
Welcome to Libreboot General Thread!
Beginners feel free to ask questions!


So Sup Forums why haven't you installed the only BIOS that actually respects your freedom, privacy, and human rights by using no proprietary firmware and disables the Intel (NSA backdoor) ME?

>inb4 the dev is a tranny
That's a red herring and has no bearing on the project
The dispute with GNU was resolved several months ago

>inb4 no compatible system
You can literally get a ThinkPad X200 for $50 on ebay

>inb4 no beaglebone/pi for external flashing
You can get an X60 for internal flashing or use a Libreboot flashing service on ebay for X200/T400

>inb4 that hardware is ancient
An X200 will pretty much do anything besides "muh gaymin" plus there are some descent mobo's that support Libreboot for a desktop system (see the wiki page)

Other urls found in this thread:


Correction to the image:
arch & gentoo > debian > BSD > Rest of linux > windows > [....] misc [....] > mac


you can't make this shit up


Tips on librebooting with an Odroid C2?


When the project leader sperged out at GNU, I completely lost interest. So unprofessional.

Recently sent out a T400 to be librebooted. Excited to get it back soon.

It's non distro specific

That's awesome, you'll enjoy it! Was it the fellow on ebay?

The pic is perfect
Your opinion is shit

A friend across the country actually, but I this fellow on eBay and his prices are pretty modest.

I'm thinking about getting a 3G WWAN card for my T400-- would libreboot affect its compatibility with cards normally support by stock T400's?

That's an interesting question, I have some 3G cards laying around, I should try that out. My guess is it might work but you'd need to run the kernel with nonfree firmware in it for the driver.

You're telling me Windows 7, 10 isn't distro specific? Fuck off.

I've flashed stock firmware over libreboot on a laptop no more than two hours ago.
Libreboot, not even once. Don't fall for the meme.

How is mac better than windows? The ONLY potential benefit of mac is that it's unix based. But the rest of the pros that windows has outweighs mac.

What do I need to buy to libreboot an X220? I already have an ancient raspberry pi somewhere

Also in a similar vein to removing ME, can/should I do something about the vPro shit and stuff? Or does that get taken care of when ME is removed

Get the fuck out. 7 and 10 are the 2 main Windows OS right now along with OS X for mac.

X220 won't be libreboot compatible until late 2017 or early 2018

Actually it's called "MacOS" now.

macOS is more open/libre than Windows.


What about coreboot then

If that rasberryPI is a model with GPIO pins, you can use that,


Currently only use Libreboot on my T400, but the lack of Virtual machine acceleration (and odd VM crashes) is annoying, but that said I'm on an old version.

Putting Libreboot on m X220 has been on my to do list for a while now....

>GNU plus Linux without systemd

Interesting. If you ever get the time to test it out, I'd be more than happy to know the results!

I believe so

Devuan masterrace

Fuck off. Systemd is free and ethical software.


You fuck off

Is my recently acquired W500 I Librebooted allowed here?

Don't have pics of my X200 on this comp. ;(

Of course, all librebooted machines are welcome!


Is there an equivalent to removing ME for AMD CPUs?

I'm not as familiar with AMD but I believe you have to use pre 2012 AMD CPU's before the PSP was introduced.

I'd just wait the six months, it will be here soon

You made me go to /lgbt/ again.
I had a great laugh, thanks.

epic title

F A G.

what's the metal thing with white fur on the counter?