Lenovo Thinkpad's TN panel APPRECIATION THREAD

Lenovo Thinkpad TN panel APPRECIATION THREAD

1368x768: The resolution of Bussiness

Shut the fuck up I hate this garbage resolution.

My x230 is great otherwiser but I'm ready to spend like 500 dollars on a new machine JUST for a better screen.

Too bad the 1080p mod isnt easier.

1368x786 is only good for blind idiots.

If you have somewhat decent vision, it's like cancer.

I am 9001% sure that this is sarcasm.

Compare the best IPS thinkpad panel to the worst TN Apple panel and the difference is profound.

Thinkpad displays are so shit it's not even funny. I can't use my T420 anymore.

768 is not a bad resolution. It makes everything easily readable. I myself even prefer it to 4k.


I'm a faggot who is trying to get eye cancer and want to be able to think my computer screen is real life so I can fap to my trap porn harder.

Not so.

I have a t440p, what panel do I have ?
Whats the difference between a TN Panel and a ... Panel ? What other Panel exists ?

that redditor dude just made a new batch of the Pepe boards

>that redditor dude just made a new batch of the Pepe boards

Does that one work for the t430 non-s?

Your sarcasm detector is broken you morons.


IPS has better viewing angles and colour reproduction but slower refresh than TN by a fair margin.

VA has better contrast than TN but suffers from the same issues of viewing angles, though not as bad. Has comparable refresh rates to TN but again, slightly slower and more obscure.

OLED blows all out of the water but is still an emerging technology and is very expensive compared to all the others.

I'm starting to get used to it, lads. It doesn't compete with 1280x800 though.

my laptop doesn't have a screen the interface is nothing but beeps and blinking lights

that's basically the same PPI

>It doesn't compete with 1280x800 though.
for you

but my T430 has a 1600 x 900 screen

Worthless shitskin.

I'm just too dumb and lack the equipment to actually do the install.

Niggers, you paying 200$ for premium laptop. And you even complaining?
TN panels are cool enough.

I got a x200t because it has an IPS panel. 1280x800 is fine, my eyes are shit enough that it doesn't really matter.

1368x768 it's so premium isn't even listed on the graphs...

This. It's a comfy resolution.

What's a good laptop with a good screen if I don't want Apple even for free? No need for gaming, just overall nice laptop. No numpad too so the keyboard isn't aligned to the left.

A Thinkpad or EliteBook would be a perfect foto/video machine for me except for the shitty fucking screen.

How the fuck did they get away with it for so long?

It strains credulity how fucking awful some of the displays are.

Years ago my first laptop was an ideapad u410. I got it because it was a good value proposition with the general specs. I wasn't even aware of thinkpads then but it had this 720p TN panel.
I now have an x220 with an IPS display and the difference is night and day. It's fucking beautiful even if the resolution is a bit low.
On my old screen the blacks were like a glowing navy colour and whole image just looked like someone had shoop'd the contrast to nothingness. Colours dull and brightness low.

Pic related

he was saying the chinkpad screens are so bad that even apples tn panels look better than the chinkpad ips ones, and he's right

Oh I wasn't really commenting so much on what he was saying. Some TN panels are fine. Lenovo screens in general are abysmal but man that fucking u410 screen was visual cancer.

Because screens generally aren't that critical for most of what enterprise laptops are used for.
You could get some of the older IBM Thinkpads with nicer panels, though.

X220 owner here. The laptop is beautiful and very useful. You're deluding yourself if the stock TN display is good though. Someone's making a 1080p converter though, so that's nice.

but my X301 has 1440x900, the comfiest resolution of all.

the standard 1920x1080, 23" has a PD of 95 whereas a 15,6" 1366x768 a PD of 100

how is that garbage?
this guy is right

My T61 is 1440x900.

Can confirm. It's comfy.

Does anybody has the "bezeless" mod here?

>1366 x 768 for a 12,5" screen
>TN panel
jesus christ no, i've modded my x200i with a chinese ips panel for 45€ and it's totally worth it.


768p is a cuck's res

Best res in pic related

>uptime 7 mins

You dual boot windows dont you fag. Or worse were you phone posting?

Appreciation? What? No way.

I just don't wanna spend 70€ on a fucking IPS screen for my X220 but honestly TN is fucking terrible for this display. I don't understand the praise at all. The resolution is pretty low as well but to be fair that's not really that much of an issue considering the current monitor I work with.

>not using the superior 15,6 1080p AU Optronics panel

Thinkpad X200 with AFFS HYDIS 1280×800 screen, and LED backlight mod reporting in.

thinkpads were better with 16x10 1050p

comfy 16:10 without needing any scaling shit

enjoy the gpu failure

Bussiness should have stay with 4¨3 aspect ratios

it's HD+

The resolution is fine. Colors and contrast are the problem

How is the battery on the T430

Best Distro for loonix for a T410?

My X220 came with a 1368x768 IPS, and had the webcam removed.

It's honestly one of the best laptop screens I've ever seen. You can see it from any angle.

I've always wondered why Sup Forums was so sensitive with privacy but are totally fine with using a chinktop from a company with a history planting survellience software in their hardware.

>1368x768: The resolution of the poor


i like the 1280x800 on my hp elitebook 12". however, this is from 2007, so something like that in a fairly modern laptop is pretty disgusting

the IPS screen in my x220t is the shit

>t430 didn't go to sleep when I closed the lid last night (fucking stop doing this POS Windows 10)
>fans were blocked for 8+ hours by my clothes

How fucked is it?

I've had two of these pieces of shit, it's asinine how badly these things deteriorate over time, and how easy the are to damage. Yet, the stock LED panels are indestructible. This afternoon I'm gonna switch back to my original, I can't stand it any longer.

LED mod sounds neat, though. The CCFL dark corners were another trigger of mine.

>but muh ips

Yeh sure, some chinkpads come with ips and it looks pretty good, but doesn't change the fact that you can't even open an image bigger than 1000 pixels wide without downscaling.
Browsing the web feels like you're using a cheap phone in desktop mode.

Comfy T440s 1080p IPS panel reporting in.

>calling people using 1368x768 blind idiots
>mistyping "768"



stfu. the only thing that matters is the absolute number of pixels. You can't get shit done on 1366x768, no matter what.

how's your back doing


x220 tablet reporting in. The resolution is annoying but at least I have an IPS panel, albeit a mediocre one

>13" 1440x900
12" 1440x900 master race

>mfw have T420

I love the laptop but the screen is horrible. I'm using the dock and the external monitor so it doesn't bother me that much but its disappointing that Chinese IPS mod is gone.

Any T or W *20/*30 thinkpads with proper screen? No mods, IPS already installed?

you know, for carrying around a 15kg laptop

Just buy a new thinkpad.


x270 with fool HD IPS here
it's alright

its pretty good
i wasnt expecting over 5 hours on a charge

My T60's 1400x1050 panel isn't total shit. That's about the best I can say.