AMD Threadripper was developed by engineers in their spare time

AMD Threadripper was developed by engineers in their spare time

they fucked intel as a hobby

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lol yeah uh huh

and intel can still drop shit generations ahead right now just to stomp them. same with nvidia

>intel can still drop shit generations ahead right now just to stomp them
So why haven't they?

because it doesnt make sense for business

and instead they rushed out a double pcb housefire that cant even be contained with AIO and they expect people to buy them for 2000 bucks while amd for half the price gives more

sounds familiar

....b..b..but it makes sense to release the 3rd cpu iteration within a year and simultaneously kill the furst 2 platforms.

Semen Demon?

Is this a dude?

more incremental releases equals more sales

its makes sense if you are intel and you have a dedicated mindshared brainwashed segment

the rest which is practicly everyone else wont even touch them

This is what i absolutely love about tech
Something you do in your spare time as a hobby can be just as amazing and effective, if your're competent, maybe even more than its professionally developed counterpart

This phenomenon is absent everywhere in everything but tech. Another example is linux, literally a hobby project that turns into the world's most used kernel/OS

how can a fine speciment like her be a dude?

it was developed at AMD by AMD engineers it wasnt exactly made in a garage

I wonder if that spare time is just an euphemism for unpaid overtime.

You can never be too sure... unless she shows her cunt that is.

It never existed in earlier AMD roadmaps though.


so what

means that they literally took an epyc and made a fucking hedt out of nowhere


intel's transexual black wymen can't do shit

>nearly $13 billion worth of wasted R&D money
>while making unusable shit like Optane


Where I live, Intel is the largest employer, and I know many current and former employees.

I still want AMD to make them bleed.

No it doesn't, it's over-segmenting the market and making it seem like waiting is an even better choice. Dropping Babby Lake, the X platform and then the 8th gen shit only stands to invigorate skepticism and wearies the consumer. Only the smallest fraction is interested in anything outside the i7 lineup, and now they're waiting for Coffee Lake. Compounding hilarity is all Intel is managing right now.

It is because Threadripper is just a binned Epyc. They just replace the "dead dies on the packaging" with thermal pads.

Kinda like how Trump took up politics as a hobby in 2015 and fucked over Jeb and Clinton.

it's basically just half an epyc. all the work was already done

>Kinda like how Trump took up politics as a hobby in 2015 and fucked over Jeb and Clinton.

Lmao so he thought about running a few times in the past

>source: my uncle works at nintendo