>newest iPhones don’t have it
>other manufacturers are starting to remove them in their newest phones
>3.5mm jacks will become a selling point again
It’s not the middle of the 20th century anymore. Why is the tech industry taking a step backwards?
>newest iPhones don’t have it
>other manufacturers are starting to remove them in their newest phones
>3.5mm jacks will become a selling point again
It’s not the middle of the 20th century anymore. Why is the tech industry taking a step backwards?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because Apple managed to convince it's retarded audience that they were getting something out of them removing the headphone jack while it was really about boosting peripheral sales, and now other manufacturers are trying to cash in on it.
>Why is the tech industry taking a step backwards?
Correcting a mistake.
A next good change wold be thick frame with internal space for a larger battery.
I'm due for a new iPhone at work but I'm not giving up my iPhone 6 until a new model comes out with a headphone jack. If that never happens and the phone goes to shit I'll eventually get an android.
>Implying they won't just keep making the screens bigger
Just wait until 6" is the new entry level size.
Because you're buying macfag shit.
Buy the average chinkphone and you'll probably have a 3.5mm port even in 10 years.
I have tinnitus and I never use headphones or earbuds
Because every company follows Apple's paradigms. They don't know the reason why Apple does what they do, but these companies just follow the new market demand created by Apple. Apple got rid of the optical drive in the MacBook Air so that we'd be forced to move away from CD/DVDs, then ultrabooks became a thing. Apple introduced (good) touch technology, and everyone followed suit with their shit implementations. They're doing the same with the 3.5mm jack; they want everything to accept Bluetooth.
What Apple does is make good versions of existing shitty tech, and then other companies see its success and then use that shitty tech thinking it'll make them competitive with Apple's new implementation.
It's not a regression. It's painful at the moment, but it'll subside like it always has.
And becuase Apple used Thunderbolt ports and single ports acting as USB and charging port at the same time, everyone does that too.
Oh wait, they don't. Not all shit Apple does becomes a trend.
Your own fault if you buy a goyphone.
And to add: anyone against the Apple mentality is either stuck in the past or willfully ignorant. I understand that this is Sup Forums and most people here only want to piss away time by burdening themselves with unnecessary upkeep/expense like with the Gentoo/Arch meme and PC gaming. You guys will spend an inordinate amount of time doing basic bullshit when you could just move the fuck on and do some real useful work that you could be paid for, but that would be too hard.
If you actually want to make something happen, you'll use Windows, macOS, or a long term support Linux distro. If you want to just game, you'll get a console. If you want to get a phone that just works and still gets OS updates in 5 years, you'll get an iPhone.
>It's not the middle of the 20th century anymore
Which is exactly why the headphone jack has to go
If you don't like a product don't buy it, it's that simple. Consumers have the power to dictate what they want not the companies.
Yeah, not everything Apple does become a trend. That's why the alternatives are so shit. Even if you're a developer for mobile platforms, you'd have to be a masochist to work with Android. It's much harder to make money developing for Android and the docs are hot garbage.
>PC gaming
>at all
In the past 8 years, I have had to replace a video card precisely once. I've had two Xboxes outright die on me, on top of the added expense of paying for access to multiplayer (Xbox Live).
Yeah, nah, you're a cunt.
Eh, IOS development is also garbage and Android brings in more revenue than the slowly declining IOS at this point, even if it's a stronger ad-based revenue than up-front purchases.
>anyone against the Apple mentality is either stuck in the past or willfully ignorant.
Headphone jacks just work. Headphones just work. Why am I stuck in the past or ignorant for using something that just works, and always will work, even in 20 years?
Explain why headphone jacks are bad.
Explain why Macbooks have CD/DVD drives but cannot play Blu Ray discs, even though Blu Ray has been an international standard for movies since roughly 2009, when it became evident that the HD DVD has failed as a successor to the DVD.
Could it be that Apple is stuck in the past? Hmm? Or maybe this is just all about money. Adding a blu-ray reader would shoot the production costs of Macbooks up a lot. Removing the headphone jacks will increase sales in periphery, as the first poster said.
>Explain why Macbooks have CD/DVD drives
But they don't?
They're one of the thickest parts of the phone and they're the only part that won't reduce in size over time because their size is a part of their specification. Once Apple removed them everyone else realized they could also follow suit without repercussions because one of the most popular singular smartphone sellers was able to get their consumers to accept it.
>What is USB-C
USB-C is that exact same shit
The thinnest phone on the market has a 3.5mm jack.
Also, the iPhone 7 is 1mm ticker than the iPhone 6, and the iPhone 8 is rumored to be another millimeter thicker than the 7.
Furthermore, the camera is by far the thickest part on the iPhone, with every iPhone since the 6 having an obnoxious camera bump.
Too busy trying to be trendy.
apple is whoring itself out like a dockside hooker. iphone cases as far as the eye can see, just about every fucking tv show or movie is flashing their shit. Even southpark.
Commercials, radio and even the fucking newspaper. blah blah iphone or other device. They are cutting deals with schools to provide ipads to try to hook the kids.
Paper tiger, Android is king and apple is fucking terrified of some other brand becoming trendy. They are trying so fucking hard to create an illusion of dominance.
They are terrified some other brand will become cool and they will be forgotten, so they keep doing stupid shit to try to keep peoples attention.
The apple goal is for everything to be wireless. No more USB-C or anything.
>They are terrified some other brand will become cool and they will be forgotten, so they keep doing stupid shit to try to keep peoples attention.
It's mainly money youtube.com
XIaomi don't have this problem
Which is going to suck, even if it's convenient.
The air around you has a limited bandwidth, and every wireless device you use takes up some of that limited bandwidth. With wired communications your bandwidth is limited by how many wires you have.
Same for wireless charging. Inductive Power Transfer can only move so much power, while a piece of copper wire can transfer a much larger amount of power while also being much less complicated.
Don't get me wrong, wireless features are a great convenience, but they're no replacement for wired connections.
Like, my wifi is good and all, but when I really need to transfer a lot of data, I grab an ethernet cable or my USB 3.0 HDD.
Apple could have been less dogshit by implementing TOSLINK compatibility versus removing a useful part of the phone under the impression that they're improving technology.
I honestly think that I'm just going to buy chinkphones if all phones from all major brands no longer provide 3.5mm jacks.
I'd like for some hipster company to release a phone with absolutely no buttons, or ports, or anything. Not even speakers. Wireless charging, Bluetooth, whatever else. Just a screen and metal. I think it'd be interesting (though I'd never buy it)
why the hell would they put TOSLINK on a phone?
>le apple does things for progress meme
yes sure sure....
Aluminum are the worst material possible a portable device ever made, that's regressive as fuck
All those meme ports apple implemented are gone and they have to go with usb type C or drown in their own stupidity.
Limiting the amount of ports available in your laptop is also a trend that no one is following besides ultrabooks that do it for obvious reasons (pro tip luck at those thin pcbs kid)
That touch bar was an absolute failure and no one is going to implement that crap
i can go for ever but prefer to shitpost in other places
Removing the 3.5mm jack is a step backwards, you mong
Money it a thing for the Jack, no doubt about it.
But I am saying the jack is just part of a bigger thing.
>Apple got rid of the optical drive in the MacBook Air so that we'd be forced to move away from CD/DVDs
jesus fuck can you stop making that comparison
My experience was that I gradually stopped using discs entirely, and so I didn't need an optical drive anymore. And so there was no optical drive in my build, and that was ~2011.
I never stopped using my headphones with 3.5 mm jack.
As long as it's implemented with analog output and doesn't need to be actively converted like in the HTC U11, or the iPhone i don't care.
> Not making your usb connection with a 2.5mm jack
Is apple even trying?
To be fair, imagine you develop a revolutionary new kind of cell phone (iPhone) and publish it to the masses. And then your biggest competitor, Google, shows up out of nowhere, and starts selling 2 billion knock-offs off your product, and they are actually better because Google is co-operating with dozens of tech companies world-wide. Wouldn't you be mad? I'd be trying hard to stay relevant as well.
toslink is digital 3.5mm is analogue.
>The air around you has a limited bandwidth, and every wireless device you use takes up some of that limited bandwidth.
Not really. The problem is government regulators making it illegal to transmit on other frequencies than three couple of ones they have selected. There's an easy solution to that: repel these stupid restrictions.
There's virtually no reason for microwave ovens and most of WiFi and Bluetooth to use the same small frequency ranges.
Because literally everything is moving towards a proprietary SaaS business model
drink bleach retard
There's no reason to have 65 different USB connectors either but you can't just force the market to do those kinds of things. All those microwave magnetrons already exist. All the factories to make those microwave magnetrons already exist. Suddenly saying you need to make a different microwave magnetron because
>m-muh wifi
Isn't going to cut it.
Maybe if people stopped making 150MB javascript bloated web "apps" instead of websites people wouldn't need massive connection infrastructure.
>till google sends your ad revenue to the gulag because you hurt the FEE-FEES of the ai censor bot that monitors your particular demographic
remember DON'T be evil?
TOSLINK is also compatible with 3.5mm devices.
If there's no headphone jack, then how am I supposed to plug my headphones in? Is there any other analog connector for headphones I'm not aware of?
Who was an internationally adopted and used standard a mistake? Not to mention that alternatives require adapters, peripherals, charging and are incapable of offering a high enough sound quality.
How was*
An adapter, or wireless headphones
So instead of just plugging jack they want us to have an adapter dangling out of the phone? This sure is minimalism and innovation. And wireless headphones are inferior to the wired ones.
if you are a poorfag
>m-muh space
>not just switching to a 2,5mm jack
This is literally nothing else than another appel scheme to jew out the customers even further by removing the DAC and selling even more overpriced headphones/earbuds.
Every single smartphone from the last 3 years can stream music over BT, this is literally nothing more than removing features.
€1200 IEMs here. Not buying a phone without 3.5mm.
>removing the DAC
Joke is, they couldn't have removed the DAC because they still have built-in speakers. In the end, their entire muh space point is moot because in order for it to be worth it, they'd have to remove the DAC and the internal speakers with it.
Now that's what I call innovation.
>applel pls no stealerino
every time you buy anything with a lightning connector apple gets money
headhone jack - apple gets no money
so they removed it
magnetons have to stay at that freq. so they heat up water
but wifi could move - like they did with 5ghz
>the last 3 years
try 10 years. I had wireless headphones paired to my Nokia N92
I would rather they removed the load speakers than they removed the jack.
but they still need a DAC for the mic and phone speaker.
Do phones really need to be thinner than a headphone jack?
Kill the jack. I want good bluetooth headphones.
bluetooth audio quality is pretty good now, apple can do 256 aac through bluetooth which is really all you need and of course there's also aptx and aptx hd. audiophiles who want to use their favorite $1000 headphones are going to take their dedicated DAPs with them anyway
my problem is that with bluetooth headphones i have yet another device that needs to be charged, another cable to keep track of, i have to turn the thing on, fiddle in my settings to connect, all this shit to deal with when i would rather plug in my headphones and just go. another thing i like is that when i have my headphones in, i can feel my phone on me. i'm kinda paranoid about dropping my phone or getting pickpocketed, and it's a lot harder to lose track of it when it's attached to your ears. with bluetooth it would take 20-30 ft before you would get any audible feedback that something is wrong.
Fuck that noise.
3.5mm does nothing to hinder bluetooth.
>I'm handicapped and I think everyone else should also be.
>I want inferior, more expensive, battery dependent technology
No, I want good ones
2.5mm 4pole balanced is a new standard
>it just werks
maybe if we use usb c to charge them it wouldnt be an issue. dam apple is clearly thinking ahead of other manufacturers
Connecting wireless headphones to a USB-powerbank while using them seems like the only solution.
Then connect the phone to the powerbank aswell to make up for the spend electricity used to broadcast the bluetooth signal.
The future will be bright.
The usb/power connector can be used for headphones too
Go back to Sup Forums if that's what got you upset child
you mouthbreathing cockmongler.
First of all, water doesn't "resonate" with ~2.4GHz much more than it does with 2GHz or 3GHz. This is a common misconception. See physics.stackexchange.com
Second, you've totally missed the point. Electronic communication devices can't communicate using more diverse frequency ranges than they do, because they are literally legally forbidden to do so. To transmit on other frequencies, each device would have to acquire a very expensive license, assuming the particular band is available to license in every given country the transmitting device would be planned to operate.
Again, the way to solve the problem of overcrowding on the free frequencies is not to "change every magnetron", but to give more bands available to be used unlicensed.
It will never happen, because that would have to be signed by every single country on Earth.
Serious question, why does Sup Forums hate Apple so much?
What's with the DESIRE to be outraged and have such strong opinions?
No. Unless there is a specific and easy connector for audio only, any replacement will be worse because nothing is faster than putting a 3.5mm jack into a 3.5mm hole.
NFC does a little to make it easier, but iPhone doesn't DO that so....
Well, that's obvious bullshit. The 3.5mm jack isn't thicker than the camera bump and there are no tangible benefits to having a device be so thin.
Almost 15 years ago people realized dongles and 2.5mm were a poor substitute on cell phones, I don't want to go back to those dark times.
It's mostly just gamer winbabies with fragile as shit egos who just come here to shitpost about GPUs and think technology is all about brand consciousness and mindless consumption, they literally know nothing else about the board topic but autistically lashing out at fanboys of other megacorps they don't suck off and posting frogs/wojaks to get attention.
I would also add that a wired headphone connection will never suffer from interference like BT could.
What's with the desire of average people just "making do" with whatever garbage electronics makers put out rather than voting with their wallet by not buying garbage? If I'm spending the better part of $1000 on a device (or more in the case of some laptops) it damn well better be compatible with MY needs and wants. I won't apologize for being opinionated, it's better than blindly following the crowd.
Because Apple is a huge company that throws its weight behind practises that go against what the average Sup Forums user desires? It's not that fucking hard to go "Hmm, why do enthusiasts not like the company that glues all their hardware together?".
backwards compatibility, same reason this image was compressed using 25 year old format, nearly 45 year old transformation and 70 year old variable length coding.
despite better alternatives available and at least 10 orders of magnitude increase in MIPS/$
>Knock offs
Not even. Samsung was the one in the lawsuit, not Google, and even then it was such a stretch since Samsung had some pretty specific differences that set it apart. Screen size, layout in software, capacitive buttons, removable battery, SD card support, SAMOLED display, just all around a different device OTHER THAN capacitive display and a rounded edge rectangle.
> Why is the tech industry taking a step backwards?
Because people nowadays loves to having tech that needs recharging every day and hates things that uses cables.
I find hilarious how Applefags claimed this was a smart move because it made the iPhone slimmer, yet we still got other smartphones with better battery life, slimmer and with the 3.5 jack on it.
I feel sad for the people still falling for the "the company is removing features for a better battery" meme, when it's proven they don't do that
The funny thing is I literally make a living playing video games
It pleases me to know that you will be upset by this.
> better alternatives
Nope. Digital to headphones with their own DAC is shit amd costs more.
>Real useful work
Mate, I retired at 31 thanks to Apple retards like you buying my apps, so now I have plenty of time for my PC gaming.
Thanks, I guess.
Seems stupid to remove a feature and offer literally nothing else in return. Its not like they removed the 3.5mm jack and gave a bigger battery or something. They literally just took away a feature, and try to claim it's for the good of the consumer.
One of the selling points of my LG V20 was it's DAC. With how fast technology progresses, I'm surprised phone companies aren't fighting each other over who offers the best audio now that cameras and screen tech has pretty much stagnated.
i was talking about still image compression you doofus
>Its not like they removed the 3.5mm jack and gave a bigger battery or something.
That's literally what happened. Have you not seen the internal comparisons?
While you might appreciate a good DAC your average person gives no fucks. It's not a selling point.
>make a living playing video games
what's your yearly income on average, and how much growth over what time period? also what games
>One of the selling points of my LG V20 was it's DAC. With how fast technology progresses, I'm surprised phone companies aren't fighting each other over who offers the best audio now that cameras and screen tech has pretty much stagnated.
The average consumer doesn't give a shit about good audio quality, I think there was some study recently that showed most people just whatever garbage headphones that come in the box with their phone or if they think they care they buy overpriced garbage made by Beats™ that also has shit sound quality. I mean think back to the iPod days, almost everyone used the included earpods even thought they broke frequently and had such shit sound quality they went half-deaf turning the volume up to max trying to get their music to sound like it should. The average person has no idea music can sound better and isn't motivated to figure it out. Not to mention I wouldn't be surprised if most of the population over the age of 14 has hearing damaged enough that they physically can't hear the difference that good headphones and DAC make based on how often I can hear music come from people's ear buds or headphones because they have the volume cranked to eleven.
tl;dr: audio quality isn't a selling point to normies.
S8 and Note 8 have a headphone jack, dumbass
some of us are still driving cars from 2004 and don't have bluetooth yet fuck you phone manufacturers i want to listen to my phone while i drive and i can only do that with an audio jack and an fm transmitter stop trying to decide what the consumers don't need
"...get their consumers to accept it." Are you retarded? The fans would eat actual shit if apple sold it to them...