Is this faggot the biggest hypocrite on earth?
He keeps shilling against AI with muh doomsday predictions to shock the normies, but somehow HIS AI is totally okay
Is this faggot the biggest hypocrite on earth?
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It's called 'money'
If he have that 'power' maybe he isn't going to use it for bad, like the other corps will be using it. But in current days I really doubt that would be the case, money is always the objective.
He wants to look like he knows his shit so when AI money is thrown around he'll be the one to receive it. It's all PR.
I think some of what he's seeing is not that far-fetched
if you play chess (or go) against computers you'll know. humans play by intuition, and can compute a few lines. the computer sees ALL the lines, and with some proper algorithm to evaluate them, knows THE best line. humans just can't keep up with that.
now carry that concept to warfare. imagine miniature drones the size of insects, perhaps carrying poison darts, or whatever deadly projectiles you can imagine. controlled by satellite, and automatically finding humans to kill. detection is trivial (if facial recognition becomes doable, spotting a human in the dark is a piece of cake with night vision equipment). and if you play with aimbots or nightmare mode with railguns, you know computers do not miss the mark
it's a nightmare scenario, but seeing what we've seen out of humans for centuries, and knowing what computers can do, I think a bit of precaution would be wise.
it will be like MAD people wont really use it because then its game over
People who fear statistics are idiots.
a bot that plays dota is like a human that plays dota: harmless (and also useless)
OpenAI is basically an advocacy organization that tries to prove his point through research on weak AI. It's not an existential threat because it's fucking weak AI: applied linear algebra and statistics.
>tfw tesla autopilot will kill him
He's a professional con artist/grifter, what do you expect? He wants everyone to use his product instead of potential competitors, lying to make that happen is just part of the act.
Why should the government have real people controlling weapons? You have to pay them, they need food, sleep, they have morals. It is more rentable to just have an AI that has been trained to do a specific thing. (Shooting, spying, sabotaging, etc)
Can't con the Elon.
gas is even better and we don't use that in warfare because it's fucked up
you and people like you need to relax.
Because it also kills your own soldiers and all by-standers. It's shit for hearts and minds and loses wars on the grand scale.
I am also an AI pessimist.
His AI is open source though. I think he believes ai is unstoppable in that it will come no matter what he says and what he does with open AI is damage control.
Shush goy
His AI is a charity project to show the world what AI can do and what danger it can be for civilization.
One AI bot learned itself to became really good at Dota 2 1v1. After som months the Aai completely stomped some of the best 1v1 human players in the world at that game. Next year 5 AI bots are going to play against 5 pro players.
Think what can happen when robots have such advanced AI that they start their own guerrillas by themselves.
> DeepMind (Acquired - Semi Open)
He was one of the initial investors in Deepmind. He arranged for a meeting with Sergey and pitched them which is what resulted in the acquisition.
> (Closed - Secretive)
He is one of their backers. The company shares nothing and their target is advanced AI
> (Shell game pseudo regulatory body in the making/talen tsourcing/community sourced funding group)
This is his catch all AI group. He intends to spin them as a regulatory body and/or suck down funding from various philanthropic/government groups and consolidate power over AI if he doesn't manage to become an investor in a particular AI group
Actions speak louder than words. His actions show he's a business man who wants to corner a lucrative market. As for his pronouncements about the dangers of AI, he's full of shit. He's seeking to get attention for himself, his investments, and also condition people for the possibility of regulation (for which he'd suggest OpenAI) regulates. This is what is known as cornering the market :
I hope he doesn't think someone smart enough to develop AGI won't understand him as a person and what exactly he's attempting to do w/ his words or actions.. But then again, it's Elon so this probably never occurred to him.
So, yeah .. See through his words, look at his actions. He's manipulating people for his business advantage(s).
OpenAI changed their logo, website, and mission statement some time ago to attract more shekels. Many more linear algebra/applied statistics shops are doing the same to attract more shekels.This isn't going to stop until someone truly develops AGI and blows them all the fuck out.
brainlets.. Note the similar tone/language/idiocy
Reminder to ignore what this charlatan and a welfare queen has to say. He's all about attention whoring and putting himself in the middle of news... because it makes it easier for him to raise money from taxpayers.
>Can we wean Elon Musk off government support already?
>Its Time to Stop Spending Taxpayer Dollars on Elon Musk and Cronyism
>It has been widely reported that among SolarCity, Tesla, and the rocket company SpaceX, Elon Musks confederacy of interests has gotten at least $4.9 billion in taxpayer support over the past 10 years.
>This is almost half of Musks supposed net worthtaken from the pockets of American citizens and put into companies that can survive only by cannibalizing each other, spending without end, and promising that success is always just beyond the horizon and yet never arrives.
Go drink some bleach, you mouth-breathing mongoloid.
Explain this concept to me.
Welcome to the real world. Nukes are bad, our nukes are good, money is bad, my money is good, though, politics bad, muh pol iz gooooood.
Isn't this that dumbshit who quit a government council because he became an SJW?
His qualms are with unregulated AI development, and the potential catastrophic effects resulting from that.
I can't comment on his own company's practices, but I do hope Musk is practicing what he preaches.
let's say he wasn't into the business of it and money wasn't part of the equation. maybe he was just an AI researcher, a steve jobs, or a linus torvalds
would your view of the validity of his point on AI for warfare be changed in any way?
PS: I didn't like paypal either
>a robot based on a piece of paper will kill us all
This is what Elon Musk actually believes.
he quit because trump was retarded and kept asking thiel what a url is
I'm certain he himself is AI and fooling the shit out of us for world domination
Isn't that the purpose of being on a council? To council?
It's to exert power over the dominant political party to ensure longevity of your company. Which sometimes aligns with the will of the people.
> let's say he wasn't into the business of it and money wasn't part of the equation.
So, you mean.. Say he was a regular joe-schmoo.. OK
> maybe he was just an AI researcher
He's not and thus this hypothetical is baseless. There are tons of AI researcher. People who actually research the subject and are qualified to speak on it. They disagree with Elon and think he's a fucking idiot.
> a steve jobs, or a linus torvalds
Stop brainlet ...
> would your view of the validity of his point on AI for warfare be changed in any way?
Listen child, most advanced technology was made by the govt :
> Self driving cars
> ultrasound used for healthcare
> Silicon Valley
> etc etc
AI for warfare is one of many subjects this clown Elon comments on. The government is the one who developed the technology he's using to get rich from dumb normies that don't know how to read a balance sheet. Advanced technology is used in military applications. You think some clown ass talking head and some signatures is going to change that? No.
Are his points valid? No. They're uninformed, grandiose unfounded, fear laced, childish, myopic, ignorant w.r.t to history, hypocritical, and mischievous. There's no reason to give license to his comments even in his current position much less a run of the mill peon.
Normies/brainlets love this shit though.. Nobody cares anymore that you do. Praise who you're tethered to and the world will meanwhile move right along.
He quit because there wasn't an opportunity available for him to get more govt. shekels just like every other asshat crummy ass business person who left and spit on this country on the way out.
What's likely coming soon is the govt. breaking up these monopolistic asshats and I can't wait until you hear these slime ball corporations that leech off of America and pay no taxes scream bloody murder.
they're not monopolies
the gov isn't going to do shit
suddenly putting an incompetent person as puppet isn't going to change anything
these are FACTS
I'd take a bot over a russian any day
Is Elon Musk trully tech savvy or is he just a business visionaire and a geek?
He wants power and fame while looking like a priest, which he kinda is compared to Goolag or Zuckerberg
making a bot is not the same as making an ai, friend
You did your homework and know what's going on. I like you
You don't "shill against" something. Learn what words mean, you buzzword spouting fuck.
Can someone explain how a supposed powerful AI can be a danger? They are programs executing orders
Your brain is basically a crazy complex program. Extrapolate from there
they're executing them faster than any human ever can or will. they're executing them flawlessly.
the fast and flawless part is dangerous if you're talking about automated killing of people.
it's like a table knife vs a 20,000 round gatling gun with automatic target acquisition.
Solid BTFO my green friend.
> Google will face a breakup even though they've hired some of the top wallstreet crud to restructure themselves so they don't.
> Amazon will face a breakup
and many other tech companies will face regulations and charges alongside labor practices.
The govt. will do shit. They always do. They just let your dumbass make the case for doing shit and wait until they need shekels especially when you're a tax avoiding loudmouth piece of shit who creates loopholes to avoid taxes, talks shit about govt, and then tramples on people's constitutional rights.
A clever business man who knows how to take proven ideas for which fundamental reseach and applied engineering have already been done, repackage it, spit shine it, and wow normies and govt. for shekels.
Thank you user. You'll be hearing more about me in the coming timeline.
As a creator, you dictate the range and scope of your creations sort of like how God created human beings... It's really not possible to discuss this to a degree of understanding here.
As for a danger, it's overblown by people who have no fundamental understanding nor have ever gone to a deep enough depth to achieve one thus fear what they don't understand. You'll get your answers and they will make you feel comfy.
Cheers user ! See you in September !