>tech reviewer has a british/aussie accent
>Starting off with "hey guys" at all
>7 minute video with only 45 seconds of actual benchmarks/specs/useful info
Things that make you stop watching a video immediately
Other urls found in this thread:
>needing some faggot to recite specs and benchmarks on camera because you're functionally illiterate
I don't see the point in watching a video for benchmarks. It's literally far more efficient to just look at graphs on a static web page.
Poor audio or video quality
Long videos antything above 5 minutes is ignored
Click bait thumbnails with over the top facial expressions
Annoying intro music
And many more desu. Ima very picky person
I don't think you stopped immediately OP.
>20 minute video guide about doing something on computer.
>90% of video is doing nothing and useless shittalk
indian accent
Specs i agree with, but benchmarks are pretty important. Each person could have a different result or experience, so knowing what their results are is nice as you can compare to what the companies say they products can do
indian or spic accent
>shitty 3d logo appears
>blaring music starts playing
>close video
>its a "CONSOLE KILLER XDDD" video
>90% of it is being a nigger and getting lucky finding used parts on craigslist
>doesnt even factor in the cost of windows or peripherals
god, being poor must fucking suck
we can end this thread now, answered
>he needs to watch some pajeets "tutorial" because he's too lazy to read a proper guide and use his brain
>start video
>pajeet accent
>close tab
>$500 budget gaming build
>links to parts included in video description
>click on all the links and add up the price total
>Paying for Windows
>shitty text reel for an intro that takes longer than 5 seconds
>bullshit typing in notepad instead of talking into a microphone
>some r-tard kid
>video is some kid talking out his nose
>video of desktop
>icons all over the place
>search for another video
>click thumbs down right before page loads
>Play overused "Youtube anthem"
>Hey, guys, it's superPajeet420, I'm gonna be teaching (deletes and retypes message) you how to (deletes message and retypes again) how to get Minecraft for free.
>pc building video uses shitty royalty free edm music
>>doesnt even factor in the cost of windows or peripherals
>Paying big bucks to a big company for shitware
>Paying more than a few bucks for a good DPI 3 button mouse and a lenovo rubberdome keyboard.
>buys half the parts from sites that charge sales tax
>Not having a GST
>vid is too dark because numbnuts can't into lighting
>audio is shit because poorfag thinks the mic on his phone is "good enough"
>filmed on his bed or in his bedroom
>sounds like a manlet
>video has his channel's shitty intro
>Username has "tech" anywhere in it
>british/pooloo accent
>guy's upper arms are thinner than his wrists
>video has annotations
>video has a fucking watermark (this is rare but I've seen it)
>not using a tripod or other stabilisation solution (if the camera moves, I'm out)
>guy wears a costume or has any kind of props or does a skit
>guy is ugly but insists on being in frame
>any meme reference at all
>video title is phrased as a question
>guy pulls out or mentions owning an iphone at any point in the vid
>1.5 minute video
>1 minute intro
>'Hi, this is [name] with [company name].'
>announcer voice like newscaster.
>tongue click after each swallow with increasing number of swallows
>hood speak from whites with lots of snotscrape sniffing.
>excess dipthongs accompanied with 'aight?'.
>tech reviewer has a british/aussie accent
This one. The only British tech guy I ever watched is that guy that makes all low budget tech videos.
Can't remember the name of his channel.
>typing in notepad instead of talking
>minecraft on desktop
>indian accent
>pre/mid puberty voice
Text guides are the best anyway
>the cost of windows
2 dollars on ebay
>starts eating
>munch munch
>full mouth talk
>loudly licks fingers
>takes another bite *crunch*
this happened yesterday, wtf if you're about to talk about a topic eat before or after you've recorded.
>benchmark video
>rambles about nothing for 10 minutes and then shows off 3 benchmarks and rambles for another 10 minutes
You idoits are shallow and hollow all at the same time.
If you don't like the youtube channels in question
pick something
1.make your own
2.Deal with it
3.Shut up or move to another tech site
4.All of the about
Just to note here:
No one cares and no one will ever care what you think, Unless your willing to do something your self. This is the moral of the story.
In the bible there are many verses for situations like this in great detail but none of them go out side the numbers listed above.
>implying we are the problem of poor quality content
Techmoan's the only good one
Rate mine.
>thumbnail with stupid image
>blurry video
>blaring music
>diy video where the person fumbles through the steps
>excessive gesticulation
>title and description with exaggerations
are you sure it's the accent and not just the personality of the voice
>lip smacking noises like a faggot
why do westerners do this
pajeet pls
Honestly thumbnail having their face alongside what they review it's a ignore from start, everything else I could potentially tolerate.
seriously do you need a cock in your mouth all the time to not make those suckling noises?
>Its not about the money
>Monetized video
>but first, a word from
>thanks to all my patreon subs that made this video possible
>fuckhuge [uncut] fingernails
>super skinny alien fingers wont help
>oh look muh thinkpad *fapfapfap*
>long..sentebces....with periodic..minipauses
>cencentrate on a full sentence fucker
>fuck ass long video
fuck you.
it was politics related however, which makes it truly unsettling to me
how much did you watch?
>a video
That'll do it.
Prefer to read instead of mindlessly absorb content.
first 2 mins and another 30s-ish jumping near 7/8
definitely too long. how many shekels did i make you?
None. I don't monitize my videos since I get no views and even if I did, it would put people off. I hate ads so I don't put them on my videos. What is the optimal length for videos of these kinds? I want to do more but I realize now that 22 minutes is too long. I enjoy long videos though.
depends. in this case a show-off should go to the essentials and be like 7-10min, imho.
you could split it off and make a more in depth follow up later on.
also a nice quick "summary" at the start is gold.
"i'll show you x, y and z" or smth aling these lines, you're the creator here.
>brown hands
no white hands no views
>looking for a guide
>there is only videos
>they didn't write the instructions in the description
>hit like
Instant thumbs down.
Australians make the best tech videos desu
Muh nigguh.
>needing jizz approval about your behaviour
lmao brainlet
>male voice
I only watch reviews done by girls
>hey guys
>this is like 20th time i'm recording this so hopefully i can get it right this time
>why am i even saying this? if you're viewing this it means i got it right xDDD
>so anyway lets get into it
>*2 minute tangent or background information i already know*
where did she go?
>"hey...guys...this...is....randomguy12353...on today's...video...we will..."
Oh my fuck why do so many people doing tutorial videos talk so Slow? Has it been so long since they talked to another human that they can't speak at a normal rate?
0€ on piratebay
except you never know what you are getting
Get fucked ya gay poofter cunt
Hit a little too close to home, did it?
t. Indian
>annoying burger accent
>fake bubbly utube voice
>doesn't disassemble device.
All of the trendy "reviewers" enrages me hard. Such as this faggot.
> In the bible
ok, opinion discarded
I'm spic and I agree.
If we mehicans see a black/brown/indian person trying to sell us stuff we think they are trying to rip off us.
Nipos are ok, they are good at technology. Chinks are no good, but it is hard to identify one from another.
u can Verify MD5 CheckSum
digital river isos mirrors
step up your game
>the intro has that awful gen z techo music in it
seriously it's not even the good house shit it's just some garbage with chipmunk voices.
Its all subconscious at this point. I cant even think of examples anymore.
it's such a disappoitment to click on a video of your interest and find an indian accent
some pajeet starts speaking.
immediate tab close from me.
Why would you buy Windows in a non-professional environment? For fuck's sake you can download the offical Windows 10 ISOs from Microsoft and they don't bother you for activation.
Things that make you stop reading a post immediately:
>fr*g picture
No boobs for a whole minute.
Missed the fpbp but still a valid /thread. Congrats user.
>it's ya boy Floss, back with another video
same fag
metal or hiphop soundtrack.
Chinks are tolerable, better than pajeets
>showing the persons face talking about something and not relevant b-roll or the thing itself
as a video editor this shit drives me up the wall. I don't fucking care that I can see you talking.
>today I'm going to be talking about the LENOVO THINSDKFASNDFASD
Couldn't be more boring or dry. Please watch some good videos (outside of just tech reviewers who mostly suck) to get a better idea of how to make an entertaining video that isn't 22 goddamned minutes long. The way they taught you to write in your collegiate English Composition course is not the way you're actually supposed to write if you want people to LIKE your shit.
That is pretty reasonable user.
Music while someone is talking
incoherent indian accent
Bad audio
Proprietary shitstamp in corner of the video
Royalty free ukulele music
This guy when he talks slow to prolong his videos for ad revenue.
So much this