Knowing how to program will easily land you a job...SAID NO ONE EVER

How old were you when you realized programming is the single worst life skill to have and that nobody will hire you after you graduate?

So much drama.


of course nobody will hire somebody that can't do shit. i see a lot of dumb niggers everyday who think that they will be paid huge amounts of shekels because they have an engineering degree in cs. unless you have projects you worked on to show you might as well drop out.

>How old were you when you realized programming is the single worst life skill to have and that nobody will hire you after you graduate?
I was hired before I even graduated.

Then why can't I find a Javascript developer to hire?

but I do have projects , a WHOLE freakin portfolio of projects I've worked on throughout the years but no one gives a fuck.

I admit i don't have any connections with companies or businesses and haven't given any firm hand shakes but come on when I started coding 10 years ago i imagined myself being showered with jobs , i never knew it would be this shitty i would have just learned some other skill which doesn't demolish your hygiene and give you nothing in return for it.

>falling for the programming meme
>not falling for the trades meme instead

Sure it's harder work but it's a guarantee you won't find SJWs or Pajeets working in HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Welding, etc.

>learned javascript 7 years ago for fun
>always been a neet
>walk into first interview
>get the job
Not too bad desu.

Well, what languages do you know? Your opinion is somewhat true because some languages and frameworks are more popular than others.


>Getting hired
Comp sci is about getting together a group of like minded people of similar abilities and paving your own way to success.

You're meant to create a start up

But programming is fun

>engineering degree in cs
I didn't know they had those

Best route:

- do computer science
- create start-up.
- FAIL the start-up (this is a crucial step, often underestimated).
- Become freelance programmer for €70/hour.

well why are you programming OP?

who told you to program? what do you like about programming? and what do you hope to achieve with your abilities?

You just suck. I got hired in the first company I applied to and we can never find enough programmers to hire, everyone's already employed.

Instead you find Jose and Miguel.

10 fucking years Im still failing to manage to end college always not enough time.
Anyway+1 or 2 years to engineering degree.
I'm working as sys analyst developer dba, network admin, dev ops, whatever shit appears. I'm on industry for 16 years mostly programming and every job I landed was someone calling me. Never needed a degree.

>tfw all good projects are gray or black hat and cannot be added to portfolio

I'd rather have to work with hard-working Mexicans than lazy smelly pajeets.

Right here.

Sorry the interview didn't go well, OP.

Every Mexican I've ever worked with has been the hardest working, least entitled person on the job.

Does this really happen?

Maybe there is hope afterall.

Just because you took some classes related to programming and passed them does not mean you know how to program.

If your teachers didn't mention that nobody will hire someone that only show for classes and don't do anything in their free time to further their programming knowledge, you're in a bad college/course.

If you look at the grade of most CS and SE courses you will see like 15-25% max being dedicated to programming, all the rest is core subjects that you might use or not, not always related to programming.

>tl:dr git gud on your own or eat shit

Don't be a pussy, show your portfolio to security analysts, and become a white hat finding system vulnerabilities

About 22. I was 2 years into a computer science degree.

I'm a lawyer now instead.

Unless of course you already used them for nefarious purposes, then you played yourself, sorry pal.

Sup Forums asides most working Mexicans are pretty dependable. Unless they were born here. Which makes them entitled queens like everyone else who grew up in this country.

why is this a meme
if they were so hard-working then their country wouldn't suck so bad

On the contrary.

While working night shifts I taught myself c, bash, and python, plus general sysadmin/network/security shot by spinning up VPSes and dedis and running services just for keks. "What should we do tonight... This XMPP thing sounds pretty cool, let's try to set it up".

Now I'm a systems engineer at a cybersec firm making $60k. No formal education, just high school. No certs.

Teaching myself how to code and run shit is literally the best thing I've ever done.

It seems like people who know less are better at conveying that they know shit, until you work with them and realize that they are not that good. Meanwhile you're trying your best to be humble and genuine when telling people about your abilities so that you come off as incompetent.

How to properly learn to convince people about my actual level of competence?

The Mexicans who come here work goddamn hard because they know if they don't it's back to the shit hole with them. There's no fixing Mexico, it's too fucked and its own people know it. Why the fuck do you think they come here?

If you can code well enough, you don't need to actually get hired to make money.

sounds pretty much like me.
Just learning different tech that I found interesting, never with the mindset of this will get me a job.

5yrs into a decent career, first 3 as a linux sys admin, last 2 devops

Mexico is fucked because allowing the majority to dictate government policy in Latin America creates huge monstrosities that perverse institutions for gibs and corruption. Latinos do not and can not maintain democratic institutions. They have always fared far better under military rule. ALWAYS.

t. Jose

Kek, i could quit my job and find a new one in the same week.

I agree. Cuba pretty much proves it. Without the embargo they would have become a major power in the region.

And FYI to any positivists and universalists, this will affect US government policy and voting trends. It already has. Trump fucking got more of us to vote for him than amnesty loving Romney or Rubio. Why? Because we only respect strong men and demagogues.