Noone said there wasn't good FLOSS graphic design software, but there's no good image manipulation software that isn't Photoshop. They're different things.
ps those icons look like shit
Lets be honest. Sup Forums. The tool you use to make a product doesn't matter, as long as you are competent enough to make it work. The file extensions are pretty much universal these days.
Dude, show me icon's you've made.
Inkscape isn't that bad and receives new features but it's still crippled by trying to formulate the toolset strictly around SVG standard rather than letting the user himself to choose the limits. It's just a principally wrong approach that's totally out of place in graphic design software.
>le epic i cant critize if i cant do shit maymay
Those icons looks fine actually, you probably have baby duck syndrome
>those icons look like shit
that's not even a criticism lmao
That's not professional design
He makes $75 a month at it. If you're getting paid you're a professional.
I'm not sure if lemonade stands count as restaurants
What's with this kiddie flat design?
If I were looking to hire the first thing that would come to my mind is
>"Wow, this guy is an amateur. No thanks."
>kiddie flat design
sometimes i ask if people think before they write here.
Of course you can make high-quality web graphics on Inkscape and GIMP, but you have to put more effort in finding longer workarounds for features that Photoshop and Illustrator have had for years that you can do in a cinch.
I have used all four of these for years. The only reasons I would use GIMP and Inkscape over Photoshop and Illustrator would be if I couldn't afford the Adobe tools or if I'm on a Linux system.
Compared to Photoshop and Illustrator, GIMP and Inkscape lack a LOT of stuff. GIMP has practically no non-destructive editing features. Inkscape has terrible layer management, and being confined to the SVG standard, doesn't have any artboard support like Illustrator does, among many other features.
You can't even make an angular.conical gradient in Inkscape, you have to cheat the system with workarounds, while in Illustrator it's just an easy button click away.
*angular/conical gradient
Just have to say I'm mildly impressed
Shitty, bloated js frameworks are all the rage now and your site has none of that
>loads fast
>doesn't waste too much memory
>still pretty accessible even with js disabled
Sam Hewitt is quite an icon in FOSS circles. I fancy his beautiful Moka icon theme. Really clean and refreshing.
Not him but they do look like shit
>bevel on a flat design
wtf? he completely missed the point of flat design
>poor palette
>inconsistent design language
Not that you can't by good design in open source because you could easily make great looking icons in Inkscape if you wanted. Those icons, however, aren't very good
>le 'I know so much about style even though I wear sketchers and get dressed by my mom' meme
Any chance you could repeat that but in english?
it looks like shit. but it;s not the fault of tools but the artist. still, it's a pile of shit.
anything with gmic integration outstrips photoshop's photo manipulation capabilities
when are we going back to real icons like one would find on nextstep, windows and amiga?
You are a pro if you make your living out of it
You mean skeuomorphic icons? There are plenty of custom skeuomorphic icon sets you can download and replace your default icons with.
>ps those icons look like shit
this wtf is this really the best they have to offer?
jesus christ even those pajeet tier android icons look better and of course one is 'inspired' by material design
freetards legitimately need to be wiped from the earth
if you have the proper paperwork then it does count as a restaurant
those are a joke, they even have exactly the same outline
post some better icons
i just use Krita and draw some pixels then i scale it
they look the fucking same; that is to say they both look shite
Nice argument
>>bevel on a flat design
>wtf? he completely missed the point of flat design
what is the point of flat design then according to you?
>inconsistent design language
nice opinion. IMO it's quite consistent
I'm so glad Sup Forums is easily accessible to blind retards like you.
they look the fucking same. that is the whole point. the amateur's icons are ripoffs of apple's shitty icons
Bretty gud
wtf I love floss now.
Well, everyone knows Inkscape is good software. I think most of his work was done there, I doubt GIMP was very helpful. Krita is better at being an image editor than GIMP is, and Krita isn't even an image editor. It's a digital art studio.
>A talentless hack is an icon in FOSS circles
wow color me surprised
t bh that gradient is hella disgusting
It's OK when Apple does it.