How is Chromium?

I've been seeing many anons saying that chromium is a botnet. Is that true?


best broswer. also can't imagine how retarded can someone be to not just try a browser

Yes, but I use it for adnauseam. I use brave for filling out job applications, because my FF/waterfox settings are tinfoil on head paranoid.

Everything is a botnet, including this shithole site.

what's the difference between this and chrome again?

Illusion of privacy.

I don't get it I always thought chromium was a de-googled chrome but why someone should even bother using the original or the fork

To be fair, there IS a difference. Chromium isn't as hard-wired to google as Chrome is. But their are blobs that just seem to continuously surface that connect to google. Also, it's open source, which gives people the illusion that this means it is, and always will be, more privacy oriented simply due to its FOSS nature. But something can be FOSS and be bad.

Obsolete since firefox 57

I honestly tried chrome for reasons and it was indeed snappier than firefox but this may be to the presence of addons and userscripts

I don't think anyone would argue that Chromium/Chrome is faster than FF. The question is what your priorities are.

For me, privacy is primary, stability is secondary, and speed is tertiary. I'm willing to sacrifice a half second per page load in order to have something much more private.

>privacy is primary
I hope you're not using firefox then

I'm not. I'm using a fork of it, though. Main reason: NoScript. NoScript lite just doesn't cut it.

you are retarded if you think page rendering has anything to do with speed. Adblocking, image blocking, script blocking, request blocking has like 1000x the impact than your choice of rendering engine. Or you know, browsing unbloated sites. Even instead of That 2ms difference in some circle jerk benchmark by Google means exactly nothing.

>btw chrome was always super slow for me, so whatever

which fork?

>arguing that chrome is slower

>using browser that was made by biggest ad company in the world

Is iridium a botnet too?

Sounds like an Icecat type of guy

open bsd > use it > if porbs read more

no script
no matrix
vpn little snitch of some network monitor that your can get into to check there doing there job....

done if not then oh well try sleeping and not doing anything haha

Do your own research cunt. If you ever listen to Sup Forums you might as well kill yourself