Why did people switch from adblock plus to umeme origin? It's not much faster and blocks exactly the same

Why did people switch from adblock plus to umeme origin? It's not much faster and blocks exactly the same.

Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=reddit spacing

>It's not much faster
it is
>blocks exactly the same.
it doesn't. it's based on your filter lists
>ubo doesn't hog resources like adblock
>it doesn't automatically "whitelist" websites that pay up
to answer your question
>Why did people switch from adblock plus to umeme origin?
I'm guessing it's because of sites like reddit telling everyone to switch over

Actually, adblock is faster on portable flash or older mechanical drives. ublock has ridiculous amounts of disk io.

>It's not much faster and blocks exactly the same.
>Contrary to Adblock Plus, µBlock does not inject all the generic cosmetic filters into each page and each embedded frames on a page, and this is why pages load faster with µBlock, and this is why the memory footprint of the web pages themselves is significantly smaller with µBlock than with Adblock Plus.

>it doesn't. it's based on your filter lists
do you mean "it does"?
if same filter lists, the blocking should be the same, besides ublock flickering before it applies the cosmetic filters due to >>ubo doesn't hog resources like adblock
all those comparisons where done in the beginning to gain new users and chrome only:
that was like 3 years ago and ublock became bloated.

>it doesn't automatically "whitelist" websites that pay up
in contrast it does automatically blacklists websites that the ublock maintainer doesn't like:

also remember the fiasco why it's now ublock origin and not ublock. (quitting over too many support requests, then hating the new ublock maintainer, who he selected, for asking for donations, and finally coming back with ublock origin after a month)

so the ublock origin maintainer (gorhill) isn't that reliable and trustworthy either.

>Why did people switch from adblock plus to umeme origin?
because Sup Forums endorsed

>more functions
>not owned by ad whitelisting faggots

now proceed to torture your memory, cpu and browser with ABP and GTFO

can't find that claim anywhere on:
are you running out of ram?
>>more functions
why do you even need more functions than just blocking the ads on the filterlists?
>>not owned by ad whitelisting faggots

For me it was that "Acceptable Ads" bullshit.

Since they had a market share allowing them to pull that crap, that was a sign to switch.

did Sup Forums really?
ublock was chrome only for a long time, but Sup Forums hates botnets.

>Doesn't know about (((acceptable ads)))
>Posting on a tech board

The main difference I've noticed are Ublock's blocking of the "deceptive ads" that present themself as actual news articles on Yahoo's main page. They disappear with Ublock but are still visible with Adblock Plus. I'm assuming they are listed as "acceptable ads" as I've heard ABP does have deals with certain ad agencies to allow certain ads to be visible.

>can't find that claim anywhere

Try running ABP with 100k+ filters, it will kill your browser

uBO will work just fine, slowing down like 1 sec

have a look at this thread lol


>are you running out of ram ?

Now, I'll try to keep calm but it's hard.
Why for the love of fucking cthulhu should I use a program that uses more resources for no reason at all ? Either tell me a single reason why more RAM usage for no performance benefits is better or you can count your point as dismissed.

>more functions

I can selectively block scripts, frames, pictures and all 3rd party requests right from its GUI without the need to create specific filters. Pic related.

If you think that this is useless accessory then all I can say is no. I can have just uBO instead of uBO + uMatrix / NoScript.

Why do I need more functions ? By blocking useless shit like 3rd party frames I decrease page loading time and increase security.

Same, AFAIK this was the main reason people switched, not because uBlock origin is faster or anything like that. Weird that most anons here don't even mention acceptable ads and instead fill that missing knowledge by saying its "cause it works better"...

>reddit spacing

you're clearly blind

"Using two newlines to separate paragraphs, instead of only one. "

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=reddit spacing

>reddit spacing


So do you have anything to say or just casually lurking and pointing at shit you don't like ?

>reddit spacing


Don't respond to shitskins.

i rewrote your shit without reddit spacing:

>can't find that claim anywhere
Try running ABP with 100k+ filters, it will kill your browser
uBO will work just fine, slowing down like 1 sec
have a look at this thread lol

>are you running out of ram ?
Now, I'll try to keep calm but it's hard.
Why for the love of fucking cthulhu should I use a program that uses more resources for no reason at all ? Either tell me a single reason why more RAM usage for no performance benefits is better or you can count your point as dismissed.

>more functions
I can selectively block scripts, frames, pictures and all 3rd party requests right from its GUI without the need to create specific filters. Pic related.
If you think that this is useless accessory then all I can say is no. I can have just uBO instead of uBO + uMatrix / NoScript.
Why do I need more functions ? By blocking useless shit like 3rd party frames I decrease page loading time and increase security.

Thank you for bandwagoning a reddit meme!

Out of arguments, poking around with random shit he can find to defend his already torn butthole

Do you know what a newline character is?
Also a single sentence doesn't warrant a paragraph.


Also I just want to note that I completely agree with the contents of the post but the formatting is godawful.

I switched because it kept hogging all my RAM and CPU. Considering my devices are limited in these regards, I switched to something less resource intensive.

Is AdBlock Edge still around? My desktop, which has resources to spare, would be fine with it. But Im running Lubuntu here, and its not listed in the FireFox addons. Is it still available if Im running Debian? Or is it just gone?

>Adblock shill BTFO
>calling anyone reddit in a vain attempt to "win"
prove my point and call me reddit

>Adblock shill BTFO
>Also I just want to note that I completely agree with the contents of the post but the formatting is godawful.
hmm that does not compute. typical reddit "argumentation". oops i have just proven your "point".

Using both + u matrix


>using adblock
>E V E R

>using AdBlock
>using an adblocker that ignores ads because people give them money
>now i can see malicious ads because someone paid AdBlock to ignore them
>undermine the whole point of using an adblock

>not using proper spacing

here i fixed it for you:

>using adblock

>E V E R





That's not the user you've meant to reply to.

yes it is

also pls use proper spacing.

it makes your post easier to read

>it's not much faster
that means it's faster

You're getting more pathetic every minute
Please continue

Did neither of you notice that the reddit post was in favor of ublock?

>>Also I just want to note that I completely agree with the contents of the post but the formatting is godawful.

i mean it is right in the post you quoted.

are you retarded?

>reddit spacing

>it's not much faster
It's at least 10 times faster.
>blocks exactly the same
uBlock Origin can contain a filter list of thousands and hundreds of thousands filters without slowing down your browser. Try even opening a browser with ABP with that many filters and it will freeze for half a minute.

do you even realize that there are more than 2 anons in here you fucking faggot

>Try running ABP with 100k+ filters, it will kill your browser
repeating the claim isn't actually making it true.

ublock also claims this:
meanwhile it's using 200MB now.

>uBO will work just fine, slowing down like 1 sec
later on you say that you are using dynamic filtering, so it's
a) weird that you would still have 100k+ static filters
b) comparing apples and oranges as the valid comparison then would be abp & noscript

>Now, I'll try to keep calm but it's hard.
ublock doesn't claim to be faster, only having a lower memory footprint.
give that, the only logical conclusion would be that it would be faster when you otherwise would run out of ram

>no reason at all
>>However the inconvenience is that the HTML elements which need to be hidden from view through cosmetic filtering may appear briefly before disappearing (though I found it's rare in practice), because the generic cosmetic filters which have been picked as a result of the survey may take effect after the page displays.

>I can selectively block scripts, frames, pictures and all 3rd party requests right from its GUI without the need to create specific filters.
that's dynamic filtering.
didn't you just rant about resource usage?
now it's okay to bloat some static filtering extension with some obscure functionality that might as well be its own extension?


>>it doesn't automatically "whitelist" websites that pay up
Just uncheck a box lol

> The concept of "breaking up the grey" is something reddit-specific.

>meanwhile it's using 200MB now.
if you're running a shit browser in a shit OS on a shit machine that may be the case
zero memory leaks thus far on all the computers I have it installed on (less than 50MB)

Even if both ad blockers were functionally the same, the performance difference is significant. Hell, Adbock slowed down the fucking browser!!!


so what's that superior browser, OS and machine that you are using?

meanwhile, you prolly have no filter lists loaded at all.

>uses more memory

Hey guys am I cool for not liking something everyone uses because it works really well yet? msg me at MineCraftMetaKnight420 on snapchat

>tell normie friends to switch to ublock
>days later they say it works better than what they have used before.
Even normalfags without any proper brain notice the difference. Fuck off, ABP shills.

so that's like 4 years ago

how can anyone still take that serious?

>wrongly assuming things
were you retarded enough to check all the filters in "3rd party filters" or something?

I added additional filters to Brave, which uses ABP. The browser became sluggish as fuck. Meanwhile uBlock Origin runs fine with twice as many filters (200k).

how exactly would it work better for plebs to notice if it's using the same filter lists?
it's more likely ublock has more strict filter lists by default and that's what they notice. that's not very helpful.

Right, time to end this.

OP, what kind of information are we supposed to provide you with to fucking accept that uBO is better than ABP ?

>using ublock origin 1.14.5rc0 on firefox 56.0b8
>adblock plus 1.9.2 on firefox 55.0.3
>can't notice a single difference

>meanwhile it's using 200MB now.
Why would you lie to me user?


>not using uBlock Origin Extra
how old is that screenshot?

I don't use Chromium as my primary browser, I thought "Extra" was a joke until I googled it.
Firefox doesn't have a nice way of checking how much memory an extension is using.

>not using uBlock Protector instead

>reddit spacing

extra is outdated you mong, you either use Protector or AAK-Continued


I just can't stand this anymore I'm laughing too hard

abp 2.9.1*

I stopped using ABP when Sup Forums ads didn't hide them

Installed ublock origin and forgot about AB forever

>reddit spacing

>they're using the chrome extension for firefox 57 now

Is there any reason to use abp over ubo now?

>Is there any reason to use abp over ubo now?

Of course, you can be a sick pajeet like OP and use it just to anger everybody, no problem.

>urban dictionary

why are you not using Ad Nauseam??

lol shills incoming

>gets mad at people using things he doesn't like

If you want to support perhaps the shittiest business practices out there, then sure.

how am I a shill?

>hating people making money from idiots who can't uncheck a box


>It's not much faster and blocks exactly the same.
Hmm, try again sweetie

Because it takes more time to load the page, geddit?


what are you gay?

Where did all of these google shills come from in the last two weeks?