first victim of systemd
Fuck the system
whos max?, works at Debian?
He commited sudoku after nigger police raped him .
He posted something like "do you know who I am?" on twitter but no one gives a shit,
Always treat you acne kids or else you'll end up with a face like his.
My favorite part is when he was having his nervous breakdown, some anime poster from Sup Forums told him to kill himself and he did.
some people really have bad acne as teenagers.
My cousin has acne that has it's own acne on his face
When you learn the word Debian is a combination of (Deb)bie his ex-girlfriend name and Ian his own name, you need to stop using it and you know that he was crazy and unbalanced
Sure is in here...
CIA niggers literally got him, not even memeing, he said it himself in his last tweets
>Terry was right
gas the CIA niggers and kikes
What's wrong with systemd? All the distros have switched to it so it must be good
trips wasted on a retard
>muh sysvinit
>muh minimalism
Arch doesnt have systemd, does it?
>this nonsense rant
Hyperbola 0.2 Stable soon
So nothing of actual substance? Ok, got it
It does, but there are alternatives like Arch-OpenRC
and Archbang which is an installer script which comes with Openbox/tint2 and a few basics, which I personally use
How is it nonsense or a rant?
Anything is nothing of substance if you lack critical thinking.
I forgot to mention that archbang uses JACK instead of pulseaudio, which is important
>does it?
Гocпoди, блядь, кaкoй жe yбoгий язык!
Tyпыe пиндocы.
arguments against systemd and systemd-free distributions
oдјeби y пичкy мaтepинy
Is this really as simple as it seems?
spotted the CIA nigger
>muh unix philosphy
>muh false facts
>muh back doors
>muh assassinations aren't paying off
>muh low gov budget for hiring good devs
>muh patriotism
šta se primaš na glupave ruse botino jedna :D
> No TLS
Thanks a lot, now the CIA niggers are on to me
> inb4 TLS is compromised.
It isn't
>> 62245246 (no (You)s for (You))
>what is runit
>what is upstart
>what is OpenRC
when? Cant wait any longer *_*
Hi aborigins
Hi subhuman
>docker employee
>systemd victim
The only victim here is the functioning part of your brain.
WTF does this mean exactly?
He created debian. Deb for Deborah his girlfriend back then and ian for Ian Murdock
He posted on twitter a few things about police violence. irc he said something like "when it comes to black no one cares, but what if it's a white male successful in his life"
He committed sudoku and people cared less than a nigger being shot.
search for his name you might find its tweets
I'm sure thus website dedicated to being without systemd is unbiased. Thanks, anonymous poster!
Just because someone takes a position in an argument does not mean you can dismiss any of their arguments out of hand. That's absolutely retarded.
fuck off CIA nigger
Of course its biased you fucking idiot. Employing your logic we would think that an anti-war website was not biased against war.
I wonder who's behind this post?
They need to shut it down right about now I imagine.
Niggers are literal apes, and Americans hold responsibility for memeing them into personhood and unleashing them into their cities and allowing them amongst people of the world as if they were peers
Congratulations you niggerlovers, you deserve it all
t. Eurofag who regular watches hoardes of negro apes going into some tomato field and not coming back
He wanted to KHS regardless but the animenigger asked him to stream and he said he'd look into it
This one is already trying to derail the thread:
mein neger!
mfw cia niggers trying to derail thread
When will the anti-systemd virgin neckbeards stop exploiting the death of a troubled individual? How low can you go?
fuck off! Go suck on lennarts cancer aids systemdick you little shit!
When will Lennart stop exploiting Red Hat's power? How low can you go?
You shills have failed repeatedly in your attempts of bringing up actual arguments for systemd or against the alternatives. Your "arguments" only consist of mocking those who don't share your opinion. You dismiss actual arguments brought up by the others like you have the ability to invalidate anything you wish.
Lennart works for RH, so they'll continue to exploit him.
That's about the extent of intelligence I'd expect from an anti-systemd shill :^)
>intel and amd have hardware backdoors
>systemd tries to make distros better
Have you noticed that many of the posts supporting systemd seem a little "off"? The tone doesn't seem at all like a typical Sup Forums-poster, despite containing typical imageboard-culture insults like "neckbeard".
Once can infer that it's a shill trying to blend in by adopting the board's lexicon. But I wonder just how many different organizations shill on this site?
When I saw the picture, I thought he was pic related
Have you noticed that many of the posts against systemd seem a little "off"? The tone doesn't seem at all like a typical Sup Forums-poster, despite containing typical imageboard-culture insults like "neckbeard".
One can infer that it's a shill trying to blend in by adopting the board's lexicon. But I wonder just how many different organizations shill on this site?
this is an excellent point. Probably most of the anti-systemd shills are probably getting raped every day by the Intel ME or AMD PSP with the CIA having easy access to their system (this is why I have a librebooted X200). But they will spend hours upon hours railing against an open source project because it has imaginary backdoors and violates their imaginary unix philosophy (linux is not unix). And when you ask for evidence, they complain, m-muh 300k lines of code, it's t-too long to read :'( t-trust me g-guys it's there!!
Exactly. Good choice going libreboot.
well thats exactly why I hate systemd, because I have a librebooted X200! Hyperbola, Devuan save me!
I think wikileaks posted an archive of the tweets on their twitter. Do some searching I'm sure you'll find it
Too fucking many.
A reason more to use it!
It was Debra and how does that mean he crazy? Guy definitely seemed to have problems with his mental health but I'm not sure how you got it from that alone
Translation: I don't have a source to back up my claim.
b-believe me g-guys!
wikileaks isn't a valid source
he'll do/post anything to destabilize the west
I'm not spoonfeeding you retard. Find it yourself. It takes 1 simple search and it's first result. I'm not making an argument just telling where you can very easily find it.
>10 years of material
>not one document proven to be fabricated
wheeeeewwww laaaad
shills working overtime on Sup Forums I see
>I'm not spoonfeeding you retard. Find it yourself. It takes 1 simple search and it's first result. I'm not making an argument just telling where you can very easily find it.
Translation: I just tried to find the source I was telling you existed but couldn't, so I'll just pass the burden of providing evidence off to you once again even though I'm the one making the claim
No I found it in one search. Your loss if you can't though
>arguing with shills
I was done there
You spent more time explaining how the source exists than just simply posting it. Your autism level must be pretty damn hight.
>spoon feeding retards
>not backing up your claims with sources
Don't even bother at this point.
>not one document proven to be fabricated
That isn't true though. Anytime a counterclaim is brought up you shills start screaming about the GOP/Dems or some shit.
jeez I dont want to use a distro built upon suck a cuck
Fuck US political parties and the shills that represent them. Wikileaks has not release a single unauthentic document. If they have, please point to a source documenting that. Thanks.
F && Czeched -- Brutally murdered by cops.
It's a russian thing. All their companies, at least all I know, have their name created like this.
>ROSsia (russia in russian) and russian word for oil NEFTh
Was debby ann even using systemd when murdoch dies?
She used MacOS then and still does.
Dude, even the CIA admitted he hasn't forced a single document released in the over decade long history of Wikileaks.
>It's a Russian thing.
It's a language thing. Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, and French companies do it too.