He torrents movies <5GB in size

>He torrents movies

Other urls found in this thread:


My screen isn't even 1080p, so why would I bother?

>he willingly wastes bandwidth

$0.03 has been deposited in your YiFY account

I only go for the 4K h.265 encodes.

>download 48GB BluRay rips
>encode with H.265
>they are now 5GB
>ultra insane quality


>20 hours of encoding time


>spend entire movie jerking off to the quality instead of actually watching it

>Not 12GB

i don't even download shitty YIFY releases lol.


Just a waste of time


>Lying on the internet


>He downloads games that have had their music / cutscenes removed

back to IRC grandpa

>downloading below 60fps movies
Lel there is no point downloading it. Just stream it in plex lmao


>download 48GB BluRay rips
Are you aware remux releases exist? Those are ~25gb after all the padding has been stripped (Extra audio tracks, menus, etc).

>encode with H.265
Buying a new HDD to store all the untouched rips would be cheaper than the power bill you'll have to pay after the days long encodings with x265.

>tfw haven't updated MPC-HC so can't play h.265
>tfw have to avoid downloading h.265 anime
>tfw to lazy to update and fix the settings
Fortunately most things still seems to be h.264

>60fps movies
Wut? Aren't the Hobbit at top with 48?

I want Sup Forums to leave

>l-liar!!! lol i just called him a liar w/o any conclusive evidence!!!! TAKE THAT SHILL

I do this often. I am always looking for color clarity (especially black) and pixelation. If something is in poor quality, I can't watch it.

>caring so much about movies
I want Sup Forums to leave.

You CAN encode high quality movies with small file sizes.

10-bit HEVC with a CRF of 22 using the faster preset cram most 720p movies down to ~1-2 GB and most 1080p movies down to 2-4 GB.

Only if you use the placebo preset which nobody in their right mind would ever recommend.

The faster preset will net you ~20 FPS on a desktop A8 or i3 with 10-bit HEVC.


>Torrenting on mobile data
And US wonders why they have the slowest mobile networks in the world...

There is literally no such thing as wasted bandwidth

t. x265 developer. I lost count how many times you already posted this bullshit

They are getting better in some places. Hopefully 5G will get finalized and implemented soon so everyone can have 100mbps connections to stream 8K video on their 4K res phones.

>everyone can have 100mbps connections to stream 8K video on their 4K res phones
I hope you're joking nigga...

Nope, I'm just a daiz apostle. I'm sick of having to download 4GB

Nope, 4K res will become the norm soon and 8K video will be required because of chroma sub sampling.

>daiz apostle
>advocates objectively worse quality

Dude you don't make any sense

>he hasn't downloaded an 888gb batch

>the absolute state of the """"united"""" states
what a shithole


I have 250/250 and i streamed the 25Gb rip of 君の名は in original qyality over wan to an apple tv 2 without any problems using plex.

I hate repeating myself but :H264 CRF does not equal H265 CRF. 22 CRF HEVC ~= 16 CRF H264.

see pic related

Guess which chroma sub-sampling is used in 99% of video out there including 4K?

nigga pls

Is that 10-bit?

>x265 2.5+12-fcd9154fa4e2:[Windows][GCC 6.2.1][64 bit] 10bit

>Nope, 4K res will become the norm soon and 8K video will be required because of chroma sub sampling.
Implying I was talking about the video and not the completely pants-on-head retarded understanding how mobile networks work.

Spectrum isn't unlimited.

Impressive, it probably looks like that because of all the motion happening. Now play that back in 1.0X speed and 100% zoom and compared the videos. Do you notice a difference?

post more brad reaction pics

sooooooooooo which one is supposed to best?

None, both are supposed to have about the same visual quality. The only difference is the HEVC file will be ~50% smaller.

>he doesnt watch movies straight from disc in his home cinema
disgusting poorfags in my Sup Forums

Why would you download using mobile connection?

>he doesn't watch in a Cinema on release night

>I do this often. I am always looking for color clarity (especially black) and pixelation. If something is in poor quality, I can't watch it.

This is what autism looks like.

I miss aXXo, Blu-ray quality at DVD size

~4GB HEVC 1080p rips ftw

Never reply to me again

Hi :)

No that's what some one with half-decent eyesight looks like. My eyesight is fucked (probably too much porn?) so I couldn't care less. If you can see the bad quality in a video, blurriness, compression artifacts, etc why wouldn't it put you off?