ITT we pretend we're on Hacker News
>Things I learned from doing this trivial bullshit for 30 days
ITT we pretend we're on Hacker News
>Things I learned from doing this trivial bullshit for 30 days
Other urls found in this thread:
>Straight White Men Considered Harmful
What's wrong with them, user?
>they said I could be anything I wanted
>then they said since I'm a straight white male I don't deserve what I've worked hard for
>so I became a non-binary pansexual platypus so I can keep my job
Needs more JavaScript
>yummyfajitas writes a glorious reply
>gets flagged
>mods threaten to ban him again
I think dang may be personally responsible for pushing him to the right. He used to call himself "left-wing", just realistic about statistics, and look at him now. He publishes in the same magazine as Nick Land.
>How taking a refugee into my home and letting him have sex with my wife has made me x10 more productive
The best is when these phony, virtue signaling liberal CEOs on HN are confronted with the idea of forming a silicon valley union. They absolutely shit a brick.
I still say the best way to destroy Jewggle, Faceberg and the rest of the wage fixing cartel in SV is to simply encourage their employees to unionize. See the true face of Zuckcuck and it won't be Mr. I'm so progressive and shill for diversity anymore
Agreed but what would they be unionizing for? Usually people unionize in hopes of getting better wages or working conditions. All these SV firms already provide that. Maybe if they focused on immigration? No more pajeets
Yeah I mean I'm a college drop out working for a Bay Area tech company. I'll make over $140k this year and I work remote. Where I live the average pay for someone like me is about $80k. There is no pay issue here, they literally cannot hire enough people and now in the Bay Area people like me are demanding $250k
Why X is bad and you should use Y
(15 minutes later)
Why Y is worse than X and you should still use X
Paul Graham: Why you should be focused on hiring Indians and giving away equity to VCs in order to scale disruptively.
[200 points] Using machine learning to identify dick pics (
[1200 points] Node.JS is the greatest framework in the past 10 years
Three weeks later...
[1500 points] Node.JS Considered Harmful
[10000 points] Sleeping considered harmful - Why I stopped sleeping
They pay absolute shit wages, and were busted a few years before Steve Jobs died colluding with one another in order to wage fix. Almost everything you've heard about the great SV wages is bullshit, these kinds of wages are limited to a few companies for people with senior experience like 10+ years in a niche like Netflix FreeBSD CDN devs.
Everybody else is fishing for visas to import pajeets.
So am I, in another country, in fact I'm not even American and I get paid about $120k to work remotely for a bay area corp as they lied to immigration claiming nobody with my skills could be found locally. It's totally nonsense.
The day will come where they fully outsource everything to India and mass layoffs happen with no compensation, that's when all these cucks realize they got screwed. I won't be screwed, I live in poverty land where $200/month buys a mansion but a guy spending $5k a month for a bachelor in SF will be fully and utterly cucked.
How to HACK wifi passwords using Kali Linux!
[1024] I've just created a 2048 game clone for my OS in GO language with no difficulty. Am I a good or above average programmer?
Hacker News threads on Sup Forums focus too much on the SJW shit, and there is a lot of memed opinion about it. For instance, is just not an accurate parody. Hacker News is full of SJWs, of course, but it has more cool tech stories posted per day and more industry veterans commenting than any other website. You see comments like
>Why does Foo do this? It's a stupid design.
>Yep. We wrote it that way back in 1993 because...
Focus on the good stuff, filter and ignore the bad (protip: filter stories with 'women', 'sexual', 'harassment' and 'discrimination' in the title), and you can get a lot out of it.
nice. i can't find any remote jobs that don't require extensive experience working in live production for many years.
Worst things about HN:
A) Pajeets. Totally ruined it, you can immediately tell when a pajeet is shitposting in a thread because they always brag about stupid things, and create petty drama like a bollywood soap opera.
B) Job thread is now 900 posts long full of garbage. Every thread with salary posted has some faggot sucking cock or a pajeet posting his full resume in public without emailing the person (See A - Pajeets)
C) Liberals. They routinely post politics, usually some feminist drivel or anti-Trump junk that belongs on Faceberg and not HN.
D) Web Developers. They originally ruined HN. It was supposed to be start up news. Back then, there were much more than just web startups. It then became HN, and slowly all these web faggots infested and now we have essentially reddit with a another logo.
[1033] How I rewrote Bash in javascript. have fun
Show HN: - We're the Uber of Nosejobs.
Show HN: JS.js a fork of dipshit.js which is a fork of node.js we're making the world a better place
[2343] New Google's half-assed eternal beta project is released to be forgotten and closed in 1 year
> How I tried everything and still failed
> How I made $1000/month porn website
> Show HN: A yet another useless SaaS
> Ask HN: I make 200k a day from a side project, should I leave my current job?
> What I learned by calling my self entrepreneur. (Spoiler: nothing)
>So am I, in another country,
you have to go back
Show HN: Tineet, Tinder for neets (1 point | 1 comment)
Ask HN: Why JavaScript/Java is better than C?
Show HN: A new programming language called Psil lang
>first comment
>"This is Lisp with another name, but badly implemented"
>a hundred downvotes
Three weeks later
[21009] How PsilLang ripped off LISP - John Carmack blog
how do you filter on HN?
Painful to read
>They pay absolute shit wages, and were busted a few years before Steve Jobs died colluding with one another in order to wage fix. Almost everything you've heard about the great SV wages is bullshit, these kinds of wages are limited to a few companies for people with senior experience like 10+ years in a niche like Netflix FreeBSD CDN devs.
This should be common knowledge by now. If you see someone saying they're a fresh-faced Bay Area grad making bank, they're fucking LARPing or seriously out on the right end of the bell curve.
The outsourcing, the visa insourcing, the collusion between the HR departments, it's an absolute cyclone of bullshit holding wages down as hard as they fucking can.
Yeah, I'm making "six figures," but given my experience and the cost of living here it's like making 50k or some other average wage out in the rest of the world.
I'd love to get out and work remotely but I know for certain my bosses would be on the war path if I left them to suffer with the diversity hires they've swamped themselves with.
Whenever I finally throw in the towel, I'll be going freelance. Not because I want to, but because they're almost certain to be throwing my name on a shit-list.
Fuck SV, Fuck the Bay, and Fuck this sick insane neoliberal corporatist fuckocracy.
[11 points] Lessons from 25 years of C programming
[1300 points] Why Go is Bad, and why that's Good
>12 year old kid genius follows a youtube tutorial and builds some boring shit in python / javascript
[FLAGGED] Why Google's an evil monopoly
[FLAGGED] Google censorship
HN has tons of Google employees and Google shills constantly censoring any criticism of evil Google.
With your brain.
Or use a third party app, I wrote my own just so I can kill tangents. A tangent is when somebody comes in and totally off topic drops Hitler or some other bullshit which derails the conversation for 100 thread replies until you can get back to whatever it is the article is about.
You also bookmark good posters, like
Whenever a professor is on there I bookmark them too, I should probably sell my list of good posters somewhere and make a Show HN: New Hacker News gold subscription feed
>Web Developers. They originally ruined HN.
This is an illusion. Paul Graham and Robert Tappan Morris were technically web developers (i.e., they worked on a web application) and got rich through a Web startup. Most of Y Combinator's startups have always been web startups. The problem with Hacker News, as with most other places, is that it started out with above average people and for a while was really good thanks to them. Many of them worked on web applications for a living, but what was important was that they were capable of doing other things, too. In PG's case, he wrote one of the best Common Lisp books, On Lisp. As HN grew in size, its commentators started to resemble the general public more and more. The general public is the cancer.
*We mean the sex act, not surgery.
[635] Allow me to share the sum of my life wisdom ( [written by a 16 years old]
Write a user script.
[500 points] How lisp is so awesome.
Yeah I should have mentioned I'm almost 40 with a lot of experince and I'm in a senior engineering role.
Sir, are you a /leftypol/?
[756 points] Why Google is the greatest company on earth (submitted & upvoted by Google employees).
Triggered me.
>I wrote my own just so I can kill tangents
Do you just do it manually?
How I re-wrote ClojureScript in 24 hours using Vue and an expired Tarsnap account
How I traveled the world and created a startup in SF with nothing but a laptop and love. [610 comments]
There isn't many of those now. Unless when you say "Lisp" you mean "Rust".
[9999 points] Why your startup should have a gay/woman CEO (
>How I rewrote thing in language x and it turned out better not because of x but simply because I already did it once before
Yes, tho you could write a simple browser plugin that does the same too. However my filter for usernames I hate will automatically hide their threads (which often create huge tangents containing dozens of replies) so in a way tangents are automatically killed and it's the same people over and over creating the shitty content so I haven't had to physically hide anything in a while.
If you can find the 10% of posters that are truly quality you can learn a lot in a weekend just scrolling through their comments, like pbsd
> is just not an accurate parody
Those are Sup Forums fags, ignore them.
>they literally cannot hire enough people
Wow maybe I should stop wasting time being a neet on quadchin and get to studying and building something to show off and start applying
How diversity in the tech industry benefits everyone.
[4580 points[ Rust is the new binary
Show HN: OP's mom in pure CSS
also, I contribute to half of your thread OP, now fuck off.
>my filter for usernames I hate
1. Is KirinDave, eropple or idlewords in it?
2. If they are, can you please share the list?
Same with Sup Forums. But a large portion of that is consumer ignorance, which infests everything.
Sup Forums does have a lot of censorship but not as much as HN.
just filter pg and sama
Yes, yes and absolutely yes. Also danso, patio11 and many other Democrat party shills and just general idiots who learned Rails, and feel the need to comment on everything like HN is facebook.
However it's pointless for me to give you my shitlist because it's easier to just make your own I have no idea what your criteria is. We should all make our own shitlists then probably sell access to them, to trigger everybody at HN of course.
dang or sctb, if you see this, the title seriously needs to be updated. Pooplog.js is a functional return oriented runtime and NOT an event processor as the words 'the' and 'browswr' seem to suggest.
Am I using HN wrong if I'm completely ignoring the usernames?
You have to be a true believer in big-box politics to call it anything else.
>Yes, yes and absolutely yes.
Good taste.
I remember him by his old business advice comments. Sad.
>I have no idea what your criteria is
If you have KirinDave, eropple and idlewords on your list, we have at least one criterion in common, but I understand if you don't want to share your list.
>probably sell access to them
Fucking build it.
Have you been on there long?
I don't either, but whenever I run into some hysterical political argument or shitposting I assume that person should never be trusted in anything they write so filter them. I mean, I read Sup Forums so don't care about usernames or upvoting but there definitely are political shills on HN that can't help themselves by derailing almost every thread
Here's an example
First post, a mathematician weighs in with a solid reply. Then a shill comes along to derail. Click on the shill and read his history
Good candidate for the shit filter.
I started using it this week
Why would you pretend to be me?
Some of those biz advice comments are legit, like always charging daily rate and not hourly rate, but he left those times to shill 100% for common political centrist myths like read his current post history about da poor black man and his state lottery addiction. Shit like that is reddit tier trash and I filter them forever forward.
There you go. Spend some time with it and you will learn who starts shit.
anyone else think tptacek is pretentious idiot?
Outside of infosec, he is. He is the whitest of white knights.
Even in infosec he is questionable.
He, without any sort of irony, claimed the Crowdstrike analysis of the IOCs (Indicators of Compromise) from the DNC computers was "certified" to be Russian because the head of Crowdstrike, who donated to the Obama and Hilldog campaign said it was. These were secret IOCs never revealed to the public, and the US intel agencies were not involved, it was literally the DNC claiming they gave IOCs to Crowdstrike and they confirmed it was "100% Russia".
I always tolerated his deluded feminist comments but after that he went into the shit filter. No hacker worth his salt would ever believe a word Crowdstrike or any other state actor corp says that closely involved with a political party no matter which party.
tptacek's head is stuck up the goverments arse.
he'd tell you white was black if it would help the state.
Politics has a way of frying brains, selectively. Although it's a shit opinion, and I generally ignore him nowadays, I doubt the overall quality of his infosec posts has gone much down. It would be funny if he started to hallucinate Russians behind everything.
reported :^)
You mean
>All white males are literally hitler
>Trump considered harmful
>No, you don't need to be an expert to give seminars at conferences (because having standards is considered harmful)
fuck, i almost worked for crowdstrike back when they were only a couple years old.
glad i dodged that concentration camp
As an Indian developer getting my green card in a few months, fuck off. The future isn't yours.
Crowdstrike does work in a lot of things, but just be aware the owner is a political actor much like the CEO of Google is, so anything they say should be regarded as suspect since they are literal shills in that they pay money to a political party and actively engage in disinformation to prop up said leverage they have with said party.
Even the pajeets don't like pajeets though, there was a hilarious article on HN about Oracle, all the pajeets hated working for pajeet managers because of the politics and bullshit involved.
Which one of you shits submitted this and didn't say anything? Let's get it on the front page.
Because you didn't answer the question fast enough
Anyone with brains either stays away from politically connected groups or jumps in and tries to play ball.
I'm not interested in becoming a tied up loose end because I happened to administrate the wrong email server.
This one actually triggers me and it happens EVERY fucking time!
You don't want to become the Pakistani brothers who just got indicted as "enemies of the US" or some crazy charges? Or shot to death in a """"robbery""""?
Actually this is one reason I left infosec because it was terrifying the levels of state corruption involved in it. One of the few good places left is Homakov's Sakurity if you're looking to get involved in real infosec.
He's too based though, he once wrote a large blog post on how the entire security industry is a straight up scam because companies have no intention of every adopting any kind of secure architecture, they just want a cert they "passed" a brief audit. Working for that guy was a giant redpill in security research. He pays in bitcoins too which is handy
lol, you imitate them really well.
I love how they do that.
Say the least bit controversial thing.
Nobody disagrees directly.
They all ask you a question.
>What's wrong with that, user?
Then you elaborate.
Then they have a circle jerk down vote party on the first post as well as the elaboration and anything following.
They are the most offensive, infantile, passive aggressive people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting online. At least user's on Sup Forums can produce a reasoned response if they disagree on a point.
>Nobody disagrees directly.
this cowardice is very familiar to me
>Outside of infosec
he gives mostly bad crypto advice
fairly sure he does it on purpose
>tfw want to get into infosec for job security reasons but don't want to get into infosec because politics and corruption