Laptop computer: 1366x768 display

>laptop computer: 1366x768 display
>cellular phone: 1920x1080 display
What did the tech industry mean by this?

my phone is a larger resolution than that

Who's this semen demon?

your real mother


Would abduct and force her to be my wife

Can said cellphone run a x86 based processor, with a non-Android/Apple based OS?
Granted, it would be appreciated if 1920x1080 laptops were the norm, but a significant amount of power is used to render that resolution with conventional hardware.

lol, and then have disfigured children?

Is this the new Ai thread?

blame Windows (TM)

the difference in W usage for laptops running 720p and 1080p is insignificant.
Manufacturers are literally price gouging on full hd screens these days. While literally manufacturing price is like 5-20$ difference they add extra 150-200$ for laptops.

Which star system is this from?

nvm didn't see

I wish.

You're closer to your phone than your laptop screen. Still it could be better.

Also, nice boy.

she's such a goddamn miracle

the tech industry meant that they knew you'd buy the worst shit they threw at you cause you're an uninformed faggot.
my laptops have been above 768p since the early/mid 2000's.


cute whore


Who is this whore?

Ai shinozaki

Only does gravure (kind of a non topless glamour model)

cost. the price of higher pixel density and higher surface area goes up geometrically, not linearly.

Well shit. The situation seems reminiscent of cellphone distributors selling models with different amounts of storage. A 32gb cellphone will sell at $500, but a 64gb release of the same cellphone is instead $700.
As long as customers don't make a stink about these anti-consumer practises, manufactors/distributor/resalers will continue this trend.

consumers cant force shit, the governments must fight these cartels, just looks at whats happening with ram and ssd markets and now vram. They are literally holding back there factories, so that they can create artificial shortage of supply. Its been going on for years, and every year its even more profitable to do it. If European Union slapped huge fines on these fucks, they would be forced to start to deliver. Chinks got smart and realized they can get much profit out of whites man pocket.

Fair enough. Consumers should therefore find it in their best interest to form lobby/advocacy groups to pressure governments to apply pro-consumer legislation against these cartels.

Way to go off topic, guys...

stop posting porn