What went wrong?

What went wrong?

>implying it's more hackable than other free and open-source text editors

Github is children company, MS fuck so hard


we have vim and emacs for the fossfags, and sublime text for everyone else. That's why.

>What went wrong?
Before asking such a question, is there anything what went right with it?

It felt like they were trying to redefine how you should use a text editor unlike visual studio code which felt like a standard text editor with a shit tonne of easily accessible features.

Electron apps are crime against the humanity. The amount electricity gets waste is way too much. People making and using this technology should be imprisoned for environmental destruction.

>computers are getting faster
>software is getting slower
>the two cancel each other out
Just fuck my shit up senpai.

It's pretty

And after disabling almost all plugins its nice and fast too

This. There's no incentive to writing software that runs efficiently if computers can just get faster to deal with the poor optimization. It's been this way for years so no one really notices any actual speed differences. How did we let this happen?

JavaScript for making desktop applications.
Opening a fucking 12 MB PDF makes this thing shit the bed. I have to open multiple textbooks for my latex workflow and it can't even do that right.

I use it all the time but dont run into many issues. Its my preferred editor since I mostly do JS.

Electron went wrong, it's fine otherwise.

Very simple reason: Cost. It's way cheaper to run more expensive hardware than it is to have engineers write highly optimized code.

vscode happened

Electron and JS.
Can it open big files yet?

>JavaScript for making desktop applications.
This is not necessarily true; VScode runs on javascript and its blazing fast in comparison to this.

Multi-Mbyte files tend to stutter on it, so propably not. However that may just be because of bad practices used in the editor itself, not the language like noted on

Are you implying it was right at some time?

probably vscode has less shit code. anyway both are extremely slow compared to sublime or bbedit

VScode is still slow in comparison to native editors, subhuman

it's like someone told them about emacs but did not give any more hints

>desktop software
pick one

JS on desktop will pave the way for GNU/Linux to dominating the desktop market. You need to look outside your little NEET bubble. Most people use Windows because they are introduced to it by their schools as kids, by games as teens, or by their jobs as adults with those shitty corporate applications. Aside from games, the vast majority of normie programs can be written with electron+JS, which will in turn be multi platform. People could save money by purchasing laptops and prebuilt computers that have no Microsoft Windows and Office on them. It will take time but that is the direction we are going to.

>What went wrong?

also, fucking hell this captcha.. I now believe in God

Geany offers same features I have used on Atom, so I just uninstalled it from my system and freed 500MB space.

My shit feels faster than ever. 2013 i7 with windows 10 and an SSD. But I've only had a PC since 1998 so I probably don't have as much experience as you.

Litterally unusable for me because it freezes so much any time I do fucking anything.

They "fixed" this by disabling a bunch of features if you open a big file in the latest versions. What a cuck editor

They actually rewrote the whole text buffer in C++ in version 1.19 so it's pretty fast now.

>FuLL NoDeJs EditOr =)))
>They actually rewrote the whole text buffer in C++ in version 1.19 because that shit was fucking slow
can't make this shit up

so there's a real alternative to it and sublime?

outside of emacs and vim

I switched to atom from sublime some time ago.

Mostly because it lets me type in Japanese using fcitx without hassle. There's a sublime imfix that works but it's ba.

>over 200MB
>litereally just a browser displaying a text editor written in javascript bloat

Nothing. It is one of the best text editors on the market today. If not for VS botnet code with it's amazing JS features I would use Atom. It's definately better than meme vim and meme emacs


this ^^

my nigga

It sorta is because you don't have to manually recompile it every time, which is at least a slight problem for anyone who doesn't use based Gentoo

VS Code deprecated it.

There's literally no reason to use Atom. VS Code is the same thing but better and faster.


I know it's not Electron thread, but Electron is fucking shit. Web designers set custom fonts for their shit which look like shit at my system.

Electron is just a fucking dumb concept in the first place, conceived so that cretinous web developers can pretend they know how to write actual programs, the result being a steaming crock of shit every time

This. It's an ugly compromise, but it's the only solution on the table with widespread viability.

depends on what you want to do
When writing big files (like a LaTeX document) I usually use vim because it's so powerful but when having a bunch of different files to edit and making only small edits at that I just use gedit because it doesn't matter what I use to type 2 lines of code.


I think it's sad.
As computers get stronger, programmers become more and more complacent.
What eventually happens (which we start to see now) is that new devs get raised with FUCKHUEG computers which have a million abstractions, and stop understanding computer fundamentals entirely. See: most webdevs and recent CS students don't understand the pipeline which their written code travels through for the languages they use.

>weaker than sublime
>weaker than vs code
>weaker than vim
What's the point? It's just worse than anything else that existed before it.

thats not english pajeet

>which will in turn be multi platform

No, it runs on one platform, and that is whatever interpreter is underneath it. That interpreter may exist for multiple platforms but that doesn't mean that it will run on any platform just because it's JS/web stuff.


just use vim or micro because they have lots of features are light af

I tried using it for a bit at work but its ability to discover references and declarations was really poor compared to VSC. It also needs a top of the range PC to be of any real use.

Memory usage, meme language

I've been playing with howl.io lately

What kind of toaster do you need to make it slow down?

what? are you retarded?

well nodejs is written mostly in cpp...

>wat are config files: the post

I used to think that Atom was un-needed compared to Sublime and that it was too slow. But its really only slow to start up and it has a lot better plugins than Sublime. Atom also has the best color scheme UI out of the box, a good font. The only thing that bothers me is that it will randomly peg one of my CPU cores to 100% when the editor is just sitting there doing nothing and puts the fans of my laptop in leaf blower mode.

>reinventing the wheel

>There are no text editors that try to move as much of their code into a high level interpreted language
>GNU Emacs doesn't exist

Atom is what happens when you let everyone have a trophy. I used a cracked version of BBEdit because I'm a real muthafuckin gangsta.

or ultraedit or 101editor or whatever editor of devs that don't stop at lazy gap buffers.

Github attempted to make software.
Config files and slow interpreters of shitty languages like elisp or vimscript can't keep up with a good native plugin system or at least a decent VM like V8.

Qt is also multiplatform and is perfectly fine for ENTERPRISE, Tableau runs on it.

V8 is multiplatform and JS is standardized you retard. Anyone can make an interpreter following the ECMA spec.

It's too slow for me. I use leafpad instead.

Everything. Electron, ads in plugins, memory issues, etc...

>good native plugin system
What is that supposed to mean? Write plugins in C and compile them? Every software I've seen uses an extension language of some sort.

uuuh this strange thing.. yes I tried it, but wth ~400MByte for an editor? holy cow..

>What is that supposed to mean? Write plugins in C and compile them?
For example. Then use dlopen() or whatever to load them at runtime. It's basically one of few good reasons for dynamic linking.
There's a couple of other ways, like foreign processes in GIMP or some forms of IPC that are ok in soft-realtime scenarios like text editors.
>Every software I've seen uses an extension language of some sort.
At some point it usually turns for each software that scripting languages are too slow or otherwise too limited for actual extensions and should be restricted to highlevel macro APIs. Some know that inevitable truth from start, like MS Office or LO (not their users, though) or GIMP, some learn that rather late, like emacs and some never learn, or only by proxy like vim.