>fell for the firefox nightly shills
Fell for the firefox nightly shills
same its good -w-
don't you like it, user?
the new icon is soooooo pretty
Why the fuck hasn't this nigger pedophile been banned? Fuck you you stupid hotpocket munching glow in the dark CIA nigger mods. Rangebanning this poster alone would increase board quality by at least 18.1%. Kikes.
be nice to her
It's a him. Fight me in real life you fucking faggot. Say "oh double u oh" to my face and see what happens you limp wristed queer. I would fucking destroy you. I would snap you in half like a fucking toothpick. Post your shitty fucking proprietary bloated OS again. I swear to fucking God I will be the chemotherapy to the cancer that is your existence.
bullying isn't allowed on this web sight
Yes it fucking is. Your autistic style of typing isn't funny or cut,e, either. Dumb fucking pedophile. I swear to God I'll find you. You'll slip up and post something personally identifying on your stupid oh double u oh posts. And when you do the feds will be on your ass so fast you won't even be able to cum to an underage girl before they throw you in pedo prison.
>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism...
I'm not doing any of those things.
Also, if racism wasn't allowed then 99% of the posts on Sup Forums would be deleted.
Install gentoo
they definitely delete racism, all you have to do is report it
Do they delete it on Sup Forums too? Which isn't Sup Forums?
the problem is that no one bothers reporting it
No idea why you would. Nightly is literally pre-alpha.
Waterfox is the way to go, at least for now. Once all your add-ons transition to extensions, regular FF/Nightly (if you don't mind being datamined by Mozilla) might be worth it. But not now.
just try it
This nigger have been banned several times. Even i have been banned because i posted his desktop. :^)
I'm hoping Waterfox gets the performance improvements of the current Nightly, the developers says they're going to be continuing legacy addon support so you could potentially have the best of both.
>he fell for the unstable branch meme
I really don't get Sup Forums's obsession with speed. Speed is nice, but ALWAYS a secondary concern to privacy, security, and stability.