Chrome OS

Chrome OS

Meme or revolution?

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Is there any other browser that can use google's shit?
I use drive/docs every day.

chrome os is google configured gentoo that works on laptops that are corebooted

its a bdsm if you think about it
bad bc google botnet but so damn hot that its a product thats being sold in your local spot that sells new laptops

It's a locked down botnet by default but it's exposing millions of normalfags to GNU/Linux, which will cause software developers to pay more attention to the platform as well as get people used to not using Windows.

I used a Chromebase for a while. As it stands it's still not ready for prime time, no BluRay support, no ability to DL anything other than Chrome extensions/Android apps, it needs a few more years seasoning before it's ready to replace a PC. If all you want to do is email and be wrapped up in Google's ecosystem it's fine and fast. Right now it's a glorified Nexus phone blown up to desktop.

Hostile takeover

What did he mean by this?

Literally any browser can access and use drive/docs without issue, and any webkit based browser can use extensions for them as well

Could be cool if you are not hypnotized by the Sup Forums "botnet" meme

Good idea but bad execution

needs more for developers and media consumers
needs android integration

thats it
once done there will be no other OS

We had them at work. Pretty comfy. 100% of what we do is browser based anyway, including write code, docs, SSHing to servers, video conf, etc. literally all i need is a browser.

I think it's great for work and edu, not sure about home because people who have home computers usually want to waste their time with gaymen or other form of autism.

All devices made in 2017 onward have android integration.

What did you use to write code through a browser?

Fine for normies. The moment you want to do anything besides
- listen to music
- write/edit documents
- watch videos/movies/TV shows
- play (very light) games (like Angry Birds, for example)
- or download porn
you're shit out of luck

Yeah it's wildly secure from third parties, the botnet is about what Google collects and tracks, which is pretty much everything down to your birthmark.

Name one thing that you can't do in a browser that's not an autistic hobby like gaming or ricing your arch
>you can't

seabios on cheap laptops with good battery life
it's a godsend

Making music.
>inb4 Soundtrap
Soundtrap is literally fucking GarageBand but with flimsier performance and latency you could measure in minutes.

You also can't use Photoshop.
>inb4 Pixlr Editor
Pixlr Editor is based on Adobe Flash and crashes your browser after you make about 5 edits.

God forbid you want to do anything involving graphic design or gayming.

>God forbid you want to do anything involving graphic design or gayming.
Same can be said for most any laptop in the same price point though, so that's a non-argument. I have a $225 windows chromebook competitor at home with W10 on 32gb SSD and it's eating up 20gb+ with nothing installed and all extraneous files pruned. What are you going to install on that from adobe?

>I have a $225 windows chromebook competitor at home with W10 on 32gb SSD and it's eating up 20gb+ with nothing installed and all extraneous files pruned
That sounds like a personal problem.
The fact that you were dumb enough to buy a $225 Windows laptop is 100% your fault.

What I'M saying is that even if you buy a thousand-dollar Chromebook, it's still a Chromebook. Its limit is Chrome OS, not technical stuff like power or speed. If you buy a more expensive Windows laptop or MacBook, you could use it to do the aforementioned things like making music and graphic design and whatnot, as well as all the things a Chromebook does.
What's worse is that most Chromebooks beside the Pixel don't even do what they are designed to do very well. I have a $240 HP Chromebook and it freezes and crashes all the time. At least once every 3 days. Not to mention how unstable the software is; something goes wrong with the OS constantly.

I'm not saying Chromebooks are bad or anything; they're actually pretty great for what they are. But they are not the best things you can get. Not by a long shot.

I'm really tempted to get one.

The 2013 Chromebook Pixel has a nice screen for its price, and all I do is web browse and word process.

It's actually Ubuntu now

Maybe settle for an HP Chromebook 13 G1. No touch screen and it only has a 16:9 ratio BUT newer specs and is probably expected to last a lot longer. And has most of the things a Pixel has (backlit keyboard, mostly solid build, etc) but at a cheaper price.
I mean, if you want the best available Chromebook, then definitely get a Pixel. But for that insane price you could just get something better. If you want a 'pretty good,' reasonably priced Chromebook, the HP one is pretty logical.

Honestly I don't even want a Chromebook, I just want something that's Core i, sub 13", NOT 1366x768 and not that expensive.

Aside from the screen it would basically be a downgrade from my x230, but options in Japan for under like $600USD are limited.

Pretty sure you could just ebay an old Vaio for what you want. Mine is 15", but that's because I insisted that I get a numberpad with my laptop. 80 bucks for an i3 and 4gb of ram. I was able to replace the motherboard and sound card, as well as upgrade the CPU and RAM for like another 100 bucks.

I have one (Acer c270?). It's pretty meh. I've thought about getting one of those 360 hinge ones though to read in bed.

Revolution. Desktop with windows for any specialized work, superfast laptop with 12 hours of battery for everything else. I love my chromebook.

Unlikely. It seems like an easy combo but something sub 13", not atom, and highish screen res has been pretty hard to find.