why do you people hate so much ubuntu? I know it's a really simple distro and arch / gentoo are so much better , but you all want linux to become the desktop OS , and ubuntu will help making this dream come true, all packages are installed , it just werks , that's why all noobs install ubuntu in the first place ; they might install gentoo, but they need to understand linux in the first place
If you people want linux to become the desktop os , you should embrace ubuntu, not hate it
Why does Sup Forums hate ubuntu so much?
>why do you people hate so much ubuntu?
I don't. I use Ubuntu at work.
>If you people want linux to become the desktop os
I don't want this either.
i used mint to get used to and learn linux, i now use arch
that's what I'm saying , i see so much people hating ubuntu/ ubuntu forks , but most ubuntu users switch to arch 2 years after
This although I use Ubuntu on my desktop.
>I don't want this either.
>I don't want this either.
I'm going to install ubuntu today. I know that Sup Forums hates this but it much better than windows. Ubuntu is easy for beginners, later I maybe install something else.
Whenever I use Google to look up something, regardless of whether it's an error message or doing something I don't know how to, I get relevant results among the first five search engine hits, and forums and wikis are generally friendly and helpful.
If I do the same for Windows, like looking up a critical error from the system log for some Windows service, I get half billion search results telling me to put my GPU in my kitchen oven in order to "melt the soldering points", and a few results from Microsoft.com or MSDN containing either way too little information or drowning me in way too much information.
I don't. I use Ubuntu and Arch, exclusively. It's a perfect balance of up to date, stability, and ease of use. There's plenty of support for them, too.
if you can't read msdn
good luck w/ the real world bud
i don't understand , if people get more help on one os than another , shouldn't people be on the one with the most support?
Sup Forums generally hates people who suffer less.
Honestly, Ubuntu never "just worked" for me. Even fresh installs had random errors and crashes. It was very unstable. Finding up to date software via PPAs was a nightmare and just made it even more stable.
Now I use Arch and despite what some people say, it actually does "just work". It's fast, stable, and perfect.
made it even more unstable*
Stay there if you value your time.
>if you can't read msdn
MSDN is notoriously bad at either providing too specific information or irrelevant information. Try looking up driver development and try setting up debugging on the same local machine, rather than using two machines or a VM.
More people using Ubuntu will mean more """experts""" providing their """expert"""" opinions, such as sticking graphic cards and motherboards in ovens.
Currently, most people who actually use Linux are actual technologically literate people.
maybe it happens to you , but i never had a single crash
found your problem
People use the one better advertised.
>why do you people hate so much ubuntu?
Canonical are bad guys. They are the only company that made a spyware out of Linux distro. Even though all this Amazon fuckery is turned off by default now - I still don't trust Canonical. That being said - people are more retarded now, they even install Steam on fucking GNU machines. So maybe Unity with it's spyware wouldn't be such a dumpster fire now as it was back in a day.
>but most ubuntu users switch to arch 2 years after
You are very far from the truth.
Why? I'll use Ubutntu on my desktop, only what I will do it reading Sup Forums and watching anime.
yeah , i fucking hate canonical and their spyware , and the amazon spyware was fucking horrible , but most people that come from windows to linux don't care about spyware , at least at the start
and maybe not all people switch , but i have been using ubuntu for a year and a half , and i'm soon switching to arch
>being on Sup Forums
>Valueing your time
Are you retarded?
I'm talking about "later I maybe install something else."
I'm saying to stick on Ubuntu if you value your time onii-chan.
They're just babies who recently discovered Linux and aren't enlightened yet.
as i said if we're on Sup Forums we don't relue value our time imouto-chan
Ok. Ubuntu is good enough for me, but Sup Forums hates it.
yeah , but we were all babies at one point weren't we?
this is a pasta:
Over the years, Ubuntu has made some decisions which left a bad taste in many peoples mouths. Switching to Unity while the rest of the Linux fold was moving to Gnome3 was one decision that didn't sit well. Sending all of peoples search results to Amazon with a less than transparent arrangement was another. Their relationships with Kubuntu and others have not always been great. From the very start, they were based on Debian, but the community didn't feel that the changes were getting pushed back upstream to help improve Debian.
Not all of the bad feelings are justified, but the impact was pretty broad, so you will see lots of folks that just don't like them.
Add to this upstart vs systemd. And Mir vs Wayland. They have their reasons and for Canonical it makes sense, but a lot of the community see this as scattered work instead of working on a single solution together
>most people that come from windows to linux don't care about spyware
Lack of spyware is actually the only reason why non-dev people use GNU/Linux.
There are also hobbiests who install it because they are bored with Windows but after spending some time ricing their tiling window manager they get tired and go back to Windows.
I'm with Canonical here. Gnome3 is a meme desktop if I want to waste my time I would prefer use i3 over it.
Mosly every1 accuses of suffering NIH to Canonical but looks more like a RetHat problem.
You guys are aware that Canonical has killed Unity right, and future releases will use Gnome 3 by default.
But... I prefer to waste my time with chinese cartoons instead of tweak my desktop :(
People hated early Gnome 3 more than early Unity. Also, Fedora was the only major distro that switched to Gnome 3 anyway.
Gnome 3 wasn't even stable for the first 9 months, it would regularly crash and every new version bump would break any existing plugins. And a DE that required a fucking plugin to change the date format of the clock was just too much for most people to handle.
>Watching anime unironically
stop breathing
I'll add that Ubuntu has also killed all of their side projects such as Mir, too. They finally realized that they need to get focused on the basics, instead of fragmenting shit.
Yes, if Win10 wasn't so shit I would go back right now.
I don't really know what to do when LTS reaches his end of life but I still have time to think about it.
Just like I migrated to Gnome after KDE fucked up in their 4 release, and just like I migrated to Xfce after Gnome EOL'd Gnome 2 and MATE was fucking useless and buggy AF, why not just use another DE, like Xfce?
I'm really glad they did this, as well as cancelling the Ubuntu Phone project and attempting to unify desktop GUI with tablet/touch-based GUIs.
Because ubuntu doesnt work if you want to use the computer for more than browsing and playing solitaire.Everything is ancient in ubuntu.
I have removed my dualboot about like two years ago since I can't tolerate Win10 and I really liked Unity desktop. Ubuntu has all software what I need. I only need to compile mpv and a booru downloader (since I don't like to add third party ppas) and I really like how Ubuntu manages his font rendering so I'm really tied to it.
having said that I have tried almost every Ubuntu flavor but I always end up coming back to Unity.
XFCE = tearing.
MATE = bloated.
LXDE = deprecated.
KDE = bugged
I'm interested in next Lubuntu with LXQt and I want to try Budgie when they move to qt.
I'll probably switch to KDE Neon for the next LTS if LXQt do not make me change my mind.
Ubuntu got popular because it was debian with a decent livecd and made it easy to install binary drivers, firmware, and codecs. Now Debian has a decent livecd and it's a lot easier to install binary drivers on it, mp3 is no longer patented and webm is the meme format.
Ubuntu has no reason to exist other than NIH and botnet
Yeah, I'm kind of torn with the whole thing. I liked the idea of Ubuntu phone but not at the expense of the development of the desktop.
>XFCE = tearing.
I just stopped giving a crap about this. It's not like I drag windows around all the time, I just move them using maximize to half/quarter of the screen.
>MATE = bloated
What kind of toaster are you running?
We have hate something, otherwise we'd actaully have to talk about technology.
>why do you people hate so much ubuntu?
i dont hate it is ok for people who is not interested on understand GNU/Linux.
>If you people want linux to become the desktop os
No, i dont care why would a retard gamer or business fag need a real OS?
I'm talking about all the useless stuff what it have installed.
I would prefer to install mate from ubuntu minimal iso but I'm lazy.
Sup Forums hates anything that is based on Debian.
People mostly hate ubuntu for their use if systemd, and the fact that they gave up on most of their projects like unity, and a unified phone/tablet/labtop/desktop system design.
Problem is that I cannot play any real games on Ubuntu. I tried wine, but it easy unreliable. There is just no way to run ubuntu wuthout falling back to windows so why bother doing it at all?
because I'm not an idiot and don't need assumptions made or handholding for my system.
Don't get me wrong, it's great for someone new to linux but when you're more experienced, slackware, gentoo or arch varying depending on your use case are all much better options.
>>Sup Forums
I don't hate the forks. I just prefer arch because AUR is better than gang banging yourself with third party repos
This, I have tried ubuntu on many ocasi I ns over the last 10 years and every time it has been an erroe prone process. Graphics glitches, sound glitches, errors while updating, boot systems getting full, unable to find a package for the newest versions of software. And all the help telling me to edit random configuration files without explaining what the file is for or what those edited lines are doing. And even after doing it often the problem persists or is worse.
>Arch meme
Arch holds your hand.
Compared to Gentoo, BSD, and Void, Arch is baby-tier. Arch memers probably try ARCH, give up, and never look beyond it.
From the beginning it was easy to turn off and was a food source of income for them.
Linux mint is better as first time distro. Debian/arch are better at being professional distros.
Thats why i have only mint and debian installers.
What's wrong with steam?
Sup Forums hates it because it just fucking works, and people don't need to spend 3 hours compiling their popcorn and making their system usable. As a defense mechanism they claim
>"muhhhh amazon spyware! enjoy your botnet XD!"
these retards don't know how to run a one-line command to remove all of it
How'd you learn Linux?
Because they're antisocial trash.
>forcing unity nonsense down people's throats, complete with huge, ugly patches against GTK and other libs that they never even tried to upstream, intentionally causing segmentation. Unity now dead.
>pushing their "ubuntu one cloud service", only to at some point abandon it.
>ubuntu for mobile, tied to unity and convergence and all that shit. Where is it now?
>How they promised to support wayland, did nothing, and eventually introduced mir with a justification made of lies around wayland. Mir now effectively dead.
>pushing their upstart against superior (although hated :P) systemd in Debian maillists, using lies and underhandedness. Thankfully failed.
>lotsa shit, way too many shit, I don't remember and/or can't be arsed to write about.
And people ask why Canonical and Ubuntu are so hated.
you are new here, aren't you?
are you fucking retarded? of course you can't debug drivers on the same machine the driver is running on
It is best not to put all of Linux in one basket. Options are good.
Because Linux Mint is better in every way and is more stable (Mint 18 and above is based on Ubuntu 16 LTS)
I am sad they did that, especially since google an ounce they are moving from android to some new shit.
We really needed a working opensource linux phone os. Sure ubuntu was buggy and didn't have market share, but it could of gotten there over time. Also the same os from phone to high dpi multimonitor 8k desktops would be a dream come true. And they actually had some good solutions with ui scaling that were better than windows.
But now all of that is gone and windows is basicly folding their mobile division. Leaving us with just android (soon to be shit) and ioshit.
uUnity kind of sucked for the first few versions, but it really matured near the end and was imo better then gnome or kde. But by that point u untu was bleeding money and needed to fire devs, so they cut all their special projects.
1. Mint is much more normiefriendly than ubuntu
2. it mentions debian on three separate occasions. Once as second distro (obscure one found on distrohub) then as distro after arch/gentoo. Then again as final wisdom. Make up your mind.
3. Is just bad graphic placement or pure idiocy since the text states that rpm based distros are not really supported (lol) and are therefore not a wise choice but places the fedora logo next to the ubuntu logo for basic distros that anyone sane uses.
>xfce = tearing
just turn of compositing.
>MATE = bloated
u foking wot mate?
mate is lightweight and works well
>LXDE = deprecated
you keep saying that word, I don't think it means what you think it means
>KDE = bugged
I give you that.
>just turn of compositing.
I need to try that
>u foking wot mate?
>mate is lightweight and works well
But Ubuntu MATE is full of bullshit and as I said earlier I would prefer install mate-desktop from ubuntu minimal but I'm to lazy to do that. I'll probably do it on a VM someday.
>you keep saying that word, I don't think it means what you think it means
I just say it just once and I think no one is working with it.
>>KDE = bugged
>I give you that.
What does this mean?
LXDE is just openbox + some extras. Openbox is an active project.
Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop..everyone stop.
Install Mac OS.
This means that I too think that KDE and much more Kubuntu are buggy.
>attempting to unify desktop GUI with tablet/touch-based GUIs
Holy shit, Ubuntu was unironically becoming Windows. I'm glad they pulled their heads out of their arses before it was too late.
>suicide methods
So which one did you decide on?
I use ubuntu gnome.
Would it of been so bad for ubuntu to focus on mobile? There are already hundreds of desktop distressed to pick from.
>muh freedoms ain't free as in beer man
Ok bub.
It's my preferred distro for casual use. Only distro with functional Bluetooth.
>I have tried ubuntu on many ocasi I ns over the last 10 years and every time it has been an erroe prone process.
Apparently you just being at the keyboard is an "erroe prone" process.
i installed the ubuntu mini, installed openbox as a gui and xserver and went from there
next to no issues