I want to go back to basics.
What are some good cellphones/flipphones right now? I just want off this media overdrive ride. Also, can you play music with earbuds on basic cellphones? Thats whats keeping me off from buying one right now, I want to be able to listen to music.
I want to go back to basics
Get the cheapest flipper your carrier sells that can do 4G and tether. They're all pretty solid. I've had LG flips for decades with no issues.
But can I jack my earphones in it and listen to music tho?
Yes, unlike iMemes the feature/basic phones all have headphone jacks and easily accessible local storage. I use my LG to store podcasts for my commute as well. Just plug in the usb to your laptop and upload the file(s). You won't have room for 1000 albums, but it's enough for a day's work.
Ive seen some flp phones with microSD expansion. I think Verizon's new 4G flip phone has expandable storage
Kyocera DuraXA
ywn own a flagship Sony ericcson phone ever again
I forgot to say that this model has audio jack for earbuds and can take 32GB micro SD card for music. This one is CDMA, but they have GSM variants as well.
As the saying goes,
"Smartphones are for dumb people and dumbphones are for smart people."
cringe as fuck and completely untrue
wait for android GO
its a minimal version of oreo that is made for flip phones and low cost devices
t. dumb person
t. autist
everyone gets hard as fuck when you flip that shit out huh?
what does t. mean?
t. newfag
lurk moar newfag
Bump. I'm looking for one too
short for terveisin, Finnish for "regards", used as a closure by the supposed author of the referenced post
>infect a perfectly good dumbphone with google botnet
For what fucking purpose?
I'm guessing it's to get millennials to use them
dumphones may be the next big thing for all we know
Lmao stop looking at loli. The spying is bulllshit but theirs nothing for them to gain if you arent a pedo.
dumbphones are literal botnet
everything is open to the baseband
android gives you the option to actually choose your software
gapps/gservices arent required to run android
You can't escape the baseband botnet anywhere. The question is why you'd want to put google into your phone to track and collect on your when all a dumbphone user has to concern themselves with is the gov, which again, can't be avoided.
>You can't escape the baseband botnet anywhere
i give all my friends a tin can thats connected on a network of fishing line to my main can and it works with less connection issues than your shitty cell network youre cucked into paying for
Vertu Signature Ultimate Black.
That is,
>If you're not poor
Why is that phone around $15,000? What makes it special?
Materials and construction. Same reason a RR or Bentley costs so much, they are handmade out of expensive materials to-order.
It also wipes your ass for you.
I miss my k850i
Had a damn good camera back then and even had an app store before applel implemented theirs
t. assholes
But what distance do you get with them tins ?
however long i want nigga fishing line is cheap af
wtf how is 4g tether even possible on these gay phones? troll post?