How difficult would it be to create your own VPN for other people to use?
How difficult would it be to create your own VPN for other people to use?
not hard at all
if you have some hardware to dedicate to it, just grab a pfsense CD and check the "vpn server" box.
Just pull some random docker image that's totally not a virus and deploy it.
> pretty easy:
Not that easy, but not impossible.
I spent two to three hours trying to set it up because "we need it rieght fuckeing nao".
I don't think OpenVPN is good for private use, I'd try something newer like Softether.
depends what you want to do.
if you want to provide dual stack you you have to maintain two different firewall sets
if you want to cascade vpn connections that's gonna be horrible to implement (tried it, was not fun and gave up)
you have to think about clustering for high availability otherwise your userbase will ditch you for someone else. that implies taking care of high bandwidth provided by the ISP, lots of uplink ports, good storage for i/o,
you probably need a CA for security and trust
depending on how many user you will have and how much you can trust them you'd also need network monitoring for in and outgoing connections to identify attacks
if you want to do it right, it's a lot of work. if you want to do it shit, just copypaste digital ocean and hope nobody fucks you over.
pretty sure it would be for private usage, not public
nigga there is 100s of scripts to install openvpn with a few keystrokes
that's retarded because you can be held accountable for that as private person if they do something wrong. if you do it commercially the worst thing that i imagine could happen is that your company is ruined.
2 cases:
you either register a domain which runs under your name, even if you hide the whois records.
any illegal activity will be linked directly to you.
or you run a vpn from home, given that you have amazing uplink speed, with dyndns or similar.
in this case you already break the terms of service from your isp and you will also be held accountable for.
would not recommend without knowing wtf you are doing from a legal and technological side
well I live in country where no one gives a shit about what they do on internet, so I didn't think about any legal issues if they start pumping torrents or something. Though a VPN for personal use (eg. for public wifi networks) shouldn't be a problem, right?
let's just say you have 100 users that all leech like there's no tomorrow, if there is an riaa/mpaa bot connected to the tracker in order to find out which ips leech what and it will be yours.
the only thing for personal use that you should mostly pay attention to is a good firewall and strong encryption and the shit listed on digital ocean is not the strongest encryption, therefore rtfm
wget && bash vpn
Quick question on the subject: how does a VPN work? Like, say I have a droplet, if I funnel my internet connection through it, is that impacting my bandwidth and usage equal to the raw amount of upload/download I'm doing?
Shadowsocks. Pretty easy to set up
And even more easy to use. Install android/iOS app, scan uri/qr code and enjoy your uncensored internet. Desktop apps are not great thou but still usable.
VPN overhead is pretty low, approximately 5%. But your server will be billed twice as much, because it is receiving encrypted data and then sending it to the destination or vice versa.
here's a business idea for you:
commercialize private vpn hosting
VPS hosters have already done it.
kumiko is really cute
ugly bitch with meme hair
no u