For the same amount of processing power used for Bitcoin mining it's possible to get thousands of times more profit by...

For the same amount of processing power used for Bitcoin mining it's possible to get thousands of times more profit by just mining other crypto currency. And ASICs are used just for processing right, so you should be able to use same rig to mine some other currency right?


It's not about the money... I'm just asking on your guys opinion on capabilities of ASICs. Are they only for Bitcoin, or only for sha256 coins, or do they just process...

I mean... They do just the number crunching right? Software is the one doing all the job no?

Bitcoin ASICs are designed for the SHA256 instruction set. Most altcoins that are actually worth something are not SHA256.

faggot, it's a scam, a pyramid scheme

the world don't need this processing power going to this crap

go invent something useful instead of doing mental gymnastics for useless crap

stop being a tool

You're really fucking autistic aren't you?
ASIC - Application specific integrated circuit.
The set of SHA256 instructions. Coins don't have the same instruction set.

Yeah... All the sha256 don't pay off... I mean... For ability to process 2.1 gigahashes of Bitcoin and earn -0.04$ you could make 1.17 million $ in Zcash...

A $4500 pyramid scheme and going up.

Until it crashes and you have nothing.
>b-b-but that's a long time from now
Until it isn't faggot. One day, that's all it takes.

Most mining algorithms other than bitcoin utilize ram in such a way that ASICs are unsuitable for the job, hence the GPU usage.

>coins dont have the same instruction set
wow id reccomend reading up on shit before posting
there are plenty of shitcoins wich share an algorithm
a litecoin miner can mine any other coin using the same algo

Nocoiner spreading lies

Bitcoin's mean is still around $1k. Buying right now is dumb but it's not going to fall down hard.

There is no telling where it will fall, if some other coin takes its place in TOR drug markets etc it could go down to where you literally cant make a single trade with it in a decade, my worthless guess is that it stabilises at some reasonable amount and then it'll be used like a proper currency

It wont ever collapse. It may never be used as a means of exchange but it will always be a faster and more reliable way to wire money.

It probably will kill western union if a company ever comes along and dumbs it down enough for the lobotomized masses to use.

> for the same amount of time used to grind everquest, it's possible to get thousands of times more profit by just grinding WoW.

fixed your post

it's PONZI scheme, not pyramid scheme, those are two very different things

but you are an idiot

I thought coin transactions had to be processed by the block chain to be verified? Plus there's the transferring of real cash into coin markets, and transferring back out.

Gold is the only thing worth mining

Go back to 2013, BTC hasn't been running off TOR markets for years.
Check the transaction volume, it's a completely different beast from back then. I even see traditional investors getting some assets in Bitcoin.

My mother's family has Safron plantations... 150€ per 5 square meters of profit...

It's impossible to know the real trade volume, for all we know the majority could be chinese wash trades

Transaction fees mean the majority of transfers are legit. Also concider that btc is deflationary.

which kind? the cheap yellow generic or the red iranian one?

Some purple flowers with two red strings, but they only pick one and other throw away.

Don't see any difference desu.

>pyramid scheme
like the girl scouts? or a ponzi scheme?