Does Sup Forums hide its technology powerlevel or is labeled as the autistic tech guy?
Does Sup Forums hide its technology powerlevel or is labeled as the autistic tech guy?
I live in the Seattle area and technology is seen as cool and lucrative, no reason to hide anything.
I hide it until someone makes the mistake of asking me about it.
No and nyes
Kill yourself
I remember bullying someone like that at my old job
It was fun
I'd rather commit suicide than kill myself
I wear glasses, so my PL is alway assumed to be MAX. Hidden otherwise.
Im studying compsci and get called an autist by classmates for running debian
I tried to save people from the botnet but they wouldn't listen. Now I just hide it deep within.
>His OC is probably bright neon
>Probably glowing dick and asshole
>Can't keep /fit/ and guaranteed mouth breather
>Personality is most likely super socially awkward with no redeeming value or noteworthy interests
>Slumped over posture
>Multiple face piercings & hair covering eyes
0/10 would not /trash/ with.
like the turtle bitch sticker
that's it
you have awful taste
What is it with /k/ and being unable to hide their powerlevels?
Hey thanks man. I deliberately made it hyperautistic but the Turtle Bitch seems to be the only thing people unironically like. I'm considering buying the same original sticker and making another turtle bitch for my T60, which has real, non-autist stickers.
Tell me about it.
>walk into /mkg/
>get shot
Very nice.
It's a start.
I kinda envy these people. They live in their own world free of worries and responsibilities.
>They live in their own world free of worries and responsibilities.
They live in their own world because no one wants to live in it with them.
You don't get it.
should have stopped with pomf
Why should I care what others think of me?
no, you don't and they don't. that guy clearly hates the real world and wants to live in a fantasy land.
>not working in IT
>not having an entire department filled with autistic tech guys
hitler should have won
>hates the real world and wants to live in a fantasy land
Same for me. Who wouldn't want to live in an awesome fantasy land instead of being stressed out and having to work hard all the time just to die and for it all to be as if you might as well have never existed.
my man
Tfw considered normie tier in your department but autistic everywhere else
>people are only negative to me on the internet
This confirms, all haters are beta cuck keyboard warriors.
because you're a human, existing on the same planet as these people, and it's important to fit in and not be a non-conformist faggot like some high school angst-ridden child.
>being a walking meme
Where'd you get the Stirner sticker?
I can't believe furries took over Splatoon.
This is why we can't have nice things.
That sounds like communism, I like being unique tyvm.
>snowflake faggot
>doesn`t want full communism
This doesn`t sound right.
See, I really am speshule. :v)
Everyone hates you Amazon fucks though
I've never understood why they would spend so much money on foam?
Like is it a reference to something? What did they mean by this?
What reason would you have to reveal your powerlevel? It's not like you're going to get mad pussy once everyone sees you run gentoo. No point in ever revealing it. All you'll get is people looking at you weird, women avoiding you, and people asking you to help "fix my virus" or "set up my Tivo"
i hope to god that tail isn't a buttplug one
we live in a world where chicks will curve you after seeing you have green text bubbles
it's not worth it
Can I see the tux sticker at a better angle?
>why I'm not technically a furry
I smiled.
As a namefag, i.e., someone who chose to have a persistent reputation, you should be telling us.
Very nice user
There's a cumstain on your palm rest
No, it's probably Spam grease. I was rubbing that shit all over that thing when I took that picture.
Free country. He can dress as he pleases. You gotta respect that.
>and it's important to fit in and not be a non-conformist faggot
Only to the extent it furthers your goals.
Living in a fantasy world has the downside that when the real worlds strikes, which it always does, you are left completely unprepared. You can still engage in fantasies of your choosing and keep a firm grip on reality. It is not an accident that the best speculative fiction authors lived a competent real life (except for H. P. Lovecraft who was a total NEET).
Yes, I go so far as to pretend that I dont know what Sup Forums and reddit are IRL.
Where did you get your libreboot thinkpad from? I bought a libreboot x200 a while back from a website, but I'm drunk now and forgot which.
I dint wanted to born on the fall of civilization
I need to find one of you guys one of these days so we can hangout
You don't get it. I was not talking about fantasizing. And real life can only hit you if you have the intelligence and ambition for it.
When I saw magamiji I wanted to compliment you but then I saw your retarded laptop and OS. And then I saw the disgusting buttplug and I shuddered in disgust. sells them, straight from Leah Rowe himself. However, I've flashed Libreboot to my Thinkpads myself. The W500 in that pic is one I obtained a few days ago on Ebay for $40, was pretty close to brand new! Tough as a bitch to disassemble and reassemble...
Retarded laptop? Retarded OS?! It's just a Thinkpad and Debian...
The buttplug is for my girlfriend, I put it in the picture for clickbait.
I want to skin him alive.
>And real life can only hit you if you have the intelligence and ambition for it.
You probably don't mean the same thing by real life hitting you that I do. I mean the basic things like money, health, etc.
You're ok in my books user
kek I bricked a thnkpad once trying to flash it
Yeah, I mean psychological. Look at that guy, he's a fat disgusting slob. Do you think such a person who obviously doesn't give a shit about their health could get anything but superficial problems?
Whaaaat, how did you manage that?
fucked up creating my custom payload I guess. I was very careful with what I was doing but. shit happens!
I want my parents to know I'm good at at-least at one thing.
All those underage Sup Forums edgelords who's spouting "MUH FALLEN CIVILIZATION" in the comments are way more cringe than this guy, besides the way he dresses he sounds like a cool guy.
>he sounds like a cool guy.
Whatever you need to tell yourself, faggot.
Why do I need to tell myself that?
>implying we all work for amazon
only lifeless cucks work for amazon
At some point everybody has trouble you can't ignore, and those people aren't equipped to handle it. If they don't have parents or good, smart friends to help them, they're fucked. And everybody gets it on a visceral level when they are fucked for good. You can't not give a shit out of actual suffering unless you're some sort of a Buddhist monk, which they are not. They don't see it coming, but that is no advantage at all.
I think, in the end, you don't actually envy them. You envy what you imagine them to be like, but they aren't that IRL.
Do people notice that it's from a doujin?
>he sounds like a cool guy.
He is.
He also has a series on Norstar phones on that video's channel.
wowe sure feels good to have the ability to see past someones choice of clothing
Hopefullly not
Was it a T60? You can re-flash with a SPI programmer and fix your mistake!
Yes and yes. All my old friends know me as the computer guys because my parents would show my "skills" off around them.
it was the x200, I don't remember what I was doing. trying to install a new libreboot payload for some reason, or something. ya, if I had hardware I could have reflashed it. I just sold it bricked to somebody else. I could have fixed it but wasn't so into it. meh
>he sounds like a cool guy
Really? If it works for you, maybe this is a deliberate tactic. >dress to have people think you're a colossal faggot and insane
>act like a much lesser faggot and sane
>surprise people and win their approval
That stinks, sorry for your loss. X200 is a good machine! Hope you find a chance to grab another!
Why do people hate Amazon employees?
I don't care much for the company or its services, but I can't imagine the people who work for them are any different from other tech workers.
Not everyone is a insane faggot like you, sorry
Global rule #2, sweetie
stop trying this hard faggot
>this triggers the Sup Forums tard
I bet you tell yourself you're really alpha too, skipping high school tomorrow? I thought so.
Yeah, I bet you feel all warm and fuzzy. Good on you for being a good person! Pat yourself on the back.
>muh Sup Forums
not even related faggot
They have socialism to take care of them. Endless wellfare programs. People don't starve to death anymore, they die from obesity.
>you have to be Sup Forums to be disgusted with this faggot
You guys do the work for them.
>skipping high school tomorrow
Are you unemployed? Serious question.
>openness triggers the Sup Forums tard
socialism is only ok when it's national, amirite
>>Sup Forums
It's the same childish mentality that have turned Sup Forums and most of Sup Forums into
No, why?
There is a good chance those will end in their lifetime.
0.50 has been deposited from the derail thread pajeet
I flaunt it to autistic levels.
Not only do I advocate F.O.S.S. from a technical standpoint but also a philosophical and moral viewpoint.
>it's childish to think the guy who dresses up as anime cat with neon colored videogame clothes is a faggot
Again, you're only helping their cause.
>No, why?
Anyone who has a job is aware tomorrow is labor day.
>openness = socialism
You are an absolute retard.
do not reply to obvious derail, just report
nice ad hominem you dunce
>Again, you're only helping their cause.
"their" as in the jews? button up your brown coat and take your book burning back to >Anyone who has a job is aware tomorrow is labor day.
Nice example of american """education""". Not everyone lives in the united states, sweetie.
>openness = socialism
How come there are more brown people in countries that operate under democratic socialism? check mate.
If you can't be open about your interest in technology without being a total sperg, you're probably autistic. If you have a "powerlevel" to hide, you're probably autistic.
If you are autistic, everyone knows. There's no hiding it.
Hell, most undergrads know more than Sup Forums in this technological climate
>the sheer irony of a namefag claiming to not care what other people think about them