Tech greentext thread

>press any key to continue
>press the power button
>it works

>3 4



>>it works
Fake and gay

press any """key"""
press the power """button"""
it """works"""

shadilay Kek

>Press F1.
>it helps.

>troubleshoot problem
>it fixes the problem

>bro, delete system32 its a virus
>delete system32
>the virus actually disappeared


>you must be 18 to access this site
>I am not but I click on "I'm 18 or older".
>it actually let's me acces the site

>>I am not


>type boards.Sup into url bar
>skip TOS agreement

>never see the TOS agreement.


>see rule violation
>tell the cyber police
>they take care of the incident

>use private client and 3rd party captcha service
>never actually see Sup Forums threads
>post on Sup Forums anyways

>type Sup in url bar
>hiroshimot has finally fixed the redirect
>fell god

So why is it triggering everybody?

>using /bant/

>tfw /bant/ is actually best board on Sup Forums
Howdy, newfag.

delet dis

That's the thing on /bant/ you can shitpost but you can also have a normal conservation


The average thread is under 20 posts

... and words are overrated!

I know this story, but I still don't know what's so triggering. Sister and parents' stupidity? Composition?

You might be not autistic enough to really feel the burn in your hart like we do.

>Have you tried turning it on and off
>Can I have your product's serial number please?



There's no way this is real. I refuse to believe.

You can't make this shit up.

>have problem
>google it
>first result is actually the solution

i wanted to forget this and now you make me to remember

>call tech support
>it's pajeet
>he actually solves my problem


>frogpost on Sup Forums
>it actually gets replies