Why do redditors worship this beta?
Why do redditors worship this beta?
he made some cool stuff
or worked on some cool stuff
or let people work on some cool stuff
reddit is astroturf and shill central. there are hardly any organic posters there.
It's not reddit, it's fucking everyone.
>wooooow he made rocketshops and electric cars guys LOOOL i am so hip and trendy for following the next steve jobs XD i really want a tesla haha
>why do normies worship athletes
Living vicariously.
Reminder to ignore what this charlatan and a welfare queen has to say. He's all about attention whoring and putting himself in the middle of news... because it makes it easier for him to raise money from taxpayers.
>Can we wean Elon Musk off government support already?
>Its Time to Stop Spending Taxpayer Dollars on Elon Musk and Cronyism
>It has been widely reported that among SolarCity, Tesla, and the rocket company SpaceX, Elon Musks confederacy of interests has gotten at least $4.9 billion in taxpayer support over the past 10 years.
>This is almost half of Musks supposed net worthtaken from the pockets of American citizens and put into companies that can survive only by cannibalizing each other, spending without end, and promising that success is always just beyond the horizon and yet never arrives.
He's the Rocket Jesus.
What the fuck happened to his hairline?
Looks like he reverse aged from a depressed 45 year old office worker to buff early-mid 30s dude.
>what are hair transplants
It helps to be rich.
>pumped and dumped a top succubus
>on and off with some crazy gold digger for literally over a decade
>after done with her, pick up Johnny Depp's sloppy seconds
literally who
>crazy ass sloppy seconds
The need for figures of worship is an inherent nature in the vast majority of the stupid Human populace. Sometimes they are religious, sometimes their are current accomplished individuals, sometimes they are historical figures, but one thing that's common is that by creating figures of worship the worshipers automatically set a glass ceiling upon themselves because striving to surpass such a figure is considered blasphemy or heresy.
Such people are thus relegated to a whole lifespan of worthlessness and lost potential, because they don't dare be arrogant, and they don't dare to flow against waves.
Reddit is a perfect example of a forum where riding against waves, and in defiance, are discouraged and even censored and suppressed activities. So it fits.
This guy launches rockets in the air and also regrows hair. What's there to not like about him?
>Such people are thus relegated to a whole lifespan of worthlessness and lost potential, because they don't dare be arrogant, and they don't dare to flow against waves.
This fits exactly jealous people, like OP.
kys worthless POS, you won't ever achieve even 0.01% of what he did and will do.
Keep being jealous while he does whatever the fuck he wants whenever he wants with fatasses money get to his level or fuck off, you opinion does not matter.
It's not like he spent all this money on houses, cars and drugs. His company built a fucking rocket, not one, a series of rockets, nearly from scratch and they can and do land on a platform in the ocean. His company raised the bar for electric cars and stimulated the market so hard that some countries want to ditch internal combustion engines forever by some year.
So what's wrong with that? People in general are fucking dumb. You can't prove them that space exploration is necessary for our survival as a species. You can't prove them that technology developed a lot and electric cars are usable now. You don't have to prove a lot of dumb fucks that something is great or necessary, you should just get their money and spend it on the right thing.
t. robocuck
we aren't going to fall for your games, machine
I don't think Musk tried to build a cult for himself. It was spontaneous and then encouraged when he realized what was happening.
he spent taxpayers' money. what did taxpayers get for it? nothing. money will go to Amber Heard anyway. kek
>what did taxpayers get for it?
Cheaper delivery to ISS and future space stations, rather than having NASA just literally burn your tax money up by using non-reusable rockets.
gb2 reddit
I browse both at the same time like 99% of Sup Forums
He is the king of brainlets.
Why does he makes Sup Forums so butthurt?
That's the real question
They paid for rockets that can land in the ocean. Also, nearly perfect electric cars and all the infrastructure. I'm all in for wasting money on cool shit. It's like military wasting taxpayer money on cool shit like lasers/railguns/robots and stuff, except it's not military.
What did taxpayer expect to get for that money, though? These cucks will rebel if government will try to invest in their health or free education or something. It's considered commie or whatever. So, there's a lot of money to be wasted, it seems, and finally it's wasted on something meaningful.
>php codemonkey
That jawline. Is Musky on a Joe Rogan cocktail of hgh and testosterone?
>literal playboy billionaire philanthropist with a great work ethic
>w-why do people l-like him guys s-screw him he sucks, r-right?
everyone wants to be able to invest the government's money and take the profits
>playboy billionaire philanthropist with a great work ethic
>nonhuman robotic husk burned out from depression that expects everyone around him to be the same and work 19 hours straight
Unless you are like him, you won't like working with him. His work ethics is deadly.
Go to /o/ and ask them about Teslas, then you will see
Musk is like Steve Jobs, he starts shit that others are reluctant to start or are postponing due to financial stonewalling from investors and venture capitalists, and thereby sets a foundation for technologies being more assertively adopted by other companies.
Electric cars are just one example, even solar and battery research is seeing a boom since Musk started putting it into the spotlight.
As far as Musk himself goes, this is his whole gig. He is marketer and an influencer, a word that actually fits for a change and isn't just a meme.
Also, has anyone noticed that the particular buff/sleek non-hunchback design of the Tesla cars has seen a much higher adoption rate across all companies when Musk started it?
I may be wrong, but i feel it's so.
China, Russia, soon all countries w strong computer science. Competition for AI superiority at national level most likely cause of WW3 imo.
what a dumb fucking redditor cuck taking MY engines away, go watch a movie faggot ELON
sincerely, /o/