Why is Musk so arrogant? How can he think a person of Zuckerberg's caliber has limited knowledge about AI?
Why is Musk so arrogant? How can he think a person of Zuckerberg's caliber has limited knowledge about AI?
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> Zuckerberg's caliber
On one hand, Zuckerberg has never been divorce raped. On the other, compare the women Musk bangs to that troll Zuck married.
When you build an app as successful as Facebook, THEN we will talk.
Do you think Zuck bangs women on the side or is he content being a sperm dispenser for that beastly doctor woman?
>implying he doesn't like hanging from the ceiling while mommy zuck milks him to exhaustion
vanillafags PLEASE LEAVE
>When you build an app as successful as Facebook, THEN we will talk.
Wew lad summer fags are still lurking eh? I know this might be hard for you to understand millennial brainlet but the "Facebook app" is actually a way to interface with the Facebook WEBSITE that started way before "apps" were a thing.
Because Musk knows what to look for when dealing with people who talk in bullshit and buzzwords vs technical details. It's something you need to learn as a business man like Musk. Zuckerberg is in 2020 presidential mode right now anyway trying to build up his 'cred' to look good.
well you're not a linguist so what makes you think you're qualified to speak english?
Why would Mark Zuckerberg be expected to know anything about AI, anyway?
Because his education is closer to AI than Musk's.
Maybe Zuckerberg isn't the child genius you made him out to be?
Estrogen boy married a beard.
Zuckerberg majored in psychology with a minor in computer science. Musk has a PhD in physics and has been programming since he was 10.
"a person of Mark Zuckerberg's caliber"
you are either Mark or a fool.
> been programming since he was 10.
You do realize this is just something people say to make it sound like they're child prodigies, right? Actors do it all the fucking time.
And majoring in psych is MUCH more applicable in AI (the meme AI everyone thinks exists and not the exceptionally rigid non-human AI that is reality).
Thought I could outrun you musk sluts from reddit.
Facebook has an AI group. Probably the worst tech company to have one.
>has everyone's data
>worst tech company to have one
>How can he think a person of Zuckerberg's caliber has limited knowledge about AI?
Because Zuckerberg is a chump who stole a good idea and then sold it out for cash.
All he has done since is buy startups.
Fresh off the reddit boat, eh?
C'mon musk. You can't just invent a bunch of doomsday shit about AI and then attack someone for not knowing all the details of the shit you made up.
This is on par with conspiracy theorists.
reddit hates facebook because they compete
what's next babe hit me with the freshest meme
That's exactly why it's a bad idea.
Not likely to happen even if you develop a technically better site simply because you need to not only make a site that is BETTER, but it has to be so much better that you draw people away from other sites.
Facebook was well placed at the time to build a core around the campus and then offer attractive features to draw people in from the likes of Myspace.
Problem now is that Facebook is so big that any large group probably already uses it, so trying the same method to gain traction probably won't work because of above. It would be no different from just throwing it out there.
If you don't understand this before giving someone that challenge then you certainly are below Zuckerberg's caliber.
It's not really a bad idea because it's a much larger pool to learn and correct from.
Not everyone wants to have an AI manipulating them so Zuck can get a few more dollars.
the majority are spending their entire savings on candy crush
spending a couple dollas on zucky is nothing
Good day to you my fellow reddit - tor ;^)
We wuz millionaires and shiet
>From Reddit
You need to go back
zuck the cuck is a kike who lives inside a small silicon valley bubble
that's why he shouldn't be taken seriously
because he's rich and has a cult of personality surrounding him at all times
Who do you think gets more monetary and systematic support from the government, Elon Musk or Zuckerberg?
Hard to say really.
Psychology has absolutely nothing to do with AI. Machine learning is all about linear algebra, calculus and programming
The majority of engineers agree Musk is a moron. Go find an engineer and ask them what they think of Elon Musk, they'll probably roll their eyes and say don't get me started.
He just got lucky with Paypal
He takes already developed technology, has his cronies turn it into something, then he takes all the credit and acts like a douche. SpaceX fucking sucks and Tesla has been hemorrhaging money since day 1. And this bumble fuck wants to build a train track and gets in twitter beef with zuckerberg
Exactly my thoughts
I literally was programming when I was 10, it's not something that makes someone special. I'm sure my kid will be programming before that age even.
Zuckerberg is an example of a mediocre person being in the right place, ripping off the right people and getting stupid rich off of it.
All the money in the world and he's still a nigger in some jew's comic book.
"Faggot" is the word you're looking for.
>Zuckerberg's caliber
He remade myspace and marketed it differently, wow such caliber.
Shill less obviously pls.
Not gonna comment on musk, but zuckerberg is low tier
Not shilling though
Both suck major shit
>Zuckerberg's caliber
stealing ideas to make money is surely a nice skill
Well then at least he recognises he knows very little about AI.
This. Anytime an engineer praises Musk I know them to be shit tier. Anytime a normie goes on about Musk I just realize they're normies that know any better. He's really a gift in disguise, A good litmus test at the onset of a conversation to assess who your audience is. If they speak highly of him, you go no further. I used to get in long debates with brainlets about him, now I just carefully resign as I know it will be a waste of time... As for his commentary, he's an idiot so I just ignore it.
>Willingly talking to Mark Zuckerberg about ANYTHING.
Regardless of his opinion on AI, if anyone willingly engages with Mark Zuckerberg for any reason, I no longer have any respect for that person.
this thread is full of 12 year olds ranting on two people which they have never met, never got to see how they work and how they think in private
you are just a bunch of sissy ass faggots, go read cosmopolitan or vogue, you can then have your sassy afternoon tea conversation on who wears suits better
>He just got lucky with Paypal
The stupid thing is he wasn't even the primary force behind Paypal, his company was bought out by the company that made Paypal.
What are Zuckerber's credentials? Didn't he drop out of college? He only recently got an honorary degree.
Meanwhile Musk has a BS in physics and economics. Dropped out of PhD course in applied physics.
wow dumbie u dun got bait'd
>He just got lucky with Paypal
>He takes already developed technology, has his cronies turn it into something, then he takes all the credit and acts like a douche.
If you change PayPal to Facebook, you're describing Zuckerberg.
My daddy's bepis is bigger than your daddy's
the absolute state of Sup Forums, everyone
because elon is known for creating the biggest payment system and building rockets to set off humanity on different planets and mark is known for creating a shitty alternative to myspace when it had already been dying.
i'm sure musk has some rights to shit talk
a physics curriculum doesn't require any AI courses. the notion that musk knows a lot about AI is basically owed to personal interest in the subject, and if you're going to give him that latitude, then why not give zuckerberg similar latitude?
if zuck dropped out because he was flunking classes, that'd be one thing, but as far as i know there's no evidence definitively saying that he couldn't keep his head above water in college. he just dropped out to pursue a more promising, time-sensitive opportunity.
Of Zuckerberg's caliber? Zuckerberg created a social media platform and has been spending all his time and effort trying to monetize it and improve his image, Musk has spent his time and money working on advancements in transportation, space travel, and shittons of other cool stuff. Fuck Zuckerberg.
you make it sound like musk has been launching a bunch of non-profits or something.
i'm not even remotely on zuckerberg's side, but don't act like a naive idiot trying to prop up bullshit arguments in favor of musk, especially when the legit arguments are sufficient. they're all in it to make a fucking mint.
Omg did he really major in that bullshit major hahahahahahaha
So then why the fuck aren't you cucks millionaires?
a quick google says zuck majored in CS and Psych. sounds like a double major. also he dropped out. that's just a fact, but since we're correcting you i figured we might as well get this shit straight.
also musk left his PhD program after 2 days. if he later got a PhD, i'm not seeing it anywhere (or maybe it's an honorary doctorate? those are retarded, by the way. universities give them to people for giving commencement speeches).
Of course, why would anyone put in that kind of effort and not make any money off of it? What kind of utter cuck would do such a thing?
if you have a fundamental view about AI and someone else has another view about it, and you two talk about it and your mind hasn't been changed, then there's not much else you can say except that the other person's understanding of the subject is limited.
it's an incredibly autistic way to say it, but have you seen musk give talks? he doesn't come off as someone with lots of social aptitude.
Who says i'm not and why is this always a poorfags Non-sequitur? Btw poorfag, people with a bachelors rake in 125k a year in the valley starting out. Over a 5-8 year run, if you save and invest correctly, its not hard to have a mill in the bank. The question about having more money is how big a fucking loser you become in order to do so.
> Has tons of money
> becomes a delusional, insufferable, unfuckable jackass as a result.
I think I'll pause at a comfy level and just enjoy life. I'll let the idol status remain for the blind who seek to lead the blind. So yeah, get back to following your monied leader. I'm not your leader brainlet.
i don't know what kind of point you're trying to make. i'm just pointing out that casting zuckerberg as self-interested and musk as altruistic is either naive or willfully misleading.
he could have stayed in academia to pursue a career as a researcher, gotten funding from public sources like NSF, NDSEG, etc... really easily, and become a professor leading a lab of a bunch of post docs and PhD students at the cutting edge of batteries, space travel, etc... rather than at the edge of marketability.
i'm not saying it would have been a better use of his skills, but that would have been a totally reasonable path to choose, and while it does mean giving up on making a fortune off of that work personally, it does essentially guarantee more widespread adoption of these breakthroughs as scholarship tends not to come out on patented work.
You think the heebs didn't sterilize him for not marrying inside the tribe?
Some will call your post bait op.
Others will see that it's just a joke. Funny.
I'm kinda annoyed that people will perceive this as him 'taking shots'.
Why would anyone expect a former webdev to know anything about AI?
Be humble i have more millions than you sit down be humble i am way more powerful okay? HUMBLE
Just because you murricunts deify rich people doesn't mean that every rich person knows everything or that it's bad not to know something extensively.
Well, it would be great if he started talking about technical details of Hyperloop, because "we will sort it out eventually" isn't really enough.
>prince of some shitty african country
>more powerful than 2 billionaire CEOs
lol ok
This bloke's a twat:
Cuckerberg is literally just a dumb noob who made a crappy website, and accidentally stumbled upon a goldmine, because everyone else is braindead as well and they love braindead social media websites. He may be very rich and powerful now, but he's still a clueless noob that knows nothing. Other people do the actual work for him.
Oh dear god...
You guys are killing me. The inferiority complex on the two of you.
>> He just got lucky with Paypal
Right and SpaceX, and Tesla, and Solar City. Because as we all know anyone that makes money can go out and start some of the most innovative and disruptive companies in the world, all you have to do is get lucky right?
I mean the only thing holding back someone as brilliant as yourself is the fact you haven't got lucky yet.
I don't even care for the Musk hype train it infuriates me, but my god, to believe what you do about the man. You must be living in some sort of fucking bubble.
>Net worth US$71.5 billion
>marry this old chink tranny
What the fuck
Know your lore
Donald Trump is the president, I think he knows best.
That's a 10 in chinkland.
Have you read up on Zuckerberg? Rich as he is, pretty much everyone that's ever met him hates him. His neighbors hate him (both past and present). People who went to college with him hated him. People who went to High School with him hated him. Former employees hate him. Literally anyone who gets to know him anywhere near a personal level loathes this dude.
Money over compensates for so much.
^repetitive echoing non-sequitur of a poorfag brainlet. I've heard this a million times over. Thanks for the ident.
What does Trump have to do with anything?
If I ever stumbled onto a death note, and had to use it, he would be my first choice without question. After him, I would wipe up all genetic traces of him from the earth. Parents, siblings, children, nieces, nephews.
>anyone that makes money
not anyone, but just about any engineering student at a top 10 institution could if they had $1B.
von neumann is a genius
bill gates is a genius
james simons is a genius
steve jobs is a genius
richard stallman is genius
this guy's a hack who read too many comic books as a kid, and was born in the right place at the right time.
Zuckerberg is an example of a real person that's in the uncanny valley
Worst comeback I have seen in Sup Forums.
This is my first post ITT.
Guy has no soul
Maybe that's why he's pushing so hard for AI
>using the smiley with a carat nose
If you're just looking for someone with looks you're probably a teen or just retarded.
Zuckerberg is a hack, but musk is the biggest hack the world has witnessed since steve jobs. At least steve knew how to sell shit. Musk has no knowledge of what he talks about, except the generic "robots will tear us apart haha like skynet, buy my car". He is a meme gone too far. Imagine a manchild who read too much comics. He has no progress to show of, he is a money and time sink with just enough shilling and fangoys to counter balance it. Once in a while he releases concept art tier "progress" which doesn't scale to real world, or if he does, it is basically lesser of the two evil tier, like rockets for less than what NASA costs(which a third world country, India has been doing longer). He really has no achievements except insane amount of PR. AI has always been a hot topic for memes since the dawn of time, which is why every celeb and his dog tweets about it once in a while. Zuck actually knows a lot, LOT much more than musk about AI, given that he is much more dedicated to the whole field. A better portion of facebook has researches going on it and zuck himself oversees it. Recently facebook pulled the plug on one of it's AI project because the bots developed their own language to talk in. Musk can't even hope to match zuck in the enthusiasm over AI, just like zuck can't match musk's in rockets.