Idle windows 10

>idle windows 10
>40% CPU used

Why fuck is W10 always running some shit on the background?

Why is this shit even fucking allowed to exist and no one fucking cares bec ause muh winblows muh werks muh games?

What the fuck is the people that work with actual software supposed to do after W7 is deprecated?

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>can see that it was much lower before the spike in usage
>just claim that its idle


do microsoft shills really think like this?

>using Botnet 10

It idles at 1% for me, you either have some retarded program/services running or you have malware

>4 threads

>tfw you never agreed to update

>opens task manager

OP, I switched to linux and just use windows to play a few holdover win-only games.

The windows OS is a fucking joke. The only reason to use windows instead of linux is for the sake of a few programs that you can't run in linux.

for me windows 10 idles at 0-1% CPU usage with chrome open with some tabs


Watch it long enough and you'll see huge spikes for no discernible reason.

My old computer had a loud as heck cpu fan, and it would just blare up out of the blue every so often with windows.

>go to bed
>stays like this for 30 seconds then goes quiet again

Hecking hated it. So glad I got both a quieter computer and linux instead of wangblows now. I still have no real clue why it would do it, my best guess is win10 sending off some telemetry or something.

always happens when you first open task manager. Funny thing is that resource manager isn't effected by this, leading me to believe this is just bias setup

Get a threadripper.

Idles at 0% fluctuating to 1% every few seconds with Chrome open. Someone's using you to mine eth or something.

well task manager has been running for ten minutes without any spikes so I don't know

I know that shit like windows defender can start doing some scans by itself and then some defrag type shit or whatever the fuck data management shit runs once in a while, downloading updates, maybe decompressing them, I don't know

heck I'm watching netflix at the same time and my CPU usage hovers around 4%+-2%

I don't know if you were running some piece of shit device where moving the mouse around was enough to make the CPU get loaded

it was a 3570k + gtx660 with windows installed to an ssd

The only really trash thing about it was the cpu fan, which I'm pretty sure was the basic one supplied by intel with the chip. Don't really remember, but it sucked. Think my cpu throttled at 3.7 - 3.8 ghz.

>have windows with task manager open
>1% cpu usage
>leave pc for a few minutes
>come back
>see "System" task running with 30% cpu usage
>move mouse
>it goes back to 1%

what was it doing?

Unused CPU time is wasted CPU time

wasted electricity is wasted money

Don't buy a CPU if you can't afford to pay the electricity bill lol

I have found card reader and wifi drivers often cause windows to consume a lot of CPU power. Using ProcessExplorer you can find out what .dll is causing it which is how I found a lot of 2014 and earlier laptops suffering from it. Solution is installing Windows 7 driver and preventing Windows 10 from 'updating' it via group policies.

Fortunately for GNU/Linux it either has the driver and it works fine or it doesn't have the driver and it doesn't work at all so you don't run into this issue.

Your webcam saw you coming back on your pc and windows stop sending data to the NSA for maximum performances.

Occams razor says: virus scan or some other background process that would slow down your pc if you were doing something cpu intensive.


With firefox open.



The one thing that use a lot of that in my windows 10 pc is bitdefender.

Guys should I not get winblows 10?

Stay with Windows 7???



Meanwhile here in reality Windows works absolutely great.

I feel sorry for you OP and other Linux users who spend 18 hours a day sat at their computer obsessing over windows to the extent you have to keep gimp open all day making doctored "windows screenshots" to project whatever warped and deluded dreams you had about big bad ebil windows recently.

You’re absolutely right.

Buy an iMac, starting from $1099

How is it in tel aviv?

Pretty comfy, nice weather and a wealthy family unlike the commy lincucks sleeping on peoples sofas and living off of government gib-me-dats.

>the state of the freetards


Recording your data, webcam etc takes could. Idiot


you should absolutely get Windows 10, its the best windows ever, dont listen to the babbies saying its bad

>What the fuck is the people that work with actual software supposed to do after W7 is deprecated?

Not much, so long as your apps conform to the Windows API. (User-mode. Kernel ABI to 1998, when WDM was introduced)

(I routinely run 32-bit software dating to 1993, just werks.)

>Windows Defender scanning
>File indexing
>Windows Updates

It can be any of those, user. Or some other software you have installed.

Since you don't care you might as well mine us some bitcoins when your CPU is idle.

I've never seen a comment describe Sup Forums as accurately as that. Godly.

> Windows API
Probably will be deprecated in the next five years.
MS will do something. Maybe they'll put every win32 app in a UWP container at the first run.

Probably not.
They've already brought office to uwp, the catalyst imo

>Implying you're not microsoft damage control