>best monospaced font
>best sans serif font
>best serif font
Let's see if Sup Forums has good taste.
>best monospaced font
>best sans serif font
>best serif font
Let's see if Sup Forums has good taste.
Lucida Sans
MS Sans Serif
MS Serif
Iosevka Term
Iosevka Regular
Iosevka Slab
DejaVu for both others I think, who cares
I literally use default ones. Sue me.
Comic Sans
Comic Neue
Times New Roman
>best sans serif font
>best serif font
You want to choose the same family for these. Consistency is important.
How is it called the meme 9/11 font with twin towers and a plane again? I'd go for that one!
DejaVu Sans Mono
Nice try [s4s], but the GET is already taken
don't mind me I'm just checking
Dejavu sans mono is my fav too. I use it on OS X for terminal and sublime text.
Say what you will about Ubuntu, their fonts are pretty crispy. Ditto for Google and Noto, I guess.
Monospace Regular
Droid Serif
Go Mono
Go Regular
Utopia Regular
>best monospaced font
>best sans serif font
>best serif font
all of these depend upon the situation
> Fira Mono
> Noto Sans
> Project usually defines this, I don't fucking care
courier new
times new roman
where my tex bros at
DejaVu Sans Mono
DejaVu Sans
Computer Modern
Envy Code R
Droid Sans
Droid Serif
I like the Ubuntu don't family
This anyone who cares enough about the shapes of the letters on their screen to change the font to something that's really only slightly different probably has autism.
Just look at pic related, most of these are literally the same, except for a handful of letters, and the way they are spaced out.
Fira Code and DejaVu are comfy
OP didn't even specify the purpose. Even within one category, i.e. screen, there are different things that make a font "good". For the classic 96dpi screen I prefer fonts that work well with autohinting, like the DejaVu family. For letters I usually use Almost European.
Found the guy who doesn't know shit about typography.