>about to gossip / shit talk someone
>put my phone on airplane mode first
About to gossip / shit talk someone
t. nazi
people with the right political opinions have nothing to worry about
>people with the right political opinions have nothing to worry about
they also have nothing worth hearing to say
>Muh Nazis
Also, what the fuck does it have to do with OPs shitpost? You shit talk conservatives, but you do the exact same stupid shit they do.
>Also, what the fuck does it have to do with OPs shitpost?
OP is clearly a paranoid white nationalist Trump supporter. The only reason why you would have to worry about the government listening to you through your phone is if you were a terrorist or a nazi like OP.
are (you) a woman by any chance?
>getting trolled this hard
you paranoid motherfuckers see conspiracies everywhere
Why? Are you afraid of gurls infiltrating your sekrit Sup Forums clubhouse safe space?
Somehow this thread went to shit even faster than I expected.
I'm not seeing conspiracies evrywhere. Just blatant shitposters and bad bait frankly
>you paranoid motherfuckers see conspiracies everywhere
If all you have are 'safe'; opinions than you have nothing worth saying
looks like I found one
post pics
>Just blatant shitposters and bad bait frankly
How is it bait? The government has no reason or interest in spying on you unless you are doing something dangerous.
>The government has no reason or interest in spying on you
Hahahahaha, they collect fucking everything
Nigger are you fucking retarded? Or are your jimmies just rustled so hard that you can barely type properly?
>about to be a awful citizen and uphold the constitution
>pace phone in a metal container with sim and battery removed
>>>Who is Edward Snowden and how did he figure out the NSA was spying on everyone in the country, essentially breaking the 4th Amendment? Also did said program actually stop?
Also, wasn't me you braindead nigger
good post
>Who is Edward Snowden and how did he figure out the NSA was spying on everyone in the country, essentially breaking the 4th Amendment?
The same way your maid finds out you have porn stashed in the bottom drawer of your desk. Only she isn't a self-absorbed attention-seeker, so nobody else finds out.
jesus christ this thread is a perfect example of the shit part of Sup Forums
It has gotten out of hand, hasn't it.
The ironic has become the unironic.
>only grils gossip
>men banter each other to their face
tits or gtfo, OP