Help me pick a phone

My last one died and I'm stuck with a horrible old Sony that is giving me aids.

I want something with
>decent specs
>good build quality
>long battery life (>3Ah)
>small dimensions: shorter than 15cm=5.9in, and slimmer than 7cm=2.9in
A physical keyboard and stock Android 7 or higher would be nice, too.
Price doesn't matter too much.

Right now I am looking at the Blackberry KeyOne, the Google Pixel and the Oneplus 5. Also the Moto G5 for a bang4buck option.

Gimme advice, suggestions, alternatives, warnings, etc

I trust you, Sup Forums!

iPhone 7

If you get a Pixel, wait until the new one is out, should lower the price a bit. I've had really good experiences with Xiaomi lately, can recommend the Mi 5S and Mi 6 if you dont live in the US.

Otherwise your choices are solid I guess. You could also look at Nokia.

no Apple
I want to play mp3s on my device and use it the way I want to.
Also, overpriced plus a million other reasons.

Don't they run some cancer version of Android?

I'll check out the Xiaomis, thanks.

I'd recommend you in this order:
Xiaomi Mi6
OnePlus 5
Xperia XZ Premium
Or wait for the Pixel 2.

I'm not sure if BlackBerry phones are any good so I can't rate Keyone since I've never seen a BlackBerry in my entire life (the brand has never been popular here, everyone always used Sony/Nokia/Samsung/LG).

>Don't they run some cancer version of Android?
I'm pretty sure they run stock android, but I could be wrong. That's what they said they would go for when they made the switch from windows phones to android. I haven't seen a newer Nokia phone yet so I can't say.

Nokia phones run stock android and should even get fast updates.

galaxy s8 plus

stellar suggestions, thanks

The Blackberry was popular before like 2013 here (Germany), but smartphones took over.
I have an obsession with physical keyboards because typing on a virtual one just never seems like the real deal.

Ill put some research into Nokia.

The new yotaphone

Interesting idea, but not for me.

>Xiaomi Mi6
Is MIUI useable or do people just flash Cyanogen/stock?

No because Touchjizz, bloatware and quality.

I'm using Miui with Apex Launcher. Most additions aren't bad and it's pretty battery efficient (Mi 6 gets about 8h of SoT). I did root it, however, and remove some system apps including Duo and CheetahMobile stuff.

Also installed the Google Pixel HDR+ camera for nice low light photos.

Blackberry KeyOne, obviously.
Your answer was the first one you typed.

>t. BlackBerry Z30 user

Are you using WhatsApp? That's a high priority for me.
Is the Google Play store available?

Yes and yes, just flash the Official Global Stable ROM from I haven't had any problems with that.

>he wants to be a green bubble pleb


>green bubble
Looked it up, learned a little, cringed a little.

See? Everyone knows that green bubbles are cringe as fuck.

Green bubbles are what Apple and iPhone users use to distinguish non-iPhone users from iPhone users. It's what gives working class spics and niggers the impression that they're more affluent than middle- and upper-class Android users.

It's basically Apple singling out people who don't use their shit products

I have a moto g5 plus and it is awesome, I would highly recommend it