI is such a trivial concern by comparison. We're decades away from the kind of breakthrough that would make a skynet scenario even remotely plausible. And yet here we are listening to billionaire neoliberals complain that they don't have enough migrant code slaves to keep their furnace cooking at 100%, threatening the world with nightmare scenarios of what could happen if le bad guys in Beijing or Moscow get to it first.

at least got 3 likes thanks guys

Musk is a great businessman but he should stop trying to sound like a messiah on tech issues.

He's sort of right I think, but it will be the development of the first truly effective quantum computer that could kick WW3 off.

so great he can't even turn a profit with massive government subsidies

This is a pretty well known bug in the psyche - we ignore or gloss over lies, unfactual stuff etc while paying attention to the rest. It's why people still read horoscopes

Russia or USA win.

China is Jewish and shit and souless. They cannot be allowed to win. Wars between Russia or USA would ensure a Chinese AI victory.

Con-artist who preys on brainlets.

Can't wait for when China will take other the world. They don't give a shit about frivolous thinks as people genders or other leftist bullshit like that.
Suicides will skyrock and it's a good thing.

I don't doubt that he's a smart guy to have accomplished everything he's done so far, but him being so worried about AI definitely undermines his intelligence. Acting like a beta scared bitch causes loss of respect and skepticism over competence.

>AI less of a concern than political distractions pushed by polisci fags desperately trying to stay relevant

There won't be politics or even identity sooner than you think.

Elon Musk is so fucking dumb

Engineer's Disease. "I know a whole lot about X, therefore my opinions on Y must be intelligent, surely Y is much like X."

Game theory and related algos were already used extensively during the cold war in both sides.
i.e.: the soviet doomsday machine

Is there an actual term for that? It's so damn common on all social media platforms.

Normies actually think a city on Mars is feasible in the next thousand years (I don't think it ever will be).

>le ebin singularity
Cargo cultists pls go.

Google already won the Ai race.
They're just not doing much with it(Atleast not something we know).

Maaaan you don't know how far the US defense department can go, they have the budget and if they think they need a city on moon or Mars they'll probably make the gov spend few trillions to make it happen.

It's feasible today, the question is will it ever be economical and socially acceptable to fund. That answer is probably no because the public is increasingly disinterested in space due to wild demands for more social welfare and the economy is only growing due to monetary inflation.

Energy, water, air and even building materials.

Which of these do you think is feasible today? Make a small base for a handful of people would be doable at great expense.


Yes, that's the point. At great expense, hence the economical and social will part. I don't get why people get anally fixated on misidentifying "it's possible," with "we can easily do this."

As I said, there's no will or willing money to do it, so it won't be done. But if you had someone who said it must be done and billions to throw at the task, it could plausibly happen. That's all I'm saying.

There are a million things that could go wrong even if you tried which would cause catastrophic failure, but the same can be said of most space faring activity.

Engineer's Disease is just what I heard it called in an article once. I have no idea what other terms for it there are.

AI safety is a real concern but I don't like Elon Musk so he's a big dumb nerd who should shut up.

He's just a Gen X faggot who acts like a boomer.

Our esteemed leaders - the corporatocracy that has gripped the western world in consumerism and degeneracy - have set themselves up for failure.

Their monopolies beget stagnation and decay rather than competition and survival. The bureaucracy is more interested in its own survival than that of its people. The corporations and banks want lower wages to fuel unsustainable growth and unlimited usury which shackle the people with misery. The shadow-government wants total control over the individual and seeks to divide and conquer domestic groups against each other, to prevent uprising or revolt.

In their effort to tighten their grip, they're weakening themselves. They've weakened themselves by design, because a weak people can be easily conquered - but their own power stems from the power of their people. Our shepherds have long lost their sense of responsibility and see themselves as merchant butchers, their flock nothing more than a resource to consume and use up for the profits necessary to feed their heroin addiction.

Who here amongst us is willing to fight against Russia and China? I could not care less about them. It's my own government that is more dangerous to me than the Russians or Chinese ever will be.

Soon enough it'll be illegal for me to even say what I have in this post. We'll have western gulags and western NKVD will sprout and bloom. Everywhere you turn will be propaganda that nobody believes, but you put on the airs of it lest you disappear in the night.

And this time, I know the US elites will choose nuclear armageddon where the soviets picked social collapse.

this is straight out of my motivational pictures folder

Entirely because the profits are immediately reinvested into the company to expand business and production capacity.

Not that you would understand what any of these words mean, fanatic.


I've watched enough anime to know WW3 is going to be over who makes the first time machine

>he's so good at business he can't make money

Too bad US government think "tech are for nerds" cutting funds for R&D and STEM schools. This is why companies need H1Bs for survive.

why do people hop on tencho meme mans dick so hard

All of it is feasible. There is nothing preventing us from being a star-faring civilization colonizing the solar system except will.

People don't want it. They want free healthcare and welfare without taxes. They want to go to school to get a job without paying for it. They want to have their cake and eat it too. Better to spend all our money on cake than to build a farm and gather food for winter.

My opinion is that this is a problem for the future generations beyond the years of my lifespan, therefore I will not waste my energy caring about such shit and will instead focusing on continuing being a serial rapist of both women and men and enjoying life as it is.

>Entirely because the profits are immediately reinvested into the company to expand business and production capacity.
Tesla's books are a matter of public record you ignorant cock-sucking greentarded fruitcake. He's not "reinvesting all his profits," he's not making any profits at all. His expenses are greater than his revenue. The only thing keeping the company afloat is literal subsidy payments from the federal government.

Leave it to truly brainwashed idiot to defend corporate handouts for billionaires while the greatest income inequality ever seen is taking hold in the country.

>le ebin musk always loses money but its all part of the plan meme

why do people fall for this

His marketing team tells him what he has to say in the morning so he's in the news by the evening.

More likely causes of WW3 or nuclear war:
>North Korea
>Middle East
>Chinese Civil War
>Russian Civil War
>Indian Civil War
>US Civil War
>Chinese expansionism
>Russian expansionism
>EU expansionism

>solar system

You're not the brightest match in the box, are you? Star Trek is not real you pedophile.

>The only thing keeping the company afloat is literal subsidy payments from the federal government.
And gullible VCs with more dumb money than they know what to do with. Don't forget them.

social media marketing

He's partially right, but there's nothing anyone can do to prevent it from happening.

Just like the atom bomb, the technology exists. If we don't develop it, others will, and we'll go into history as the suckers who preferred not to fight.

AI is coming, whether you like it or not, so we'd better go along and get some ourselves.

>muh conpuracy teeree
No nigger, it's the same process that every other fat-cat has been using since the gilded age. You convince the govnerment through lobbying to prop up your business and they do so until someone raises enough of a stink to make the subsidy go away. We've done it for big pharma and big agra for over a century. How is this news to you?

Turn off the Fox News and read a fucking book about how the upper class operates. Try Chomsky.

"AI" is just a dog whistle for automation. The only thing to come out of it is the super rich getting richer and the poor and destitute being left worse off.

If he wasn't making money he wouldn't be in business.

Unfortunately, you suffer a mental disease that prevents you from accepting reality: Musk is making money and then spending it, rather than letting it sit and do nothing. I doubt you'll ever be able to escape the mental delusions you've trapped yourself with.

As an aside, virtually every major corporation and business in the world receives subsidies from somebody - in many cases far in excess of anything Elon's companies have ever received. It's a wonder that individuals like you can claim in one breath what a welfare queen Musk is for accepting government contracts, yet in the other state that we need to prop up our oil or agriculture industry to keep it competitive or maintain prices for the good of the economy.

To a fanatic like you, there is no possibility for Elon Musk to do anything good. You've already read the scripture from your parish, heard the sermons from your pastor. Elon Musk is Satan and everything he does is Sin.


everytime this guy is posted i wonder what would he be doing if he didn't immigrate illegally to the US and never escaped south africa


We should change the H1B system so that the highest paid H1B visa holders get first dibs: If you want your H1B visa holders to get into the country faster, you need to pay them a higher wage.

Let's see how much longer H1B visa abuse persists with a sensical adjustment like that.

>If he wasn't making money he wouldn't be in business.
Neither would the military industrial complex, but we don't just assume they're making money legitimately either. They're corporate welfare queens.

You need to brush your fucking teeth user, I can smell the corporate cock on your breath a mile away.

>this is what teathuglican conservashits actually believe
read a book you inbred retard

Elon musk is an overrated cunt. He's not a visionary of any sort, he gets free money. A lot of people could accomplish big things with free money.

The poor and destitute will at some point simply be culled. Why expend resources on all these people who contribute nothing?

The last thing you ever want to be is a consumer - a parasite.

>North Korea
China activates sleepers and all its forces, and North Korea turns into Chinese province overnight.
Nobody cares about that radioactive shithole.
In fact, the more ruined they are, the more Ukranian prostitutes for the rest of us.
>Middle East
Irrelevant with the decreasing significance of oil. Once we have abandoned them, they will start their old tribal wars and Shiite-Sunni wars, and wars with Jews, none of which the rest of the world gives a fuck about.
>Chinese Civil War
Han Chinese constitute over 92% of Chinese demographic, and the hybridized multiple-system policies of China stabilize the very populace to such a degree that most discontent gets erased via migration to the agreeable zone, while even the biggest protest recorded as of yet didn't even constitute 0.001% of the Chinese population (Western Media attempting to make something out of nothing is as worthless as punching air).
>Russian Civil War
Russians too lazy for Civil War. That age has passed.
>Indian Civil War
1 in 5 people in India are Muslim, and Muslim and Hindus hate each other with Sikh in the middle too, so this is your most valid and close-to-war post yet. But nobody cares about them enough to make it a World War.
>US Civil War
KEK Closest thing to a Civil War you will see is Latino gang wars or Latinos trying to ethnically cleanse blacks
>Chinese expansionism
>Russian expansionism
Chinese is a more valid concern if they hit India.
Russians however are too slow or lazy.
>EU expansionism

They haven't been culled in a long time though and it's making the earth shit itself.

>The poor and destitute will at some point simply be culled
Making others the poor and destitute. There's no end to designate "poor and destitute" since everything is on a spectrum and you'll simply set the bar of whatever metric you look for higher once the bottom is cleared out. And once it has been established, it will be repeated when the next problems occur.

I don't think that will be the scenario, and if it is, nobody would be as foolish as leaving the nuclear missile defenses under total AI control and without at least 10 layers of physically and electically isolated sistems to launch them.

I would be more concerned in a more plausible situation where AIs can (and are) effectively implementing filter bubbles, restricting the information people can receive, and thus enclosing people in their own opinions, where information which contradicts their perception of reality is not only undesirable, but even illogical.
This polarization will (and currently is) make people become more violent, as their mindset only meets only positive reinforcement, be it right or wrong, because, hell, we all hate being wrong.
Think in Plato's Myth of the Cavern, but instead of big press corporations of XX century think in these AIs as the ones projecting the shadows on the wall in this century.

And about automation, it will be our only chance to sustain a population that will grow more slowly at this century. Every population growth projections shows that population for all countries will reach a maximum somewhere this century, and then slowly decline. Population will age and there will be fewer people to sustain an ever growing number of retired people. I don't count on a big war, famine, disease or natural disaster to keep our numbers below 10 billion, but a mix of nihilism and economic crisis, as we will feel less and less useful on this planet, automation accelerating that process; all while our current system of debt-backed money is doomed to explode in a time interval of 2 decades.

What will happen afterwards? Only God knows. Future will be in parts exciting, strange and scary.

The EU will collapse under the weight of both their own incompetence, and the incompetence of their true rulers. It's already happening, and Trump has already tried to pivot the US into Eastern Europe as damage control to maintain containment of Russia.

Unfortunately, he is not getting much slack to actually carry out any of what he needs to do. Congress is too slow and stupid, and the deep state is too myopic to fall in line.

Russia and China are, at the moment, allies of circumstance. They'll be at each others' throats as soon as Anglo hegemony is defeated. I can't say there's any good direction for the US right now, but the best chance may well be pulling out of global affairs, feigning incapability, and watching/waiting for Russia and China to expend their resources against each other, rather than against America.

A geopolitical retreat because the US has been outmaneuvered and outnumbered.
It's what any good general would do. Don't fight the river, flow with it. Retreat, lull the enemy into complacency, entice him into pursuing you onto your own turf, ambush and annihilate his vanguard, then counter-attack and annihilate his survivors.

You'll have to take that up with the psychopaths in charge who see everything in Machiavellian undertones. Mass genocide isn't something I endorse, it's something I predict.

>EU expansionism
Ask Russia. It's their biggest concern.
>muh warsaw pact states prefer going to someone with money

>Most likely cause of WWIII

Elon Musk has a company that develops "safe AI."
Of course he wants you to think AI is dangerous. Put two and two together, man.

And this. Time is become short for USA to stop being an Empire and pretending to be the geopolitical police of the world. Their external debt due to military operations around the world will crush them if they don't do something and start right now.
They can't pretend everybody will go along the Petrodollar forever. Russia, China and Iran are openly challenging that standard, and FED needs to lend more banknotes in order to be able to keep US economy on wheels.
If they start preparing now, the backlash won't be so violent and the US has some hopes of not ending up in bankruptcy.

>Mass genocide isn't something I endorse, it's something I predict.
Well, easy there Nostradamus. This happens indeed all the time. No need to predict something that ubiquitious.
You called it the culling of the poor. For regular psychopaths, they are a way to valuable ressource. They prefer to cull their neighbors.

Raising living standards and higher cost of maintaining children has been the most effective way of population control anyway.

>Muh Warsaw Pact states are all pulling out as soon as cucked ex-colonist Westerners tried to push colonization guilt and migrants upon countries that had nothing to do with colonization and don't want filthy migrants dirtying up their streets
>few that had ambitions to enter EU are also pulling out because they don't want EU forcing migrants upon them as they are fucked up enough as it is
Fixed that for you.
Also populism may not have won the war these past 2 years, but it is undeniable that populism has suddenly arisen (not out of nowhere or for no reason) and is slowly seeing increases in numbers, and losing battles doesn't make the massive enough percentage of populists go away.

EU is fucked if they keep taking 3rd world cultures in, because the majority of non-imperialist and non-colonist nations don't want, don't care, and have no responsibility towards shitskin diarrhea, and half of them had enough contact with Ottomans that Pigfucker Allah is not welcome out of historical reasons.

Russia doesn't care about Europe insomuch as Russia correctly recognizes Europe is a paper tiger ready to collapse with the smallest nudge.

Putin couldn't have asked for a better environment to instigate civil unrest and revolt for crippling Europe than their own genius plan to seed European nations with millions of Africans. The individuals who came up with such idiocy should have their entire genetic lineage and legacies ended. Putin need do absolutely nothing: Europeans leaders put the hangman's noose around their own necks without him having to lift a finger.

I can only imagine how fucking hilarious he finds it.

His real trouble to the west only comes from Eastern Europe, who are neither stupid enough to trust him, nor stupid enough to sacrifice their national cohesion for the sake of temporary political control and economic growth. If we see new world powers rising in the coming century, I'd bet my life savings on Eastern Europe being amongst them.

>three laws safe
oh lawdy dis gun be gud

I was writing a post to explain why you're retarded, but got lazy.

You're retarded.

There's an excellent commie techno album about that.

I just hope the AI give global coup.

No please, tell me more about Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality.

I said more specifically that it would be culling of consumers.

If you are effectively a parasite on the elite - you produce nothing, only consume resources - then you, in the purely darwinian sense, are useless and need to go. And WILL go, as soon as resources become scarce and those in control gain the means to cull.

Anyone excited about the prospects of a guaranteed basic income is a fool. GBI, welfare in general - it's a trap, at it's best it's a way for the elites to control people. A psychopath doesn't get rid of the pawns that are useful to him, and in truth it is as much the pawns who control the master as the master who controls the pawns. However, people on welfare are not useful. They don't produce, they only take.

A pawn that does nothing but weaken you? You get rid of it. It's a parasite. If you're on welfare, you can probably look forward to conscription - for labour or war - in your future.

This is also fundamental to how Europe is killing themselves. The mass importation of Africans only gave them millions of parasites. I don't know who tricked the European leaders into doing it, but it's a supreme indicator of utter incompetence. Western European leadership will not outlive their mistake. They're dead men walking and they don't even realize it yet.

>Russians too lazy for Civil War. That age has passed.
As of now we are heading straight for Third Chechen War this time with whole Caucasus Region involved.