What should we do about the increasing Sup Forums menace? Is it the adnauseam threads that's attracting them?
Sup Forums - Meta Thread
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Nothing, Sup Forums is here to stay. Adnesium would attract them. But you also have a general interest crossover since your typical Sup Forumsack who was here before the Election usually visits two or more other boards.
Report them and ignore them. No one gives a fuck about gookmoot. Fuck off with these retarded threads, they are just as bad as the other threads.
bring back desktop threads
Can you elaborate on this menace without using any meaningless buzzwords please? I'm having trouble seeing what the problem is with an anonymous imageboard containing people who hold politically incorrect beliefs.
Get the fuck out from this board
>muh Sup Forums
you got btfo so you can make threads like this?
sage in all fields
Sup Forums as a whole has become vastly more popular during the election so there have been more people using the board because of crossboarding from Sup Forums. you're just noticing it now because their behaviour has got even worse over the last 7 months and their hivemind tendency to label anything they don't like as "communist", "marxist" or "leftist" and generally spouting words and concepts they don't understand. they are obsessed with communists who they believe run everything (the polar opposite of reality) and will regularly attack posters for anything they disagree with as being communists. usually they are dumb as shit, only have a surface level interest in technology or computers and only come here to abuse other posters, make non-arguments and rail against SJWs, free software, anime and the communist bogeyman. the solution i believe, for the whole site, is to mark Sup Forums posters and make their posts on other boards visible only to other Sup Forums posters, restoring comfiness to the board and leaving them to feed shit to each other.
tl;dr retards need to be contained again, bring back desktop threads
purge SJW influence in tech and Sup Forums will leave.
>Oppose censorship by youtube
>go back to Sup Forums hurr hurr
This is the current state of neo/g/
kys faggot!
Sup Forums is neo-Sup Forums
bad pasta is bad pasta
Tell them they are disinfos paid to help Israel, because they are. Friendly reminder there is an everlasting raid from an organized white supremacist group originally from the stormfront forum.
It wasn't always like this, there was a time when it was funny mocking about politics and history. They are truly cancerous.
nibba they stole Momiji from /jp/, they tried to steal Cirno but IIRC /s4s/ kept making memes of Cirno freezing frogs
not to mention they have very Sup Forumscore taste in that's its all slice of life shit
/dpt/ is full of nazis who are furious over anime OP images
SoL is literally the best genre
let me guess, you like shounen crap?
This is a board about technology, geniuses.
This is a technology board, not a politics in the technology industry board
Should technology involve politics? No. Should technology be content- and ideology-neutral? Yes. But "should" does not reflect the way things are today. Politics has been forcibly injected into technology. And who's responsible for this? Here's a hint: it's not Sup Forums. Here's another hint: As sort of points out, how are we supposed to discuss relevant technology-related topics such as internet censorship without involving politics in any way? Or are we supposed to pretend that these topics don't exist or that they don't affect us?
then why are sjws and commies involving politics on technology, retard?
this guy is correct.
Sup Forums was always shit, but at least it was tech related shit. I want to go back mocking FSF freetards and Macfags again, not talk about how (((insert bogeyman here))) are ruining the aryan race or whatever it is you fucks consider "precious.
this is a japanese image board and the japanese are facists. i suggest le reddit for you gaywad
discuss the actual technology, not the politics that involve them
No one said you aren't allowed to talk about that. But the moment you delve into politics, your thread belongs to Sup Forums whether you are leftist or rightist
generals are here to stay, unfortunately. was it because of the addition of a catalog? was it the the overhaul of Sup Forums to html5 years ago which allowed for huge threads to exist?
as long as they shut the fuck up about politics I don't give a shit.
personally I'd like to see all Windows/proprietary software shills banned instead of Sup Forums users. but I'm there is statistical overlap among those two groups.
nice blog, where do I subscribe for the feed?
Love it or hate it, politics control your life. It controls education, food, water, gas, electricity. It controls money and international trade. It controls wars and nuclear missiles. Politics is everywhere, you cannot be untouched by it, even if you live alone in your mother's attic or basement. You have to take sides. Technology/Internet has become far more powerful than wallstreets. I read it on an article today. It is shaping the world around you, literally. You cannot deny it or choose to ignore it. It's already here.
just googleshills coming out of the woodworks
But Sup Forums is more racist than Sup Forums. Try mentioning Indian programmers here and see what horrible sluts are said.
>then why are sjws and commies involving politics on technology, retard?
Because people aren't reporting obvious unrelated Sup Forums threads.
>see what horrible sluts are said
yes sur i thonk thut thu somu thingus, cme with me rajeesh, microsoft will pay us later
Sup Forums is akin to a group of inquisitors with severe autism.
if there's something they don't like, they screech at it until it's gone. It's proven effective in the past. Plus, as we've known for several years by now, Sup Forums is always right.
Let the purge happen, then rebuild.
This is just a troll thread
Sup Forums is, and always has been, Sup Forums and Sup Forums at heart.
Free speech and anonymity are what make Sup Forums, Sup Forums. Remove either and you have something no different from the rest of the internet.
If you don't like anonymity or free speech, feel free to stop visiting this website.
any cute girls (male) in this thread?
You see political positions in everything mildly intellectual, because intellectualism is contrary to your political ideology. It's impossible to have a basic discussion about anything without you dunces screaming about #MAGA and Reddit, despite the fact that less than half of this website’s browsers are American.
delet this right now
Thanks for this, please post more CP, prove that the mods are fucking sellouts
>be OP
>gets BTFO
>too late to delete thread
>posts nudes so mods will do it for him
typical leftist everyone!
It's pretty obvious what the OP is trying to do:
Anything that isn't left-wing absurdity must be banned and verboten. Free speech and anonymity are illegal. Submit to the gestapo or be purged.
Who could have predicted 10 years ago that liberals would become champions of censorship and political violence?
What in the fuck does that have to do with leftism?
Also, if the op wanted to delete his thread he can do it himself.
Also, posting nudes will only get the post itself and the poster removed/banned.
>typical Sup Forums poster everyone!
im a stalker of illyaposter, i think you're taking the internet too seriously. take a moment off the computer and get some fresh air
delete my cum off your cute loli chest.
take your meds bro
That's not CP you dumb britbong
delet itttttt
Anime characters counts as cp in the great caliphate of London
When I first started visiting Sup Forums, Sup Forums didn't exist.
Your own individual viewpoints are essentially meaningless in the world. There are 300 million Americans who have a say in who gets power, spending time worrying what your own one vote has to say is needlessly aggravatious
Regardless though, this is a technology, not politics, board
Outsourcing name calling has never been about race until this Sup Forums garbage started. Same with the woman shit. Besides 'muh jobs' Sup Forums does not give two shits about either.
didn't Sup Forums used to have more overlap with the NEETs over at /r9k/?
>being this new
it was /new/ back then
gamergate was started by just one guy, Donald Trump became the President because of that guy.
One man can change the world user.
Ban anything ad nauseam related. That piece of niggerware deserves to die and we shouldn't promote it.
Users of that shit are /cybsec/ larpers with nothing better to do than telling people to install malware. And if you fell for it I feel sorry for you but at the same time you kinda deserve any malware you download by accident for downloading some crap that clicks literally on everything.
Special snowflakes please leave
I strangled one of your pedo friends before, threw him in a ditch and only got 5 years.
As long as you're dead by my hands I wouldn't mind 5 more years, you sick fuck.
Given how infected technology is with politics right now with the "progressive movement" infecting everything tech (see Google, etc...) it will be impossible to separate the two topics.
Our best option would be to allow for containment threads. A single /politics in tech general/ and your odd overlap that deserves it. Think adnauseam or popular political tech news like right as James Damore getting fired.
Otherwise just have the mods ban anyone who makes more than one /politics in tech general/ or whatever. And anyone who tries to derail am unrelated thread by bringing the "(((jews)))" into it.
> inb4 hurr durr threads don't get derailed
Fuck off we can't even make a /fglt/ with a soviet flag as a joke anymore thanks to you fags.
>Who could have predicted 10 years ago that liberals would become champions of censorship and political violence?
"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun" was coined by a real leftist, user. It's not surprising that the larping left in America would pick up on it as well.
That doesn't matter, free speech and anonymity did exist, and that is what makes this place what it is.
You cannot "get rid of Sup Forums because it is an embodiment of this website. The most you can do is ask that people stick to a given board topic - which is done automatically by just having a board topic in the first place. People sort themselves out from there, no moderation needed, because as it so turns out, people who want to talk about technology will go to the technology board.
Truthfully what you are actually demanding is the right to post political views on Sup Forums and then have anyone who disagrees with your viewpoints banned. You simply behave as a typical passive aggressive who tries to hide his ulterior motives behind other less nefarious reasoning.
Anyone with a brain can see through your subterfuge.
>mfw the fucking mod deleted that image but not the troll thread
It's actually easy to tell which threads are Sup Forums bait and which aren't
fucking kill yourself you SJW piece of shit for thinking there is separate userbase of each board. and kys x2 for shilling google.
>That doesn't matter, free speech and anonymity did exist, and that is what makes this place what it is.
And the fun fact is that Sup Forums was never about anonymity, and it was shii pushing forced user that made it into it.
>You cannot "get rid of Sup Forums because it is an embodiment of this website. The most you can do is ask that people stick to a given board topic - which is done automatically by just having a board topic in the first place. People sort themselves out from there, no moderation needed, because as it so turns out, people who want to talk about technology will go to the technology board.
If you disregard the fact that Sup Forums hasn't been in favor of free speech outside of their echo chamber for years now.
>Anyone with a brain can see through your subterfuge.
Epic, anyone opposing you must be a secret agent. Please kill yourself.
And yet if you asked moot he'd tell you that Sup Forums was about anonymity but not free speech
Nevertheless the website is what it is - and that is the conjunction of both free speech AND anonymity.
To take away either removes the entire point of the website. If you don't like free speech or anonymity, you are welcome to go to literally anywhere else on the internet. Stop trying to force censorship of opinions you disagree with.
>reddit spacing
The word you are looking for is progressive. Remember liberals get the bullet too.
Then let the mods delete to Sup Forums bait and make them stick to one thread? I mean it's obvious what deserves to be kept up and what is bait. I'm advocating for containment and easy guidelines for the mods to justify by.
Hell I wouldn't even mind Snacks like moding back. Say what you will he kept Sup Forums semi quality.
Pol should stay on pol, but we should help people trying to break free of the botnet regardless of their reasons.
The liberals you're talking about are now labeled nazi's. If you're in favor of free speech and anonymity you are literally hitler.
That's the modern liberal. Sorry that the political label has been co-opted by forces beyond your control, but it is what it is. Old school liberals need to re-brand themselves, else they will continue to be lumped in with what their political ideology has evolved into regardless of how much they disagree with it.
Unless you think you can retake the label?
Good luck
Typical Sup Forumsack response: An image macro because he can't write a reply.
Kill yourself.
>And yet if you asked moot he'd tell you that Sup Forums was about anonymity but not free speech
Yes, the main point of Sup Forums ended up becoming anonymity. Doesn't mean it was founded on it.
>To take away either removes the entire point of the website. If you don't like free speech or anonymity, you are welcome to go to literally anywhere else on the internet. Stop trying to force censorship of opinions you disagree with.
Did I ever state I want Sup Forums censored?
Remember that as you said, this is an anonymous imageboard and the person you are replying to may not be the first one in the thread. I just want you to fuck off to your homeboard instead of posting off-topic shit on the wrong board. This Sup Forums - Technology not Sup Forums - Sup Forums side-board.
LMAO you think Trump won the presidency because of gamergate?
Sorry but this guy is correct.
I'd rather have both the SJWs and Sup Forums. That way they'll kept wasting their energy fighting each other, while I concentrate on making bank.
STFU nigger.
wait, desktop threads are banned? Cool!
>What should we do about the increasing Sup Forums menace?
Sup Forums isn't leaving. yeah they're annoying obnoxious little cave dwellers, yes they ruin everything
these retarded faggots have dug their heels into the board at this point, and they're not leaving as long as other sites continue to ban them for saying dumb shit. the problem with Sup Forums being free speech and user-friendly is idiots will always be able to take refuge here. It's a tradeoff but whatever, you get over it
>then why are sjws and commies involving politics on technology, retard?
because Sup Forums mods have double standards. They ban Sup Forums shit but allow commie shit because most people (and mods) have that political view. I not mad though, I don't pay for browsing Sup Forums, I don't even have a pass, I just wanted to point out something that is happening with all the boards and not only Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is lost, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are going to the same shithole.
Anyway, just kept on with it, we browse this place for free and we have to adhere to their rules (as stupid as they look). I am getting old, dammit.
>commie shit = stuff i don't agree with
no, actual commie shit like SJW, anarchist stuff, fuck the system, LGTB, tranny programmers, forced diversity, control of information for "equality" and "safe space" for minorities.
you know, shit that is killing modern civilization and turning us into chaos.
>no, actual commie shit like all the stuff i don't agree with
i understood you the first time
Remove Sup Forums.
Remove Sup Forums.
Remove all circlejerking threads, particularly generals and anything resembling desktop threads.
Sup Forums really should take a leaf out of Sup Forums's book and be more elitist on what's on-topic and what's off-topic. Mods should just ban the above on sight.
Yes. That's the truth.
whatever man, let your right be violated like your asshole.
oh hell yeah, i love autosage improvement meta threads
>adhere to my political views and I'll leave you alone
that's not how it works you whiney cunt.
it's not about racism it's about Sup Forums being annoying fucks.
all of this except for desktop threads