Isn't it a bit too windows 10?
Sup Forums, KDE is going full flat, tell me what you think about that
Holy crap
KDE was always considered a better Windows lookalike then Windows itself, so this change is pretty obvious.
And it looks great desu.
Mah Konversation is getting a redesign too. I don't know how to feel about that
They could instead work on fixing bugs and memory leaks. Also work on the optimisation
Using i3 ATM, but I actually like flat designs
>And it looks great desu.
Brain cancer.
We all know that KDE doesn't have memory leaks and a perfectly stable desktop environment, I have no idea what you're talking about
Literally play about in the start menu (whatever KDE call it), open and close menus in it and it will crash.
imo it looks great for a flat design. At least it won't have a fuckton of different style like Windows 10 does.
I'd say its Windows 10 done right
Dunno. Does it have functional DPI scaling yet?
i use openbox and lxpanel. what design is that?
It seems they're converging (or thinking about) the shit out of KDE for mobile with their Kirigami
this isn't 2003
that's something I've always criticized KDE over
KDE 3 followed the windows 2000/classic interface, which was great (or at least quite usable). actually it could have been customized to look like CDE or mac OS classic, which was fine too.
KDE 4 copied Vista (WHY OH WHY???)
now KDE 5 is copying windows 8/10. f***, s***, c***, p***, etc...
I cannot find expletives to express my furiousness
it's a case of monkey see, monkey do. not all changes are good, and you need to recognize whether it is before you decide to imitate.
No, it's a better version of Windows 10. Love it.
some KDE 3 stuff becuase I'm a nostalgic loser
KDE5 came out before windows 10, and it's keeping better. "Flat" is not a Microsoft patented design philosophy.
I like it, I just hope they replace their terrible logo next.
I'm pretty sure windows turned flat with windows 8, which came out before KDE 5
Actually windows 10 is moving on apple territory now
new joke:
what's flatter than an ironing board?
computer interfaces today
Color schemes is the best thing in KDE theming engine. Or QT, I don't know.
flat design looks (mostly) good but it's fucking retarded.
More windows 10 redesigns. Is it ok that I got a chub?
>KDE was always considered a better Windows lookalike then Windows itself, so this change is pretty obvious.
Lol we have a retard.... Windows is considered best... you dont have even a 10% of the are a minority
>KDE 4 copied Vista (WHY OH WHY???)
Fuck off fag
>KDE was always considered a better Windows lookalike
by people that don't actually use Windows.
It's shit.
It's not an issue for me desu, I like it when shit is flat as long as it relies on CONTRAST to differenciate elements, rather than COLORS which makes everything blurry and gay.
Also it would be a great thing if it meant better perfs and shit, considering there's less to draw, but obviously it'll be the complete opposite because KDE is bloated as fuck and it's likely to take more resources to do less.
Is there people that unironically use KDE? I reckon those KDE guys just makes mad changes for attention, it's not that it looks bad it's all the wasted space which makes it unpleasant to use imo
I'd like it to look more like windows 10.. Right now it looks like Vista at best. Also, how about they rethink those awful menus.. it takes hours to find what you're looking for if you haven't used kde before.
Still ugly as fuck, those shadows are disgusting
KDE looks fine you whinny niggers.
Sure, keep telling yourself that
All that white is burning my retina.
Sorry, I don't dig dark as my soul themes.
>Huge as fuck buttons
KDE is a broken piece of shit and the devs are fucking retarded rude assholes
I have no idea why in 2017 anyone would use KDE
Looks like shit. Thank fuck it's just some mockup by some >designer.
better than bubbly bulbous shiny buttons you absolute mongoloid
>taskbar at the top
>white theme
>illegal pirating app
The only good KDE.
lol those load times, KDE really never improves. damn. wow. 2sec to open a gui window with nothing else running.
No offense but this looks way better than what Plasma currently looks like.
wow, that mockup actually looks nice. but they'll fuck up the implementation and it will still look as crappy as the rest of kde
At least it's not Gnome.
hey, I'm on an underpowered first gen core i3 running this in a VM. cut me some slack. also KDE 3 in linux would be faster than on openbsd because of driver support.
If it uses less GPU cycles to render that is good. I have more than enough GPU cycles but I find less is more to avoid random unexplained slowdowns.
KDE has a seemingly unparalleled level of customization.
full flat is passe. subtle gradients are the shit now. kde """designers""" 5 years behind like always
except there's shadowing under the user Icon and gradients radiating from the grey menu bar
Why.... are you....writing like... this
I did some fixing
pls r8 & h8
>Isn't it a bit too windows 10?
It's a bit shit, yes
It's just a shitty mockup made for fun. It's not happening.
perhaps just a bit more margin due to "font management", it looks a bit cramped now
trinity exists you know
>fuckhueg paddings everywhere
Fuck this shit, I'm going fullautism with awesomewm
Stop using openpepe though
idk how they could make a mono icon theme for the menus and make it completely contour hairwidth.
It looks like shit and takes more time to wrap your head around, not to mention that its uber lazy.
Relax. It looks like he is running it in VirtualBox. That being said, what exactly is bad about openPEPE? I mean, of course it sucks but so is GNO/Linox in general.
>all these replies
>over a fucking mockup that's not happening because some fag wants to Fluent Design up KDE
>literally no one can do their homework anymore on Sup Forums
jesus fucking christ what happened to this place
why is Sup Forums now just bait threads full of replies????
looks good to me
did they fix that god awful mouse cursor?
What will be the next meme after flat design?
It's weird and there's basically no reason when fedora + copr exist, or even arch
How could microsoft think this shit looked good? And why are they so lazy as to not update the theme of the entire os but just sections? Parts of windoze 10 still have the old grey theme from windows 95
>why is Sup Forums now just bait threads full of replies????
Because the mods ban you for asking questions in their own threads. Instead, you're supposed to let your question get buried in SQT where it will probably never get an answer.
Sup Forums has kind of turned to shit, thanks to shitty mods.
I fucking hate my KDE desktop so crashes constantly and lags like a son of a bitch. I'm to lazy to switch, though. KDE is the worst pile of garbage ever invented, literally worse than windows desktop.
because he's a retarded fonposter and you shouldn't give him (You)'s
this will probably be accurate, coming from a KDE user
didn't do anything about the hipster "style" tab icon, which should be integrated into "appearance" anyway
you can select what cursor you want to use, it's not exactly difficult.
inb4 b& for meta outside a designated meta thread
Modern UI actually looks decent and is a lot more usable than Material Design.
Alsom it is very sad that Microsoft fucked up W10 on mobiles so bad. It is a lot nicer to use than amateurish Googlephones.
What distro?
I'll punch you over the internet if you say debian or ubuntu
that is one ugly theme m8
Better than the default plasma kde theme it came with. Used qtcurve to get it looking that nice.
Microsoft is even more botnetish than Google though.
every time. I don't understand how they managed to make Kubuntu so shit. Any other distro with Plasma installed is better. Seriously, don't use Kubuntu!
I knew it
If you're really that tied down to apt, install KDE Neon, which actually has an updated plasma 5
You can't fucking use a snapshot of a heavily developing piece of software and call it shit you idiot.
For the best KDE experience you really want fedora, openpepe tumbleweed or arch though.
Nice but KDE 3 was the best.
have they the stated in which release the flat design is coming?
I actually like that as a KDE Plasma 5 user.
hmph, that explains a lot. Install KDE neon
>get kde installed
>loving krunner and the new theme
>get back on the machine the next day
>pic related
what gives
Plenty of reasons to use OpenSUSE instead of Fedora:
>rolling release or stable LTS distro
>no 9-month support bullshit
>Zypper is better than DNF
>YaST makes some administrative tasks a breeze
>the only team to patch Firefox so it uses the KDE file picker instead of the GNOME one
>the logo and name is better
>the way packages are classified makes it easy to find, install and uninstall certain things (you can, for instance, delete any DE entirely)
>its online build tools and the "customize your distro" are amazing
>no Arch autism
The only downside to OpenSUSE is that it cones with a nonfree kernel and the repos contain nonfree software.
are they going to stop wasting all that fucking space in the interfaces now?
Not a single DE can imitate this, why the fuck is that?
Aero is so disgusting
I agree, but we're talking features here
It either has no window preview or it has no proper small icon option. I don't need a whole fucking paragraph on my taskbar
>repos contain nonfree software
really? Last time I checked openSUSE was so authistic about free software that it didn't even include subpixel rendering.
win+tab is comfier than window previews tbqh made even better in 8 (or was it 10 idk)
KDE Pim/Akonadi are notoriously shitty. Baloo is also a resource hog. Disabled / didn't install any of them on muh Gentoo. Maybe they can be uninstalled / disabled on binary distros too. I know baloo can be
Fluent design is great, it's material design done right. Shame it took MS 2 years to get their OS' UI out of beta,
Full flat appeals to special interests.