Which is the comfiest Linux distro?

which is the comfiest Linux distro?

assuming I'm familiar with it and I'm kinda advanced pc user

debian xfce

t. Grill

how good or bad is Linux mint?

Anything with openbox.



Alpine + xfce.


Manjaro+ GNOME.

got a new laptop a couple of months back and was a good reason to try a new distro.

I've worked through all the major distros and normally use Arch.

Thought I'd try Manjaro, and I'm pretty happy. No doubt I'll be switching again in a couple of months, but its solid distro worth a try.

elementary desu

OP here

I'm looking for a distro that does the job and that's it, I also interested on developing and programming so that's a good thing to take on account

Debian. Everything else is tryhard faggot shit.

Debian is tryhard faggot shit. Just use Ubuntu like everyone else does.

Ubuntu throws around an error every time I boot it. Fuck Canonical along with their Amazon spyware.

void linux desu

Not him but good call. Manjaro for me is the perfect intersection of stability and newness. The only problems I ever had were when I was dual-booting with Windows 10, but since I wiped that and went to just Manjaro I've been very happy.

>X feces

I think I gonna try manjaro, should I pick the KDE or the xfce edition?


>ganoo loonix

Currently a student, I know some bash, but really dont know the "layout" of linux (like with windows you know you have C drive, where drivers are, theres a registry etc)...

Anyways I'm not a total retard so I'm capable of going straight to something "hard" like Arch, but I was looking at void since the no systemD thing interested me, I figure it has fewer attack surfaces for security?

My main concern though is, if I go with void, how often am I going to be in a situation where im developing something, or working on an assignment, and I end up in a position where "oh fuck im running void so now I cant do ___, so I need to run ubuntu now"

that's why I don't want a try hard distro, I'm a developer too and I don't wanna fall on the "I can't do___"

I want an all around good distro for work, fun and every day use


I mean I know one can set things up such that you can pick which OS you enter via Grub (dont ask me how, I just remember that); so really it shouldn't be tooooo painful if it happens...

oh well

yeah, but I'm not trying to be the L33T h@xx0r so fuck it not gonna try hard

Nothing beats Slackware in this aspect. It's very unixy and old-school nerdy.
Also Solus if we talking normie-tier distros.
Both of this systems are "one man vision" projects even if they have teams behind them.

omg so much this!!!

lubuntu with openbox (already has but openbox session) is my cozy favorite.

A bit out of left field, but maybe you should consider hackintoshing?

You just perfectly described most dev’s rationale for choosing macOS

Don't you need a mac already for that? What's the point?

Garbage taste.

There’s ways around that (finding a friend who does have a mac, school computers), and if you’re really desperate you can find a Snow Leopard iso and work your way from there

there’s a forum for this shit, I think it’s called tonymacx86

Trisquel has been good for me. For some reason I can't sort out how to create a live booting USB with it but otherwise it has run wonderfully.

Well, as long as cookies are turned on. If I turn them off videos have dual audio.

I'm new af though and my comp is shit so maybe if I had a thinkpad it would work better.

And I could say the same to you, friendo. I'm guessing it would mean less from me to you, seeing as how to take penises in your ass and all...

That's a lot of work for a mediocre os.

As a person who loves and only uses Void (long time arch user), I've got to say your concerns are legit. I'd go with fedora of I were you.



t. kevin

Fuck off kev


Why do people meme about systemd being bad? What's wrong with it?

Mint is a gateway distro. It "Just works" and is meant for first time linux users. But after you test out some terminal stuff, you should go to debian (more safe, more stable, more posibilities).

Two main reasons. One, a massive case of scope creep. Systemd does a lot of things, including many things that lots of people think init has no real reason to be doing. Two, Lennart is an arrogant dickweed, even by the standards of the free-software world.


What's your msn? Asking for a friend.

>more safe
>more stable
>more posibilities

Please actually explain this to me.
t. used lots of distros and found they are all capable of exactly the same things, except non-Ubuntu is harder for no reason

Ubuntu or bust

> when the good boi from school tries to insult you

you taketh thein genitalia up theinth rectallian cavitium

definitely arch

>more stable
Uses older packages that have been tested for a long peroid of time without crashing
>more safe
same as above but the priority was more about the safeness
>more posbilities
This kind of distro inculde a lot of new "unstested" packages

I would rather not, my current laptop is an OK one and macOs always seem kind of resources hungry

Antergos + XFCE or XFCE Ubuntu (Xubuntu)


Fedora 26 with gnome is pretty comfy desu.

It's nice but I like systemd's sockets and (the now stable) binary logs.



anything with xfce

So nobody can fit into that box?

Arch + KDE no doubt

I'm smol, baka. >:c


If you a weeb choose moebuntu



good but not comfy imo


the only reason to use debian on desktop is if youre a babby duck who wants to look cooler than ubuntu users

Solus or Fedora
It just werks

>just werks
Nah, too much fuckery with adding a non-free repo/codecs/font rendering, etc. Plus, slow as fuck package manager and Wayland is just not here yet (GDM loop bug was comfy as hell).

Anything with kde really. It's as configurable and complex as you need it to be but doesn't stand in your way.


There is no reason to switch to Debian if Mint does the job. Debian still autistically complains about needing nonfree firmware during installation.

macOS is the comfiest "Linux" disto

Why would you anything else

The i3 edition is quite good

Why da fuck you use Linux in the first place?

debian i3



>have to compile literally everything
>random crashes
>applications stop working out of nowhre after a update
>after a gpu upgrade, drivers stop working and even with installing another package and setting it up its still not using its drivers
>no support for global accepted software

Ubuntu 10.10 was the confiest ever. But since its dead, Ubuntu Mate is your only choice